Just saw Kirk Herbstreit and Desmond Howard's pre-game commentary. Are you kidding me?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
I used to respect Kirk Herbstreit. Not anymore.

Here's the exchange:

"I called that Ohio State game. I saw that student section half empty by the time they got into the second half because their OWN PEOPLE didn't believe in James Franklin."

"Des, James Franklin is getting a lot of this (pats on the back), but before that Ohio State game he wasn't feeling any of that."

"Half the student section -- gone -- left the stadium. And now everyone's 'loving' Penn State."

"I think they have to go a long way of trying to erase the perception that followed them after the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal because when most people think of Penn State they think of that scandal and they think of Joe Paterno and what happened under his watch."

"They've always appeared to be holier than thou, especially with the 'Catholics vs Convicts.'"

Rece Davis: "You guys talk about half-empty student sections, but I'm going to talk about students camping out in tents, more than 150 of them, waiting more than 30 hours in the cold to get tickets to this game."
Kirk Herbstreit: "Yeah, when they're winning, yeah, they're showing up."
Desmond Howard: "Right, very interesting."

HERE'S THE VIDEO. How many outright LIES can you detect in the two minutes between 1:03:00 and 1:05:00 on ESPN3?

Everyone sees what's happening.
James Franklin is reestablishing Penn State as Beast of the East.
Media fanboys can't stand that it's not Urban vs Harbaugh (Woody vs Bo Part II), so they launch yet another smear campaign against Penn State.

Apparently, our ungrateful fanbase never supported James Franklin, abandoned our team at halftime against Ohio State and half the student section went home. Lies, lies and more lies.

This is not good-natured ribbing. This is straight-up hostility by a POS (Desmond Howard) who openly campaigned for the NCAA to give Penn State the death penalty and a guy (Kirk Herbstreit) who acts all nice and smiles to your face before putting a dagger in your back.
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There was no reason---NONE---for Howard to speak like that. It was nothing but pure emnity.

Hard to believe that some think that our administration or AD should allow that kind of talk to stand without some kind of push-back. It's lies, outright lies, vicious personal disgusting lies. And some people here think that it should be allowed to go uncontested?

Folks, it's not going away unless somebody from Penn State makes it go away. What Howard said was vile. Nothing short of vile.
I used to respect Kirk Herbstreit. Not anymore.
This is not good-natured ribbing. This is straight-up hostility by a POS (Desmond Howard) who openly campaigned for the NCAA to give Penn State the death penalty and a guy (Kirk Herbstreit) who acts all nice and smiles to your face before putting a dagger in your back.

Right on target, and their vicious smears should not be forgotten by PSU fans.
I used to respect Kirk Herbstreit. Not anymore.

Here's the exchange:

"I called that Ohio State game. I saw that student section half empty by the time they got into the second half because their OWN PEOPLE didn't believe in James Franklin."

"Des, James Franklin is getting a lof of this (pats on the back), but before that Ohio State game he wasn't feeling any of that."

"Half the student section -- gone -- left the stadium. And now everyone's 'loving' Penn State."

"I think they have to go a long way of trying to erase the perception that followed them after the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal because when most people think of Penn State they think of that scandal and they think of Joe Paterno and what happened under his watch."

Rece Davis: "You guys talk about half-empty student sections, but I'm going to talk about students camping out in tents, more than 150 of them, waiting more than 30 hours in the cold to get tickets to this game."
Kirk Herbstreit: "Yeah, when they're winning, yeah, they're showing up."
Desmond Howard: "Right, very interesting."

How many outright LIES can you detect in this video in the two minutes between 1:03:00 and 1:05:00 on ESPN3?

Everyone sees what's happening.
James Franklin is reestablishing Penn State as Beast of the East.
Media fanboys can't stand that it's not Urban vs Harbaugh (Woody vs Bo Part II), so they launch a yet another smear campaign against Penn State.

Apparently, our ungrateful fanbase never supported James Franklin, abandoned our team at halftime against Ohio State and half the student section went home. Lies, lies and more lies.

This is not good-natured ribbing. This is straight-up hostility by a POS (Desmond Howard) who openly campaigned for the NCAA to give Penn State the death penalty and a guy (Kirk Herbstreit) who acts all nice and smiles to your face before putting a dagger in your back.
Kirky is - and has been - every bit the c&cks&cking douchebag that Desmond Mushmouth is.

I'm actually kind of glad that more folks are finally starting to see that dingle-berry for what he is......just because he dresses a little better, and has the patent on the "I'm contemplating the meaning of you all should pay attention to what I am about to say" look.....doesn't make him any less of an ignorant, hypocritical, sell-out whore than our "good friend" Mushmouth.
He just enunciates better :)

Until someone stands in howard's face publicly challenging his worthless soul and forcing a sit down shut up moment he will continue to spew his personal Penn State bias and hate.
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The assclowns in the media talk like they do, because we never push back. Our official silence makes every ridiculous remark seem true, and makes our administration complicit in these constant verbal assassinations.
How stupid do these self perceived exerts look now after they all proclaimed the death of this program? They couldn't bring themselves to the realization that Penn State came back this far shortly after the sanctions were over. Putting us in the playoffs would be too much for them to swallow. How could we be sooooo wrong.

While I'm at it has anyone else noticed how announcers during NFL games mention Joe Palooka outta Podunk U, while never mentioning a player with "out of Penn State". Chuckie is the one most guilty of that.
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I just don't understand why nobody ever calls these guys on this stuff. This organization is just the most bizarre business entity in the history of the world. Don't they realize how much this stuff tears down their brand? Don't they realize that they'll never get back to the same level of corporate support that they used to have if they don't clean this up? It just makes no sense.

Old Main apparently doesn't contain a single gram of testosterone.
You should also link the Sunday morning talk at noon before the rankings were released. Kanell was the only one on their saying OSU should be out and PSU in (not Washington, OSU out). Herbie and his crew attacked him like little babies. And then rolled their eyes and made hand gestures that they thought were off camera. Herbie smiled like a little kid at xmas when they announced OSU in. It was some of the most unprofessional act in media I have seen. Herbie really has lost touch with reality and seems to think he is the one and only expert in college football.
Question: how was your post accepted by Rivals....."21.Guns" ..there is period after 21.

The interwebs work in mysterious ways

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I used to respect Kirk Herbstreit. Not anymore.

Here's the exchange:

"I called that Ohio State game. I saw that student section half empty by the time they got into the second half because their OWN PEOPLE didn't believe in James Franklin."

"Des, James Franklin is getting a lot of this (pats on the back), but before that Ohio State game he wasn't feeling any of that."

"Half the student section -- gone -- left the stadium. And now everyone's 'loving' Penn State."

"I think they have to go a long way of trying to erase the perception that followed them after the Jerry Sandusky child abuse scandal because when most people think of Penn State they think of that scandal and they think of Joe Paterno and what happened under his watch."

"They've always appeared to be holier than thou, especially with the 'Catholics vs Convicts.'"

Rece Davis: "You guys talk about half-empty student sections, but I'm going to talk about students camping out in tents, more than 150 of them, waiting more than 30 hours in the cold to get tickets to this game."
Kirk Herbstreit: "Yeah, when they're winning, yeah, they're showing up."
Desmond Howard: "Right, very interesting."

How many outright LIES can you detect in this video in the two minutes between 1:03:00 and 1:05:00 on ESPN3?

Everyone sees what's happening.
James Franklin is reestablishing Penn State as Beast of the East.
Media fanboys can't stand that it's not Urban vs Harbaugh (Woody vs Bo Part II), so they launch a yet another smear campaign against Penn State.

Apparently, our ungrateful fanbase never supported James Franklin, abandoned our team at halftime against Ohio State and half the student section went home. Lies, lies and more lies.

This is not good-natured ribbing. This is straight-up hostility by a POS (Desmond Howard) who openly campaigned for the NCAA to give Penn State the death penalty and a guy (Kirk Herbstreit) who acts all nice and smiles to your face before putting a dagger in your back.

How about having D-bag Delany on their show THE MORNING OF THE B1G CCG to shill for daO$U and completely devalue the results of the B1G Conference Regular Season play and the B1G CCG??? The B1G Commissioner literally pissed all ober the hard-EARNED EQUITY of PSU's student-athletes - earned on the field of play through objective results - and corruptly misused his b1g shizhole position, authority and "bully-pulpit" to promote daO$U over the actual B1G East Division Champ (who beat daO$U in East Division play) and the B1G Conference Champion?!?! WTF, and he isn't publicly reprimanded for this bull$hit by the Conference that pays his salary??? Huh? Whaaaaaa?
But watch everyone at PSU fall all over themselves to welcome Gameday to campus if they want to show up for the Pitt or Michigan game.
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PSU Alert: I saw an ad for an ESPN 30 for 30 last night during MNF. "Catholics versus Convicts" this Friday night. I can;t wait to relive it and see what i missed
By continuing to talk about DH and KH all you do is give them more power. Turn the channel or cancel your subscription

Who gives a crap what they say - Unfortunately its not any better on the BIG 10 Network with those haters - Just keep winning, it tends to shut people up!
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Some of these guys are just so over the top, way more than necessary, even 5 years later. I've always assumed that they've got some skin in this game (no pun intended), and they want to make JVP pay for the other guy's sins.

No way to prove it, but just a gut feeling. The hatred and the volume of response is just way too personal.
Howard's constant comments give me this vibe that he maybe a victim of sexual abuse... He just never misses an opportunity to bring up Sandusky. At this point, it's freaky and obsessive.

He needs to direct his anger st his abuser.
Ironically Ned2, my wife Karen (isn't that a pretty name) mentioned this thought last night concerning mushmouth.
By continuing to talk about DH and KH all you do is give them more power. Turn the channel or cancel your subscription

Who gives a crap what they say - Unfortunately its not any better on the BIG 10 Network with those haters - Just keep winning, it tends to shut people up!
Winning is a good response. But so is taking these liars on, ideally from the PSU administration; in the absence of that, fight back through social media. (props to Chi-Town)

Public perception matters. So does the truth, but the truth won't take hold unless the narrative is defeated.