James Franklin has a loser mentality

How is that downgrading our victory? We destroyed and dominated a very good Buckeyes team. Hopefully we do that more often.

I don't understand why you don't think a Penn State fan can comprehend why #3 beating #2 would be a reasonable reason for them jumping us? What win was better?

Penn State was better than Nebraska in 94 and I wish we had a real playoff then so we could have proved it. That doesn't mean, I don't comprehend how #3 Nebraska beating #2 Colorado by 17 would lead to someone (or most) bumping them ahead of us. You really don't understand the logic there?

I'm talking about the pattern of your commentary here, which is to consistently downgrade victories against decent teams, poor-mouth opponents so as to suggest a win against them is unimpressive...and now even to extend that shtick into the distant past to claim that Paterno's amazing bowl record was "meaningless." Except it wasn't meaningless. There was a time, and it wasn't all that long ago, that the big-time bowls in particular meant a lot.

You're doing exactly this with regard to our opening game next month, which is no walk in the park. If we win, it's meaningless...a "lay-up." If we lose, we suck. So says you. And you're wrong.

Look, I'm far from a reflexive cheerleader. On the contrary, I've on occasion been critical of the team's performance and coaches -- my concerns have increased a bit over the last few years -- and I also have a balanced attitude toward Paterno who tragically made the classic but familiar mistake of refusing to let go...until it was too late.

Similarly, I don't resent it when others here offer criticism, though I think some cross the line into negative carping. Still, I don't doubt they're fans...frustrated fans to be sure. But the tone and tenor of your frequent criticism has a different quality, and it's honestly hard for me to believe you're truly a fan of the team or ever were. Granted, I can't read your mind, so I could be wrong.
I haven't seen numbers since January but at that time OSU had $20 million and PSU had $12 million. IIRC that put PSU somewhere between 10th and 15th in the country. That's not bad but it's still a huge gap between them and what it might take to compete for a MNC.
I don't believe those numbers honestly. NIL money isn't ever going to be truly known in it's current state. If those numbers are correct he needs to find another 8M
I'm talking about the pattern of your commentary here, which is to consistently downgrade victories against decent teams, poor-mouth opponents so as to suggest a win against them is unimpressive...and now even to extend that shtick into the distant past to claim that Paterno's amazing bowl record was "meaningless." Except it wasn't meaningless. There was a time, and it wasn't all that long ago, that the big-time bowls in particular meant a lot.

You're doing exactly this with regard to our opening game next month, which is no walk in the park. If we win, it's meaningless...a "lay-up." If we lose, we suck. So says you. And you're wrong.

Look, I'm far from a reflexive cheerleader. On the contrary, I've on occasion been critical of the team's performance and coaches -- my concerns have increased a bit over the last few years -- and I also have a balanced attitude toward Paterno who tragically made the classic but familiar mistake of refusing to let go...until it was too late.

Similarly, I don't resent it when others here offer criticism, though I think some cross the line into negative carping. Still, I don't doubt they're fans...frustrated fans to be sure. But the tone and tenor of your frequent criticism has a different quality, and it's honestly hard for me to believe you're truly a fan of the team or ever were. Granted, I can't read your mind, so I could be wrong.
Most bowls never mattered--you just believed they did. That's he benefit of hindsight. Now we know this.
WVU is a win--it's not a challenging game for any team that is supposed to be a playoff team. If we lose, everyone should be upset.
Are we a playoff contender? If so, why are you worried about WVU? We beat them with ease last year despite playing our C game--and will do so again. This is me having confidence in Franklin not setting him up to attack him.
I don't understand what you're reading. I've said repeatedly that Franklin has done an amazing job making us a team that I fully expect to beat everyone that we should (see WVU) and now I want to take the next step. I don't hype up wins against bad team. I also wasn't critical of us losing to OSU and Michigan last year because I accept they're better than us. Last year, went exactly how it should have. Now we need to take a step forward. Michigan isn't on our schedule. Win 11--losing to WVU isn't going to be tolerated. I don't care if we win 21-20 or 59-0 but that's a game a team on our level MUST win. They're not close to us in any aspect. And you know that.
No, there's meaningful regular season games as well. He had way too many "down seasons" if we're being honest. That's consistently ignored or defended here. And, yes, out of ego (not anything else) he stayed way too long.

He did build us into a blue blood, was a great coach and a great person. But I don't think that's the argument here, right? The comment was "the best big game coach" to which I asked for data to support that
Depends how you define "big games". He is not the best coach ever. But looking at his prime, call it '66 to mid 90s he is clearly one of the greatest. A few ahead, Bryant, Saban then I don't know who. You could go back to Knute Rockne, whatever. Anyway you slice it he is way up there on the list.

The "big games" comments come from his bowl record. It is fantastic and those were big games back in the day. Your strict definition of "big games" negates most of his bowl record. You are entitled to your opinion. He beat teams of equal talent or better two out of three times in these games pre BCS. This is a great record and that is the source of the comment. But no, he is not the best big game coach ever. That would have to be Saban who is now the GOAT in my opinion. Bryant is above Joe even if his bowl record is not as good (not sure how the two compare) just because he was undefeated versus Joe.

But when you step back and look at Joe's record there is no denying he was one of college football's all time great coaches. He did hang on too long which blemished his record (4 out of 5 losing seasons) as he got into his golden years.
I haven't seen numbers since January but at that time OSU had $20 million and PSU had $12 million. IIRC that put PSU somewhere between 10th and 15th in the country. That's not bad but it's still a huge gap between them and what it might take to compete for a MNC.
I went back a few days and pulled this article that I read back up from Eleven Warriors and it looks like the $20 million is correct. I also read awhile back (MGoBlog) that Michigan had somewhere around $16 to 17 million in their 2023 all-star studded lineup so it does look like PSU has some ground to makeup in NIL money

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I haven't seen numbers since January but at that time OSU had $20 million and PSU had $12 million. IIRC that put PSU somewhere between 10th and 15th in the country. That's not bad but it's still a huge gap between them and what it might take to compete for a MNC.
According to Richie and Dylan we are worse than this for NIL. Middle of the pack in the B10 and definitely not top 20.

I just posted on another thread that if NIL just stays unregulated then we are headed for a decline in on-field performance. Money talks and NIL will become all encompassing and by far the dominant aspect of player recruiting, retention and the transfer portal. We are just about there but it will get worse.

Apparently our donations are limited due to not honoring Paterno. That won't happen anytime soon so I guess we won't be a leader in NIL.

I think our blue blood status, impressive fan support and facilities, past recruiting classes will propel us along for say the next five years or so. We can make the playoff and maybe even squeak into the final four in a year. But the onslaught will hit and the NIL effect will fully impact us at some point. If things don't change we are destined to slip below a playoff caliber team. Unless we get an unbelievably great game coach but I don't even think that will matter.

Your point on the Beaver Stadium renovations is a good one. I believe we need to renovate it but are we spending too much and thus impacting potential NIL donations? There is only so much money to go around and even these very wealthy donors like a Pegula don't have limitless cash to give to Penn State football.
Depends how you define "big games". He is not the best coach ever. But looking at his prime, call it '66 to mid 90s he is clearly one of the greatest. A few ahead, Bryant, Saban then I don't know who. You could go back to Knute Rockne, whatever. Anyway you slice it he is way up there on the list.

The "big games" comments come from his bowl record. It is fantastic and those were big games back in the day. Your strict definition of "big games" negates most of his bowl record. You are entitled to your opinion. He beat teams of equal talent or better two out of three times in these games pre BCS. This is a great record and that is the source of the comment. But no, he is not the best big game coach ever. That would have to be Saban who is now the GOAT in my opinion. Bryant is above Joe even if his bowl record is not as good (not sure how the two compare) just because he was undefeated versus Joe.

But when you step back and look at Joe's record there is no denying he was one of college football's all time great coaches. He did hang on too long which blemished his record (4 out of 5 losing seasons) as he got into his golden years.
And nothing you said I'd argue here. I'm arguing that he was the best big game coach because,like you said, Saban owns that title even if people dislike him.

Joe's one of the greats but is in the second tier which is hardly an insult to him or his legacy.

Winning that Miami NC game alone elevates him to icon status. Very few coaches could have done that. Bowl games mattered when Joe was in his prime and he dominated equally talented teams when there were no opt outs. Your premise is so absurd because you essentially are saying the opponent didn't care or try in all the bowl games Joe won pre BCS. So Oregon did not try in the '95 Rose Bowl? Tennesse in the '94 Citrus Bowl ran out to a big lead then just gave up and let Penn State win. Same thing in '92 Fiesta Bowl. Ohio State and USC couldn't have cared less about the Fiesta Bowls after the '80 and '81 seasons. On and on. You have no clue. You just don't like the narrative that Joe was a great coach.

And he was the first coach who stood up and said these football players are students first. He stressed academics unlike his football first and only football peers like Hayes, Schmuckbechler and yes Bryant.
Funny story about the 94 Citrus Bowl - I had a roommate on the team. I asked him, so what did Joe tell you at halftime to turn things around? He said Joe walked into the locker room, said "There playing pretty good offense out there", walked into his office and they didn't see him again until the second half.

So I guess sometimes it's better to believe what you want to believe and not ask questions.
The same message as to how the team fares against their best opponents in recent years...soft and no edge.

The fanboy responses in 3...2...
So draining to see same remarks with no answers. Who do we hire right now that gives us a better chance. They also have to be willing to come here. It's so tiring to hear when you have no solution
So draining to see same remarks with no answers. Who do we hire right now that gives us a better chance. They also have to be willing to come here. It's so tiring to hear when you have no solution
This is still the dumbest question people ask. You don't keep a coach because you can't guarantee what the next guy does. Using that logic Georgia never hires Smart and we never would have hired Joe. You move on when a guy proves he's not the answer.
This is still the dumbest question people ask. You don't keep a coach because you can't guarantee what the next guy does. Using that logic Georgia never hires Smart and we never would have hired Joe. You move on when a guy proves he's not the answer.
Not so dumb except what my wife tells me .First of all we are not Georgia . Secondly,it just takes 1: season for a breakout . Finally, you have no legitimate alternative. Answer the question who would we hire
Not so dumb except what my wife tells me .First of all we are not Georgia . Secondly,it just takes 1: season for a breakout . Finally, you have no legitimate alternative. Answer the question who would we hire
Why aren't we Georgia?
We have tons of alternatives--but Franklin also shouldn't be fired as of today.
I could ramble off 20 guys that would be worth giving a shot if Franklin doesn't execute this season or next
Stop pretending it's 1984--stop living in the past.
In 2024, you contend for titles at our level of program regularly or you're looking for a new job
Listen to your wife--she's right
Really? What evidence suggests otherwise? I'm open.
Idk, maybe the fact that Franklin himself has said that his goals include winning a title. Quit being obtuse, everyone knows Franklin has bigger goals than what's been achieved thus far. You know this also, you just want to pretend otherwise because you don't like him.
Idk, maybe the fact that Franklin himself has said that his goals include winning a title. Quit being obtuse, everyone knows Franklin has bigger goals than what's been achieved thus far. You know this also, you just want to pretend otherwise because you don't like him.

I don't dislike him. I'm just honest and don't wear nittany colored glasses. As I've said many times, JF is great at everything you want in a CFB coach, except the actual football coaching. I don't think this is particularly controversial to any honest observer. In-game decision making is poor, clock MGMT is poor. When asked why he would run it on 4th and 2 from your own ~35, he claims "analytics" despite his team struggling to run the ball AT ALL the entire game. Analytics are one thing, but they assume a minimal level of competence.

You said it's "blatantly obvious" but didn't provide any evidence. He may want to win, but where is the evidence that he has any expectation of ever doing it? He used to talk about being elite. He hasn't said that in years. Now he says we should be happy with 10-11 wins but performing poorly against peer programs and never actually winning anything. What evidence exists that makes you think JF is capable of competing with the Top10 of CFB?

Be honest with yourself. If the over under for losses on a season was 1.5, you would never take the under and think you had a decent chance of winning. In 10 years, you'd be 10/10. You don't have any reasonable expectation of JF beating OSU or winning a playoff game. Be honest.
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I don't dislike him. I'm just honest and don't wear nittany colored glasses. As I've said many times, JF is great at everything you want in a CFB coach, except the actual football coaching. I don't think this is particularly controversial to any honest observer. In-game decision making is poor, clock MGMT is poor. When asked why he would run it on 4th and 2 from your own ~35, he claims "analytics" despite his team struggling to run the ball AT ALL the entire game. Analytics are one thing, but they assume a minimal level of competence.

You said it's "blatantly obvious" but didn't provide any evidence. He may want to win, but where is the evidence that he has any expectation of ever doing it? He used to talk about being elite. He hasn't said that in years. Now he says we should be happy with 10-11 wins but performing poorly against peer programs and never actually winning anything. What evidence exists that makes you think JF is capable of competing with the Top10 of CFB?

Be honest with yourself. If the over under for losses on a season was 1.5, you would never take the under and think you had a decent chance of winning. In 10 years, you'd be 10/10. You don't have any reasonable expectation of JF beating OSU or winning a playoff game. Be honest.
He has to start proving he can win the big games against equally talented teams and get a win more than once every ten years versus more talented teams (OSU).

I don't know what it is with him in big games but he seems to coach scared and not to lose. Kind of like he is a rookie coach with no experience. The team feeds off that and plays kind of scared especially down the stretch. In big moments we come up small time and time again.

Beating USC in the Coliseum would help tremendously with the bad trend he has set. Maybe he has gotten it right at OC, finally.
He has to start proving he can win the big games against equally talented teams and get a win more than once every ten years versus more talented teams (OSU).

I don't know what it is with him in big games but he seems to coach scared and not to lose. Kind of like he is a rookie coach with no experience. The team feeds off that and plays kind of scared especially down the stretch. In big moments we come up small time and time again.

Beating USC in the Coliseum would help tremendously with the bad trend he has set. Maybe he has gotten it right at OC, finally.

Agree, but we've been saying that for years now. How long will should we wait? I've made so many posts over the last decade saying how much I like JF, but we just need him to figure out the coaching piece.

With JF's teams, there is a stark difference in performance based on the coordinators from year to year.
Fine, but I ask myself, why did Saban's Alabama teams, who faced a coordinator carousel, not live and die by the competence of the coordinators from year to year? Did Saban have a ~100% hit rate on OC/DC hires, or did Saban have some influence on how things were done and created stability? Seems like that is a core function of a HC, no?
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I don't dislike him. I'm just honest and don't wear nittany colored glasses. As I've said many times, JF is great at everything you want in a CFB coach, except the actual football coaching. I don't think this is particularly controversial to any honest observer. In-game decision making is poor, clock MGMT is poor. When asked why he would run it on 4th and 2 from your own ~35, he claims "analytics" despite his team struggling to run the ball AT ALL the entire game. Analytics are one thing, but they assume a minimal level of competence.

You said it's "blatantly obvious" but didn't provide any evidence. He may want to win, but where is the evidence that he has any expectation of ever doing it? He used to talk about being elite. He hasn't said that in years. Now he says we should be happy with 10-11 wins but performing poorly against peer programs and never actually winning anything. What evidence exists that makes you think JF is capable of competing with the Top10 of CFB?

Be honest with yourself. If the over under for losses on a season was 1.5, you would never take the under and think you had a decent chance of winning. In 10 years, you'd be 10/10. You don't have any reasonable expectation of JF beating OSU or winning a playoff game. Be honest.
Many coaches follow the analytics and when it doesn’t work the fans go crazy trying to figure out why they did what they did. But obviously the analytics work more than they don’t because many coaches use them.
Agree, but we've been saying that for years now. How long will should we wait? I've made so many posts over the last decade saying how much I like JF, but we just need him to figure out the coaching piece.

With JF's teams, there is a stark difference in performance based on the coordinators from year to year.
Fine, but I ask myself, why did Saban's Alabama teams, who faced a coordinator carousel, not live and die by the competence of the coordinators from year to year? Did Saban have a ~100% hit rate on OC/DC hires, or did Saban have some influence on how things were done and created stability? Seems like that is a core function of a HC, no?
Part of the problem is that he started with a team in disarray. Had to find a coordinator that could maximize the skill position players and cover for the weak O line. Did such a great job that the OC got a HC job.

Covid shutdowns and restrictions led to problems, and a new hire didn’t last.

Next came Yurcich who had a great first year, was praised for his innovations and unpredictability…..and then something went wrong. Don’t know what happened with any certainty🤷🏻‍♀️

This hire has about three years to make the next step. After three-four years Franklin’s contract will be short enough to make a change if necessary.
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Many coaches follow the analytics and when it doesn’t work the fans go crazy trying to figure out why they did what they did. But obviously the analytics work more than they don’t because many coaches use them.
I understand statistical analysis. The giant delta is that they are only a guide. Analytics for 4th and 1 go out the window if you have negative rushing on the day. Conversely, the Eagles could throw the analytics out the window for 4th and 1 for the opposite reason. A coach should understand where the analytics should and shouldn't be applied. They are not universal.
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Part of the problem is that he started with a team in disarray. Had to find a coordinator that could maximize the skill position players and cover for the weak O line. Did such a great job that the OC got a HC job.

Covid shutdowns and restrictions led to problems, and a new hire didn’t last.

Next came Yurcich who had a great first year, was praised for his innovations and unpredictability…..and then something went wrong. Don’t know what happened with any certainty🤷🏻‍♀️

This hire has about three years to make the next step. After three-four years Franklin’s contract will be short enough to make a change if necessary.
I respectfully disagree with much of your post (everyone had covid), but I do agree with your last paragraph. Time will run out in a few years. "10 wins" against Rutgers, Illinois and Kent State and zero competitive game against top 10 teams is not worth 8.5m.
I respectfully disagree with much of your post (everyone had covid), but I do agree with your last paragraph. Time will run out in a few years. "10 wins" against Rutgers, Illinois and Kent State and zero competitive game against top 10 teams is not worth 8.5m.
B2G screwed up how it handled Covid big time. And then Pa/Wolf was much worse than other states.

We had a new OC that was never allowed to be in the same room with players or coaches. Practices were vastly more restricted. Lost one the most dominate players in all of football.
Agree, but we've been saying that for years now. How long will should we wait? I've made so many posts over the last decade saying how much I like JF, but we just need him to figure out the coaching piece.

With JF's teams, there is a stark difference in performance based on the coordinators from year to year.
Fine, but I ask myself, why did Saban's Alabama teams, who faced a coordinator carousel, not live and die by the competence of the coordinators from year to year? Did Saban have a ~100% hit rate on OC/DC hires, or did Saban have some influence on how things were done and created stability? Seems like that is a core function of a HC, no?
Comparing Saban and Franklin is laughable. I know you are not but even thinking about it is ridiculous. You answered your own question. Saban was so good the coordinator just fit in to his master strategy plus the tons of talent his teams had certainly helped.
Franklin is an average at best coach in terms of in-game and game prep so he has to have an O coordinator who is exceptional.
Comparing Saban and Franklin is laughable. I know you are not but even thinking about it is ridiculous. You answered your own question. Saban was so good the coordinator just fit in to his master strategy plus the tons of talent his teams had certainly helped.
Franklin is an average at best coach in terms of in-game and game prep so he has to have an O coordinator who is exceptional.
I think that's the point. Head Coaches of elite Programs are elite. They don't need an elite deputy to be successful.
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I think that's the point. Head Coaches of elite Programs are elite. They don't need an elite deputy to be successful.
Elite coaches make a huge difference. Look at the NCs and the coaches...Harbaugh, Smart. Saban, Meyer. Maybe Swinney but he benefitted from a ton of talent. The coordinators are good but the HC is the brains behind it all. More often than not where you find an elite coach you find NCs (assuming good talent).
I understand statistical analysis. The giant delta is that they are only a guide. Analytics for 4th and 1 go out the window if you have negative rushing on the day. Conversely, the Eagles could throw the analytics out the window for 4th and 1 for the opposite reason. A coach should understand where the analytics should and shouldn't be applied. They are not universal.
Picking and choosing the analytics kind of defeats the purpose of using analytics.
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Picking and choosing the analytics kind of defeats the purpose of using analytics.
So you think analytics are gospel and universal, regardless of team competence? So the Philadelphia eagles and NY giants should both blindly follow the analytics for 4th and 1 despite the eagles having an exceptional OL and the Giants having a poor OL?
So you think analytics are gospel and universal, regardless of team competence? So the Philadelphia eagles and NY giants should both blindly follow the analytics for 4th and 1 despite the eagles having an exceptional OL and the Giants having a poor OL?
No, the only thing that works is Monday morning coaching, which happens a lot on here. It’s easy to say a coach shouldn’t have used analytics after the play didn’t work. The point is, if you’re going to use analytics, you have to be consistent….if you start picking and choosing then you defeat the purpose of analytics. If you believe in them and you believe in your team, then you stick with them (see the Detroit Lions in the NFC championship game….it worked for them pretty much all year except in that particular game, does that mean the coach is bad?)
No, the only thing that works is Monday morning coaching, which happens a lot on here. It’s easy to say a coach shouldn’t have used analytics after the play didn’t work. The point is, if you’re going to use analytics, you have to be consistent….if you start picking and choosing then you defeat the purpose of analytics. If you believe in them and you believe in your team, then you stick with them (see the Detroit Lions in the NFC championship game….it worked for them pretty much all year except in that particular game, does that mean the coach is bad?)
But if you stick with analytics…..and the other guy sticks with analytics…… doesn’t your opponent know what you are going to do? Don’t you have to mix it up some?
No, the only thing that works is Monday morning coaching, which happens a lot on here. It’s easy to say a coach shouldn’t have used analytics after the play didn’t work. The point is, if you’re going to use analytics, you have to be consistent….if you start picking and choosing then you defeat the purpose of analytics. If you believe in them and you believe in your team, then you stick with them (see the Detroit Lions in the NFC championship game….it worked for them pretty much all year except in that particular game, does that mean the coach is bad?)
You clearly don't understand analytics as it pertains to sports. If you are an atrocious running team, the analytics, based on probability of success, go totally out the window.
The analytics are based on the aggregate. As teams move further away from the mean of competence, and chance of success lowers, the math on risk taking changes, a lot. A competent coach understands this, and adjusts.
No, the only thing that works is Monday morning coaching, which happens a lot on here. It’s easy to say a coach shouldn’t have used analytics after the play didn’t work. The point is, if you’re going to use analytics, you have to be consistent….if you start picking and choosing then you defeat the purpose of analytics. If you believe in them and you believe in your team, then you stick with them (see the Detroit Lions in the NFC championship game….it worked for them pretty much all year except in that particular game, does that mean the coach is bad?)
Unless the analytics are 100% in every case, then you can question and pick and choose which analytics to go by. Like Rick Neuheisal said and I'm paraphrasing, "if the analytics say you go for it on 4th and 1 no matter where on your field, yet those analytics weren't against a 320-lb All-American defensive tackle playing for Michigan."
You clearly don't understand analytics as it pertains to sports. If you are an atrocious running team, the analytics, based on probability of success, go totally out the window.
The analytics are based on the aggregate. As teams move further away from the mean of competence, and chance of success lowers, the math on risk taking changes, a lot. A competent coach understands this, and adjusts.
If you’re atrocious, nothing is going to work. If you’re a good running team and the analytics support your decision, then you do it….but if it doesn’t work, the armchair experts will know better.
Unless the analytics are 100% in every case, then you can question and pick and choose which analytics to go by. Like Rick Neuheisal said and I'm paraphrasing, "if the analytics say you go for it on 4th and 1 no matter where on your field, yet those analytics weren't against a 320-lb All-American defensive tackle playing for Michigan."
The only thing that’s 100% is calling the plays after the fact….too bad coaches couldn’t do that like we get to.
You clearly don't understand analytics as it pertains to sports. If you are an atrocious running team, the analytics, based on probability of success, go totally out the window.
The analytics are based on the aggregate. As teams move further away from the mean of competence, and chance of success lowers, the math on risk taking changes, a lot. A competent coach understands this, and adjusts.
Basically analytics need to be mixed with a good dose of common sense. Franklin seems to blindly apply analytics without stepping back and logically looking at the situation. Then when asked about some dumb decision he made he just hides behind the analytics response.
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Basically analytics need to be mixed with a good dose of common sense. Franklin seems to blindly apply analytics without stepping back and logically looking at the situation. Then when asked about some dumb decision he made he just hides behind the analytics response.
Common sense after the fact….that’s the problem. Analytics say do this at a certain time, you do it and it doesn’t work, then you get accused of not having common sense. The reason coaches use analytics is to put some reasoning behind their “common sense”. I’ll bet all coaches wish the job was as easy as message board posters make it out to be.
Common sense after the fact….that’s the problem. Analytics say do this at a certain time, you do it and it doesn’t work, then you get accused of not having common sense. The reason coaches use analytics is to put some reasoning behind their “common sense”. I’ll bet all coaches wish the job was as easy as message board posters make it out to be.
To be fair, if you're just using analytics do you even need a head coach? Set up a computer who dictates to the coordinators. Literally Franklin's in the role for those tough decisions and he's responsible for the results regardless of what the analytics tell him he should do.
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Basically analytics need to be mixed with a good dose of common sense. Franklin seems to blindly apply analytics without stepping back and logically looking at the situation. Then when asked about some dumb decision he made he just hides behind the analytics response.
Analytics don't take things like momentum and fatigue into account. They also don't consider your opponent.

BOB went for 2 in the 4 OT win vs UM. The reason was that his defense was gassed.

I recall a loss to MD where PSU had a 2 pt lead and the ball inside their own 20. A 1st down wins the game but Franklin ran 3 very conservative plays and punted with about a minute remaining. MD got the ball in good field position and only needed a few yds to get into position for the winning FG. Analytics didn't consider the fact that MD had the best FG kicker in the BiG.