We were all looking forward to Beard maning the slot, even if two more years out. Max Dean is a total class act and a fantastic wrestler. We are blessed to have him.
Just as free agency took a huge chunk out of the nostalgia of rooting for your team (the same roster year after year) in professional sports, only to have free agency come along and rip the soul out of that prospect, so too has the transfer portal and NIL changed college sports forever.
We experienced the initial salvo first hand when Suriano defeated the 1 year ban, which one can argue set this whole portal thing in motion.
Back to Max and Michael; anyone who thinks the game is still played by the old rules will be sorely mistaken. Michael Beard will not be the first kid bounced from the lineup, nor the last to leave the program.
The Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers of my childhood are long gone, replaced by a revolving door of new faces, and new colored jerseys on some of my favorites as they leave Pittsburgh in their rear view mirrors. So too is gone the notion of seeing the same faces on our collegiate wrestling team for 4-5 full years.
I don't like it one bit. Still, I remain beyond thankful for Cael, and if it means some of the best kids in the country come here to wrestle just a couple of years for the legend, I am ok sitting back and admiring the skill demonstrated by our team, independent of it's origins.
Team trophies might be fewer and lose some of their luster, but this is the new normal. I have regretably jumped on board, and will try not to look back. That first decade was oh so sweet, but the next looks to have it's share of drama, excellence and more to look forward.