Agree.....but more than that, actually:wow what a mess. Here is the university trying to show sensitivity to a woman who claims she was raped. But I definitely see the players' perspective -- the university publicly names 10 players and says they're being suspended as the result of a sexual assault investigation -- even though the local prosecutors didn't think there was a case to charge anybody -- and the "victim" has changed her story.
That is a lifetime of living under a cloud for those kids even if they're not guilty of anything other than being in the apartment drinking that night.
I like that the rest of the team is standing up for them.
If the university wants to impose lifetime consequences on these kids by identifying them in a sexual assault investigation, it had better have a REALLY good case.
".....If the university wants to impose lifetime consequences on these kids by identifying them in a sexual assault investigation, it had better have a REALLY good case......"
What they "better have" enough sense to - if they feel there may be a criminal issue here - turn over what they have to the PROPER law enforcement authorities (and, if they have relevant law enforcement folks contained within the University community - - - ie a legitimate campus-based police force, that has appropriate jurisdictional authority - - - - that's the first step. Otherwise, you default to the LE entity that DOES have jurisdiction), and allow those folks to adjudicate the situation.
Rather than allowing empty-suit bureaucratic dunderheads to play their agenda-driven games with people's lives.....all to further their own self-interests.
These situations - on today's college campuses - have gone completely FUBAR and have entered the realm of the surreal.
"...More than three-quarters of undergraduate women have experienced offensive or sexually harassing behavior...." Damon Sims, PSU VP of Student Affairs
“.....You have my pledge, sexual misconduct on our campuses (predominantly by white/male offenders) will not go unchecked in our community.....” Eric Barron, President PSU
Sexually harassing actions such as:
- receiving unwanted gifts
- having a potential suitor act upset when his/her advances are thwarted.
- unsolicited attempts to establish a romantic relationship
Anyone who wants jackwagons like this, lording over their lives (or the lives of the children) ought to have their head examined.
These F-wads ought to spend one "midnight to 2 am shift" in the College/Beaver Avenues corridor