174 is Kennedy vs Gaitan
Kennedy low single and finishes. 3-0 PK. Quick escape. 3-1. Another PK TD as Gaitan gets a bit sloppy at edge of mat. 6-1 PK. Escape. 6-2. Gaitan with a throw by that results in PK getting right behind him. Weird move. And that’s two of them from Gaitan. 9-2 PK
Gaitan takes bottom. Quick escape. 9-3. Big scramble sees Gaitan with upper hand and then suddenly PK gets TD. Escape. It’s 12-4. PK isn’t impressive as much as Gaitan just looks sloppy in this match.
PK takes neutral. Gaitan in deep and gets a TD. That was a nice shot and quick finish from Gaitan, 12-7. Cuts him. 13-7. PK in deep on single. Gaitan gets behind. It’s 13-10. Cuts him. 14-10. Gaitan td. 14-13. Stall on PK. Inexplicably coaches tell him not to cut him. 14-13 PK wins.
12-10 Iowa.