ISU vs. Iowa (what do you think?)

184 Feldkamp vs Arnold (!!!)

Feldkamp briefly had double-overs. Arnold with a nice TD. 3-0. Stalling on Arnold keeps that streak going and then Feldkamp gets escape. 3-1 after one.

Feldkamp bottom quick escape. 3-2. Doubie-overs again but nothing. Late shot by Arnold is almost two but 3-2 after two.

Arnold takes neutral. Feldkamp just not doing enough. Arnold wins. That’s tough for Iowa St.

15-10 Iowa
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197 Glazier vs Broderson

This will decide it.

Glazier in on single. Finishes. 3-0. Quick escape 3-1. Broderson good shot but defended. 3-1 after one.

Broderson takes bottom. Escape in 25 secs. 3-2 Glazier. Glazier in deep again. Weird scramble results in no points but then Broderson gets out of position on shot from space and it’s a Glazier TD. 6-2. Escape 6-3. RT is 1:00.

Glazier takes bottom. Caution Broderson. Escape in 8 secs. 7-3. 1 min to go. Not much action. SMH. 7-3 final.

18-10 Iowa

Have to think Dressler let this dual get away from ISU at 141 and 174.
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Broderson gives Glazier the easiest takedown he’s had since he was in 4th grade. Iowa St had their chances today but look like they’re intimidated by the moment.
In Carver, thats one it seems the home team always gets.

197 Glazier vs Broderson

This will decide it.

Glazier in on single. Finishes. 3-0. Quick escape 3-1. Broderson good shot but defended. 3-1 after one.

Broderson takes bottom. Escape in 25 secs. 3-2 Glazier. Glazier in deep again. Weird scramble results in no points but then Broderson gets out of position on shot from space and it’s a Glazier TD. 6-2. Escape 6-3. RT is 1:00.
Cmon broderson
Broderson has zero idea what to do on the mat, it's like watching watching a HS match where they just put somebody out there to not get pinned. Get to a leg? No idea. Get shot on? Give it up immediately.

But this came down to Feldkamp. He gave zero effort.
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