I don’t know how I feel in this case. Sometimes a wrestlers idea of what’s best for him isn’t the same as the coaches idea. Personally, I think Lee thought shutting it down for the weekend was best for him and felt it was the coaches place to instruct his unattached wrestler in redshirt to FF. Spencer, with his own ideas on how to be at his peak health wise in March and also being an all time Hawkeye great didn’t feel he should be the one FFing and earned the right to walk out there and get his hand raised. I just think Brands was giving the kid he’s gonna have in his lineup the next 3 years the chance to compete and if Spencer wanted to sit it out it would be him taking the FF.
On a related note, is it just me or does it seem like Spencer relishes in letting everyone know he’s calling the shots and wrestles when he he chooses to wrestle? It just seems like every interview he gives this year he makes it a point thatvhe makes the call. IMO, Brands made a “power play” last night. If you want to sit out then sit out but you’ll be the one FFing.