I hope Vincenzo stays around, but there's a reasonable chance he won't wrestle at any weight next year. Mark Hall will be still be in his 5 years of eligibility when the next Olympics roll around. I would think he would be tempted to save his redshirt/greyshirt for the year preceding the Olympics to focus on freestyle. I could be wrong, but I think it's a distinct possibility. He wrestled 163 in freestyle this summer so I would assume he'll slot in at 165 next year (presuming my theory is correct). If he did I don't see how Joseph gets a starting spot over him or Nolf.
This is a false conflation. A Redshirt & Greyshirt are two different things and have two different effects on the eligibility clock. I'd expect others with more familiarity with the letters of the NCAA law to come round & clarify, confirm or rebuke me here, but I'll plod ahead & throw my spag against the wall first. The core tenet of the Eligibility Clock: Wrestlers have 5 years to wrestle 4 years of attached comp. Eligibility Clock Exceptions:
1. The clock doesn't have to start right away. By deferring enrollment at a qualifying institution (* admitted weakness here with my terms as these are being pulled from the memory of my ass), the Clock doesn't automatically begin until a year after HS. This is a Greyshirt. It's not something Mark Hall can save, but he can definitely use it, meaning the 2017 Tourney doesn't impact his 5 years to wrestle 4.
2. The clock can be temporarily halted for religious missions or military service. These don't have a catchy name like Greyshirt. Matt Brown and S. Quatch have both used these correctly.
3. The clock can be excepted by an Olympic Redshirt. If a wrestler meets certain qualifying criteria, he can skip a year of attached comp and avoid it affecting his 5 in 4 clock.
4. Built in to the Clock's 5 in 4 core tenet is the standard NCAA Redshirt, which allows you to practice and compete unattached while not affecting your 4yrs of attached comp elgibility.
So Mark Hall has a bunch of options that need not affect Vincenzo much. His PSU calendar could look like this:
2016 Tourney: HSSR. Not yet eligible for either a real NCAA clock or any of its exceptions.
2017 Tourney: Greyshirt. By not enrolling in PSU after graduating HS this 2016 May.
2018 Tourney: Redshirt. Enroll in PSU for fall 2017, practice & compete unattached.
2019 Tourney: RSFR. Compete attached for PSU
2020 Tourney: Olympic Redshirt. Meet the qualifying criteria, use this to stop his clock, try out for the 2020 Olympics
2021 Tourney: RSSO. Compete attached for PSU
2022 Tourney: RSJR. Compete attached for PSU
2023 Tourney: RSSR. Compete attached for PSU
In summary, Redshirt & Greyshirt should never be used on the internet in a __/__ fashion, as they improperly conflate both words' meanings. And, it's totally possible for Mark Hall to never compete for PSU at Natty's until 2019 and for him still be able to compete for PSU at 2023 Natty's.
In Vincenzo summary:
2016 Tourney. TRFR, Redshirting. Greyshirt & 2016 Oly RS are no longer available to stop his clock.
2017 Tourney. RSFR. Compete attached, or go on a mission or do the military thing to stop his clock. Could be on the bench or the starting lineup. Depends on his ability to beat our current 165s, it sounds.
2018 Tourney. RSSO. Compete attached or mission or military to stop his clock
2019 Tourney. RSJR. Compete attached or mission or military.
2020 Tourney. RSSR or Oly RS or mission or military.
2021 Tourney. RSSR (if Oly RS'd 2020)