latest Suriano news

...Kenny Monday also lost in the
1981 NCAAs to a Penn State wrestler ..Bernie Fritz... 13-9...
...Bernie took him down 5 or 6 times!...
I had forgotten that Bernie had beaten Monday. At 142, must have been Monday's FR year. Bernie had a really slick double as I recall.
Was there with my dad and it was great.. I was pretty young and we were surrounded by sPitt fans and they were laying in to us pretty bad... I was ready to leave end of 1st quarter.. my dad insisted we stay.. well you know the rest of the story.. by the end of the 3rd quarter we were nearly alone in the seats around us and the few sPitters left had nothing left to mouth off about.. it felt FANTASTIC!!

Of course 48-14 will resonate forever. But I was at wrestling practice and missed the first two scores, so I only saw 48-0 :D
I prefer my rabbits braised. Unless they are intra-conference rabbits, which of course have to stew for a year.

I hear Cael can make those intra-conference rabbits ready in no time flat.

Sous vide bacon wrapped rabbit saddle, braised rabbit leg, pan seared chop
I was a freshman and home for the Thanksgiving holiday. I started watching the game and when we went down 14-0 decided to take a nap. Woke up a bit later and we were about tied, stayed up for the rest of the exciting game. 48-14!!!
I was a freshman and home for the Thanksgiving holiday. I started watching the game and when we went down 14-0 decided to take a nap. Woke up a bit later and we were about tied, stayed up for the rest of the exciting game. 48-14!!!

A similar situation with me on a New Years bowl game with Tennessee. Down early, looking like a blowout. Awoke to a PSU victory. I didn't record the game. In those years, you should never give up on a Paterno coached team.

I like it in the crock pot .... with portabellas, carrots, a sweet potato, garlic & a little chicken broth to keep it all moist.
Great look back, I remember it like yesterday...I was a HS Senior. My Dad and I were hunting rabbits in Perry County. Stopped at 1st field and it was 7-zip Pitt. We kept tuning in to his am radio while kicking corn stalks and wild multifloral rose bushes on the edges. At 14-zip it looked bleak , and I had no faith,... but he did. A few more zigs and zags across the field... and it's 14-14...My Dad had recently suffered his 1st heart attack in Aug. that yr, '81, at age 51, and the cold air and angina pain was kicking in. His was hereditary, I guess, because he doesn't eat fast food, has never been overweight, hiked all the time, and could always leave me in the dust during hunting,... no matter what kind of shape our wrestling coach had us in. This was the only year growing up that I could keep up. But that day, he was done, and we drove back to his cabin. At 14-14, I still had little faith against the number 1 team in the country on like a 20-game win streak. I took off out of the cabin to hunt squirrels the rest of the day. When I returned, he told me I missed the best comeback ever...48-14. I didn't believe him, except that he was so excited. The next yr, I was a Freshman at Mont Alto, but home for Thanksgiving. We trecked up to Happy Valley together on that nasty day, and caught another W over Marino and Pitt, and again went rabbit hunting the next day prior to opening Mon for deer.... 36 yrs, 3 heart attacks, a defib install, and a quintuple bypass later, ... my Dad still climbed the Beaver stadium steps this yr to catch Irvin Charles' 80 yd TD live against MN, and flew my boy out 2000 mi for a weekend fishing at his cabin, at age 87. Thank goodness he works hard, exercises, eats right, and listens to his Dr's (for the most part), in spite of the hand he's been dealt on his ticker.
On the chance that Nick didn't come back Guns has been training like mad the past few months to get down to 125. Said he still has 1 year of eligibility remaining. Said PSU needs 8 scorers in March and he'll be one of them. Guns be good to go by November, then Watch Out!
Nick Nevills is going to give Snyder all he can handle this year. Snyder may beat him but Nick will be right in the match !!!
A similar situation with me on a New Years bowl game with Tennessee. Down early, looking like a blowout. Awoke to a PSU victory. I didn't record the game. In those years, you should never give up on a Paterno coached team.
That was the Jan 1992 Fiesta Bowl. I was at the Rose Bowl -- the 34-7 Washington blowout over Michigan where Steve Emtman singlehandedly wrecked 5 NFL linemen and 3 Pro Bowlers, and Desmond Howard was held to 2 catches.

Anyway, my friend knew Greg Skrepenak's family, so we sat among a bunch of PSU fans from W-B in the scUM section. Which was funeral quiet for 3.5 hrs, except for a 10 min stretch thanks to a 5 TD outburst from Joe and the guys. Got a lot of dirty looks. Totally worth it.
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Just drank 4 types of polish beer. No great shakes, but new stuff. Can't figure out how to post pics from my phone. Prague beers were good, too. Tomorrow, Slovak beers, then Hungarian! No ides what's happening with Suriano or our World team today, though. Zain medal? I figure Snyder and Burroughs are in the medal round somewhere.
Just drank 4 types of polish beer. No great shakes, but new stuff. Can't figure out how to post pics from my phone. Prague beers were good, too. Tomorrow, Slovak beers, then Hungarian! No ides what's happening with Suriano or our World team today, though. Zain medal? I figure Snyder and Burroughs are in the medal round somewhere.
Try some Podgryz. unbelievable -
Clear dark red - black brown colour with a average, open and frothy, fair lacing, mostly diminishing, beige head. Aroma is moderate malty, sweet malt, bread, roasted, dark malt, light chocolate. Flavor is moderate to heavy sweet and moderate bitter with a long duration, sweet malt, dark malt, sweet bread, sweet dark malt, roasted. Body is medium, texture is oily, carbonation is soft
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I would greatly favor Snyder. But after Kroells rode Snyder hard to the the point of injuring him I could see Nick turning him if he can get on top. That may mean taking top when it his choice!
On one of the forums many had Snyder as the GOAT NCAA wrestler ahead of Cael. I believe they give Snyder too much credit for starting as a true frosh and for his FS accomplishments.

If you look at his losses as a freshman he had a loss to that world beater Iowa's Nathan Burak, a 4-1 loss to Morgan and got pinned by and decked by Gadsen from ISU. I think there was another loss in there but I'm not sure to who.

Snyder could well go down as one of the most successful FSers. Perhaps even the so called GOAT. He is definitely on track for that consideration.

I guess I see the GOAT NCAA champ as not only dominate but skilled in all three positions and I find Snyder less than dominate in both top and bottom positions. But man.....give him his due, he is top notch on his feet!
I would greatly favor Snyder. But after Kroells rode Snyder hard to the the point of injuring him I could see Nick turning him if he can get on top. That may mean taking top when it his choice!
Wasn't Snyder's rib already injured at that point?
I would greatly favor Snyder. But after Kroells rode Snyder hard to the the point of injuring him I could see Nick turning him if he can get on top. That may mean taking top when it his choice!

Not positive, but I think Snyder had that injury before Nationals -- just aggravated during match with Kroells, and not necessarily while Kroells was riding. May just have reached maximum flare-up while on bottom.
On one of the forums many had Snyder as the GOAT NCAA wrestler ahead of Cael. I believe they give Snyder too much credit for starting as a true frosh and for his FS accomplishments.

If you look at his losses as a freshman he had a loss to that world beater Iowa's Nathan Burak, a 4-1 loss to Morgan and got pinned by and decked by Gadsen from ISU. I think there was another loss in there but I'm not sure to who.

Snyder could well go down as one of the most successful FSers. Perhaps even the so called GOAT. He is definitely on track for that consideration.

I guess I see the GOAT NCAA champ as not only dominate but skilled in all three positions and I find Snyder less than dominate in both top and bottom positions. But man.....give him his due, he is top notch on his feet!

The eras don't compare.

Iirc, Cael won 39 matches as a frosh, then 40, 40 and 40.

Cael dominated with high scoring and high bonus points. Iirc, his senior year, only 4 matches even went the distance. Cael won by Fall or TF or the matches ended early in 36 of his matches.

Cael was also outstanding wrestler or Hodge Trophy winner more times.

While Snyder improved at winning, he has never been as dominant on the collegiate mats, as Cael Sanderson.


Your mileage may vary.
Some settling may occur during shipping and handling.

Where is Spyker nowadays, he knows everything that goes on in the wrestling room.

I like it in the crock pot .... with portabellas, carrots, a sweet potato, garlic & a little chicken broth to keep it all moist.

How did you catch your rabbits - traps, purchased, shotgun? If the latter, how did you get all of the pellets out? My father used to hunt rabbit with a shotgun. Interesting entrée.
On one of the forums many had Snyder as the GOAT NCAA wrestler ahead of Cael. I believe they give Snyder too much credit for starting as a true frosh and for his FS accomplishments.

If you look at his losses as a freshman he had a loss to that world beater Iowa's Nathan Burak, a 4-1 loss to Morgan and got pinned by and decked by Gadsen from ISU. I think there was another loss in there but I'm not sure to who.

Snyder could well go down as one of the most successful FSers. Perhaps even the so called GOAT. He is definitely on track for that consideration.

I guess I see the GOAT NCAA champ as not only dominate but skilled in all three positions and I find Snyder less than dominate in both top and bottom positions. But man.....give him his due, he is top notch on his feet!
Yeah, that was probably one of the many anti-Cael trolls.

Something those brainiacs wouldn't consider: if Snyder gets extra credit for being a finalist as a true FR, then what about those who were national champs as true FR? Anyone think Dake was better than Cael? Anyone think Hall is on track to be better than Cael?

Yeah, that's what I thought.
Latest rumor on Scarlet Nation is that Suriano is considering a move to a non-B1G school without the release, redshirting the coming season and then having three years of competition remaining. No mention of the school.
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Latest rumor on Scarlet Nation is that Suriano is considering a move to a non-B1G school without the release, redshirting the coming season and then having three years of competition remaining. No mention of the school.

Gee, I wonder who they could have heard such a crazy idea from?
How did you catch your rabbits - traps, purchased, shotgun? If the latter, how did you get all of the pellets out? My father used to hunt rabbit with a shotgun. Interesting entrée.
Hunted rabbits a lot in my teen years. Shotgun, but I always led them a little, so I'd just put one pellet through the eye. Ha. There were two ways to get the pellets out. Look for the entry point and cut/pry them out, or find them as you bit into them while eating.