Is there a way to

If you have ms paint you can hit the printscreen button (which should copy it). You can open a new file in paint and crop it and save it. Then you could host it on photobucket.
take a still shot, or a small snippet from from a video - like a YOUTUBE video, and create a URL for it, so it can be used as a sig pic?

1. watch the following instruction video for the how to capture the image from a YouTube video

2. once you capture the image, then you can use a site like TinyPic to host the image, and create a URL for it, so that you can make it a sig
Tom: Perhaps you should have considered the consequences of providing him with that information. LOL...

I liked his boat sig, but 'ro does seem to like to change his sig pretty regularly. It appears he has a new one, which is pretty good, IMHO.