Just finished watching "THE IRISHMAN" on Netflix and I have to say....

Yes Deniro as Irishman was not a good idea. I didn't think he played that part well at all. It was ok movie.
I have watched about an hour so far. I can’t buy DeNiro as Frank.
I only watched the trailer....
The Holywood asses missed the ringer not having Shannon play Sheeran.
Bufalino ln his younger days didn't wear glasses. Like many people, as he aged, wore glasses, but not the type of ridiculous goggles as portrayed in the trailer.

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I was underwhelmed. Two Italian guys pushing 80 playing an Irishman and a German/Irish in their 40s and 50s. Yeah, that makes sense. I wasn't buying either Deniro or Pacino as their characters. Pesci was good. Ray Romano was good. I realize Daniel Day Lewis is retired, but he would've knocked either of those roles out of the park. Christian Bale? Ben Foster? Ed Norton? We've seen this before: Godfather II, GoodFellas, Casino, etc. It was like Mayweather - Pac. Years past it's time.
I only watched the trailer....
The Holywood asses missed the ringer not having Shannon play Sheeran.
Bufalino ln his younger days didn't wear glasses. Like many people, as he aged, wore glasses, but not the type of ridiculous goggles as portrayed in the trailer.

It's underwhelming Step. Perhaps my expectations were too high.
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DeNiro in the scenes where he played his character in his younger years was just not believable. A younger actor can pull off playing someone as they get older, but an old actor can’t pull of playing a younger person.
DeNiro in the scenes where he played his character in his younger years was just not believable. A younger actor can pull off playing someone as they get older, but an old actor can’t pull of playing a younger person.
Afflicted with DeNiro derangement syndrome, will not watch anything with DeNiro in it, of course will never pay for any film in which he appears.
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Thought it was ok, worth watching on Netflix, way too long, good actors playing the same roles they've played over and over, and Pacino miscast as Hoffa.
I have not watched it yet, but certainly understand the remark about way too long. Almost every movie, for my entire life, that extended close to 3 hrs., I disliked. I was really excited about this movie and was really hoping to like it. Now, after reading this post, I’m thinking that it won’t be anything special.
I have not watched it yet, but certainly understand the remark about way too long. Almost every movie, for my entire life, that extended close to 3 hrs., I disliked. I was really excited about this movie and was really hoping to like it. Now, after reading this post, I’m thinking that it won’t be anything special.
Close to 3 hours? That would have been welcome...this was 3:30.
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I liked it. Didn't love it. But I liked it.

I thought all the actors were good. Pesci was particularly spectacular, especially for someone who's been retired as long as he has been. Pesci has also gotten rave reviews from those close to the late Russell Bufalino, which helps the authenticity of the film. I had my reservations about De Niro. His frequent missteps on SNL and poor choice in roles lately is concerning, but I thought he did bring his A-game. Pacino was good; not his best role but far from his worst. And unsurprisingly, Scorcese knocked it out of the park with the visuals.

My biggest gripe? The runtime. Nearly four hours. The inciting incidents leading up to Hoffa's hit were rather ... uhm ... boring? This is a work of nonfiction, so I respect the filmmakers for not making things more dramatic than they actually were. But it really got slow around 2/3 through. It picked back up with the Hoffa hit. Or, rather, the action leading up to the Hoffa hit. The hit itself, of course, was so quick and "meh." But again, nonfiction. If that's how it happened, that's how it happened. The best scene, IMO, was Frank Sheeran talking about how he was going to do a hit in the restaurant and then what actually happened. That was great stuff.

Overall, I give it a strong 8 out of 10. Not an emotional mob movie, but a dramatic one nonetheless.
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The Longest Day
1962 ‧ Drama/Action ‧ 2h 58m

Does the Longest Day make the cut?

June 6 is my birthday. I always look forward to watching The Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far with Memorial Day and the D Day anniversary so close together.

  • The music composer for the film, John Addison was a member of XXX corps during the battle and scored the film as a tribute to his fellow soldiers who died during the battle.
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Watched about 20 minutes and enjoyed it so far. Agree about Dinero and seems like this guy just mails it in these days. Pesci has impressed me however and am enjoying his screen time.
An hour and a half in, it’s alright so far but a bit of historical inaccuracies.
I only watched the trailer....
The Holywood asses missed the ringer not having Shannon play Sheeran.
Bufalino ln his younger days didn't wear glasses. Like many people, as he aged, wore glasses, but not the type of ridiculous goggles as portrayed in the trailer.

The main actors were all too old to start with, though in the Latin casino scene Keitel resembled Angelo Bruno.Pacino was over the top as Hoffa. Pacino’s main acting skills is yelling. Aside from his Michael Corleone, I’m not a fan. The movie was okay but I could never get past the casting. And didn’t Sheeran mention taking 476? That road wasn’t finished then. When I started at Villanova in 1968 the highway was just cut out. They did not finish that project until years after that.
Overall, a good movie. Not great. I agree with most of your criticisms of this. DeNiro good, Pacino good in some scenes, not so much in others. I basically agree that what he does best is act pissed off and raises his voice. Pesci was outstanding.
Main problem is that this movie is fiction. The NY Post had an article that Frank Sheeran is a fraud and did not do what this movie depicts. The statement about Joe Kennedy as a bootlegger is, as I understand, not true. There was a bootlegger named Joe Kennedy but he was a Canadian and not our guy. Read the book The Patriarch. The way things are going, the belief that the Kennedy's actually existed is going to be considered a conspiracy theory.