
Look out now a team from NJ is in 2nd place at the midlands

Team Season Team Abbr Count Points
1 Iowa, IA Iowa, IA (GET) IOWA 20 59.5
2 Princeton, NJ Princeton, NJ (GET) PRIN 14 36.5
3 Northern Iowa, IA Northern Iowa, IA (GET) UNI 10 36.0
4 Wisconsin, WI Wisconsin, WI (GET) WIS 15 35.0
5 Northwestern, IL Northwestern, IL (GET) NU 16 34.5
6 Army West Point, NY Army West Point, NY (GET) ARMY 18 34.0
7 Illinois, IL Illinois, IL (GET) ILL 14 32.5
8 Central Michigan, MI Central Michigan, MI (GET) CMU 16 28.0
9 Penn, PA Pennsylvania, PA (GET) PENN 20 27.5
10 Northern Illinois, IL Northern Illinois, IL (GET) NIU 16 27.0
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Wilcke is the most athletic guy on the Iowa squad. Can do back flips. Also perhaps the most underrated guy in college wrestling. All this according to Iowa's corporate shrill, Todd Conner.

Todd means well, God love him........but he is a bender away from HITTING THE WEIGHTS HARD and having a tailgate outside Gate C with recruits parents. .....
133 could have been a fabulous bracket and now ADo might win it going away
Aaaand things just got ugly in the Stoll match. Someone in the crowd screaming you should have shot yourself in the face.
According to a poster on HR this what happened

It was Gunning's dad. After Gunning got his last stalling call, the dad yelled THAT'S BS! Then lost it and started yelling at Stoll that he should have shot himself in the face instead of the knee, and more expletives. He had to be removed. Brands was irate. After the match Brands yelled at Gunning to go find his dad and meet him in the parking lot
Yes that was Terry Brands he gets carried away at times lol But he would be in the paring lot if the kid came back and said dad will be there...
Sir blockbuster is no longer at this number....
Hah! My phone number was a Sears Repair Line if you dialed my area code instead of 1-800. I got dozens of calls from bewildered old midwesterners who didn’t believe me when I told them they called the wrong number.
Stoll doesn't wrestle like a top 3 guy. The biggest thing going for him is his big-ness (size).

If we’re being real here, the kid looks like a shell of himself. Hard to be top 3 when at least 2 guys ranked below would major him right now. People keep saying he needs to get healthy..who knows maybe this is who he is at this point
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As much as I would like Brooks to continue, if there is any doubt whatsoever about his injury, there really is no point in proceeding and trying to tough it out.

It looked to me like he got the wind knocked out of him and he was having trouble regaining his breath. Didn't seem like an "injury" injury.
If we’re being real here, the kid looks like a shell of himself. Hard to be top 3 when at least 2 guys ranked below would major him right now. People keep saying he needs to get healthy..who knows maybe this is who he is at this point

I'd rank Stoll around 6-7 right now.
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Yes that was Terry Brands he gets carried away at times lol But he would be in the paring lot if the kid came back and said dad will be there...

In almost every circumstance I’d look down on a coach for challenging a wrestlers parent to “meet in the parking lot”. This is not one of those circumstances.

Those kind of comments are way out of bounds.

Good for Coach sticking up for his guy.
Anyone know where I can find video of this morning's matches?
I can't find Midlands at all on Floarena. Trackwrestling doesn't have video either. So are we stuck with Flo for live matches, Track for brackets and results, but neither has video archives?
Anyone think Glory can keep it to a major? He's been looking good. With no Nato, 133 is a yawn.
Gunning, huh?

Irony meter broken.

Seriously: that's pretty despicable. Glad they tossed him, and sorry for the son and Stoll to have to deal with that. And good for Brands standing up for his guy.
Gunning s dad is a full on DBag. Been near him at other tourneys and when I see him I stay clear. Loud, outspoken and often wrong.