Iowa v Iowa St

Looks like Real Woods is going too.
Woods had Swiderski backed to the edge and instead of driving him out looking for the stall call Woods used a Russian to snap him forward and shot at the legs. Woods didn't get the TD but it was a nice initiation of offense. It is obvious Woods needs more time in the Iowa room to understand the Iowa offense philosophy.
After skating backward the last minute, he starts thumping his chest in Swid’s face yelling at him and taunting him at the end.

Jeez, act like you’ve been there before, Woods.

BTW Swiderski might be my new favorite non-PSU wrestler.
Swiderski was pretty chippy there too. No way to tell who started the chatter.
But Woods was shot off the mat clearly and the ref called continuation of action. Then backpedaled for 45 seconds and no stall call. Swiderski got warned for stalling defending double overs. SMH.
Paniro!!! Those Erie boys are talented
Thought Iowa was clearly a favorite at 157 based on how Siebrecht has been wrestling this year. The kid is fun to watch overall. Kraisser also cost his team a stupid point.
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I don’t expect it, but a win by the 10th ranked wrestler at HWT wins the dual by ISU and if I’m not mistaken, Iowa was at full strength today (assuming Teske has been beat for the spot at 133).
Last year Cassioppi did nothing on top except keep this kid pinned belly down and stalled him out.

Same thing will happen today. Whoops there is the first call.
He hasn’t wrestled forever. I recall a college teammate of mine that didn’t like running; he said after one of our 3-5 mile pre-practice runs: “you get in shape to wrestle by wrestling”.
Haha sounds like one of my teammates. There is some truth to that. It’s hard to simulate a 7 minute period in front of 15 thousand people.

Nerves, injuries, and time off always amplify the cardio as well.

I’m not worried. I’m glad Cardio looks like his biggest issue. It always has been.
I don’t believe I’ve ever said anything to the contrary. I respect Penn st. I hate that they are winning but you gotta respect them. If you’re a fan of wrestling i don’t understand how you can’t respect both programs. Fans, well that’s another story. We’ve met ass hats on both sides of the aisle.

Is Max Dean gonna go today? Did he weigh in?
It’s not about what you said or didn’t say, you never addressed mcpat statement. I have very rarely seen any HR poster that had the guts to post a push back against a lunatic HR poster. Do you have any receipts you can post, documenting your push back against an HR lunatic poster? If you have one, I’ll stand corrected. Incidentally that kind of push back happens here on a routine basis.
Haha sounds like one of my teammates. There is some truth to that. It’s hard to simulate a 7 minute period in front of 15 thousand people.

Nerves, injuries, and time off always amplify the cardio as well.

I’m not worried. I’m glad Cardio looks like his biggest issue. It always has been.
It was a decades ago and we were only Div 3. But some of us were XC runners (that was a thing back then - wrestlers ran XC), but he wasn’t. Great guy. Good wrestler. Not a runner. :)
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It’s not about what you said or didn’t say, you never addressed mcpat statement. I have very rarely seen any HR poster that had the guts to post a push back against a lunatic HR poster. Do you have any receipts you can post, documenting your push back against an HR lunatic poster? If you have one, I’ll stand corrected. Incidentally that kind of push back happens here on a routine basis.
I’m certainly not gonna dig through my posting history to give you a receipt. I’m not that concerned with what people think of me.

I will say that I’ve stated multiple times the statements about Ped state are beyond ridiculous and immature. I certainly don’t see it as my job to police hr. That seems worse than herding cats.