Men's Olympic Freestyle Thread

From The Onion:

Russian Olympic Officials Concerned After Learning Team’s Clean Urine Reservoir Almost Empty

MOSCOW—Stressing that they are on the precipice of a major crisis, Russian Olympic Committee officials held a press conference Friday to confirm that the team’s clean urine reservoir is almost fully depleted. “The demand for fresh, clean urine over the past two weeks has greatly exceeded our supply, and unfortunately, if we aren’t able to get more soon, our athletes may run out well before the final Olympic events,” said committee president Alexander Zhukov, adding that the 400,000-gallon reservoir’s supply of clean urine is at its lowest point in decades. “We are currently enacting numerous urine management techniques in order to conserve what little we still have left, but if we are unable to replenish our supply soon, we will experience our nation’s worst clean urine shortage since the 1992 Summer Games.” At press time, in response to the emergency, the Chinese Olympic Committee confirmed that it will immediately donate 200,000 bottles of clean urine to the Russian delegation.
And in related news...Russian boxer Mikhail Aloyan is pregnant and may also have a yeast infection but has not yet been confirmed..
We as a country should just do away with folk and wrestle FS from day 1! No reason why we shouldn't dominant internationally with all the resources we have!
Garrett should have been wrestling at the weight Dennis was at...They gave Ramos that match at Iowa. Garrett would have beaten Dennis..No way does Dennis get a take down on Garrett...Dennis needs work on his feet....
Garrett should have been wrestling at the weight Dennis was at...They gave Ramos that match at Iowa. Garrett would have beaten Dennis..No way does Dennis get a take down on Garrett...Dennis needs work on his feet....

Unfortunately, it just didn't work out for Dennis. I don't care about Garrett vs Ramos. Garrett will have another chance in 4 years. Props to Dennis for representing the USA!
Holy overreaction Batman!

I mean, if we want to have a reasoned discussion on the merits, fine.

But Burroughs has been virtually unbeatable in freestyle until today. Certainly folk didn't stop him from winning gold 4 years ago. So let's not pretend 2 losses today had anything to do with his years of folk.

Not just talking about today "Robin"! If everyone else in the world is FS/Grec from day one let's make this an even playing field. We have 10X the resources then other country in the world...

I've always felt this way.....Robin!
Not just talking about today "Robin"! If everyone else in the world is FS/Grec from day one let's make this an even playing field. We have 10X the resources then other country in the world...

I've always felt this way.....Robin!
If it's not a reaction, then why voice it now, instead of after the entire event? Why not wait until after college student Kyle Snyder ... never mind.
Not just talking about today "Robin"! If everyone else in the world is FS/Grec from day one let's make this an even playing field. We have 10X the resources then other country in the world...

I've always felt this way.....Robin!
If every other country is absolutely crazy about football(soccer), does that mean we need to abandon the NFL immediately, to fit in? I think our folk style is a lot more entertaining than freestyle, I would not want to see it disappear on some notion that we can't compete if we don't fully focus on FS, from grade school on. Too many examples of past US wrestlers that prove this is not true.
If every other country is absolutely crazy about football(soccer), does that mean we need to abandon the NFL immediately, to fit in? I think our folk style is a lot more entertaining than freestyle, I would not want to see it disappear on some notion that we can't compete if we don't fully focus on FS, from grade school on. Too many examples of past US wrestlers that prove this is not true.

Agree. I get more enjoyment out of following college and high school wrestling than international freestyle competition and wouldn't want to change that just to maybe improve in freestyle (or Greco for that matter) competition.
Let's talk JDen

you guys think Cox has a decent shot to medal today? The weight class is loaded for sure, but he has beaten Top 5 opponents and lost to others. Should be fun, hope he can get on a run, go USA
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I think very highly of Cox, but also believe that his relative lack of experience at this level hurts him. I think he has a decent chance for bronze. I hope he can get to finals but not counting on it.
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The draw is about as good as you could've possibly hopes for. Avoids Sadulav and Sharifov and is in the opposite quadrant of Yasar and RSP
yep, I like the idea of trying to escape or reverse an opponent. I do like freestyle, but I enjoy scholastic more.

Agree. I get more enjoyment out of following college and high school wrestling than international freestyle competition and wouldn't want to change that just to maybe improve in freestyle (or Greco for that matter) competition.
Things that trumped wrestling coverage today: replay of yesterday's basketball, replay of yesterday's soccer, rhythmic gymnastics. At least the streams are high quality with the exception of the Brit announcer, who's maybe a notch above the Nebraska backfisting crew.

J'den up on on Mat B soon, with Tervel up on the same mat a few matches after.
J'den scored enough points to be working on a second tech fall but points kept coming off the board. Belarus was awarded a mystery point at some point during the match, I'm guessing for a step out. Still, he looked great, lots of motion and misdirection, got in on legs with ease.
Could have been much worse. J'den was wrestling smart, nice to see. Not sure what the rule is on that exposure, but if he you need only start the turn in bounds then he was hosed.
Down 5-0 I didn't think Tervel had those points in him, great comeback though.
J'den Cox wrestled a great match against Karimimachiani. Great whizzer D on two sequences was key when Karimini looked like was going to get points.
Dlagnev on Mat A vs. Poland. Up 2-0 after the first on a nice ankle pick to double.
Dlagnev 3-2 final. On to the semis!

Scored a pushout point early in the 2nd -- go-behind on a failed shot by Poland, flurry took them out. Hit the wall at 5:00 and went into "Chris Perry Mode." Poland scored a takedown with 12 sec left, stopped wrestling immediately to get a reset on feet, but it was too late.
Cox coming up on Mat B right now, awfully short rest. Yasar, Turkey.
Dlagnev 3-2 final. On to the semis!

Scored a pushout point early in the 2nd -- go-behind on a failed shot by Poland, flurry took them out. Hit the wall at 5:00 and went into "Chris Perry Mode." Poland scored a takedown with 12 sec left, stopped wrestling immediately to get a reset on feet, but it was too late.
Hit the wall or hurt his back.