Right at the end of the match he kind of reaches for right under his left pectoral. But for the life of me, I never saw where he could have broken a rib. It isn't easy to break a rib. Look at the hits football players routinely take. And speaking from experience, there are no ifs ands or buts about it. When you break it, you know it. When you crack one, you think you broke it. It literally takes your breath away.I just rewatched the Marinelli / Griffith match and couldn't find any time within that match that Marinelli could have possibly "broken" a rib. It is quite apparent that the tough guy didn't enter the match with an injury as he fully displayed his bulling style until late in the match when most of the steam was gone (similar to what happened to the 2 of their finalist who lost in overtime). It appeared to me that it was more likely a replay of the RBY / Desanto fiasco.