I am not "bitter." I defended RR here because 1. I didn't and don't think he is responsible for everything including conflict in the Middle East. 2. He put in 6 seasons at PSU and as such made a solid contribution in bringing this program back to national prominence .3.He and CJF and their families are very close...remain so (I believe CJF is a godfather to one of RR's sons) and I do not believe he was "fired." The criticisms of coaches are generally irrational, hateful and largely misinformed on this board. In addition, I don't understand grown men....who claim to be mentally stable, rejoicing if and when someone is fired (Limegrover).
Other schoo'ls coaches are brilliant and new hires are generally met with the same excitement as the new shiny object under the Christmas Tree.
As sure as God made little green apples, their luster will fade under the scrutiny of the first contest (well perhaps not that early vs a few OOC cupcakes).
I view the hires as a separate and distinct action from the departure of RR and Limegrover. They appear to be very solid hires and I am optimistic about what they can bring to the program.
I am an unabashed CJF supporter, yet the experts here will suggest he has "much to learn." LOL from us?
For someone to suggest I can't support the new hires, while showing respect for RR and ML is like those who cannot wrap their head around being a JoeBot and embracing CJF as the new face of the program. These are not mutually exclusive.