Minnesota football players suspended due to sex crime

So filming and sharing a video of guys pulling a train on a girl is none of the university's business?

If it happened off-campus involving memebers of the general student-population paying their own way, it may not be......but agree with demlion that the fact these are "scholarship" student-athletes is a complicating factor as they are potentially held to a "higher standard" of behavior as a condition of their athletic scholarship.
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I have a hard time defending anyone in this situation at all. They whole thing is FUBAR. The University screwed up, the coaches have pitted themselves against their employer, and the athletes, while I get that they are standing together are misguided IMO. Everyone involved rushed to judgement and has now boxed themselves into a corner.

As for the student-athletes know you just have to have more F$%king sense...what part of anyone's rational thought process would say Yeah, it's a great idea to gang bang this chick (if she consents or not) and film it? Those guys should be expelled for dumbassedery alone..and where was the unification of anyone at that apartment to say...maybe this isn't the best idea we've had.

These guys are D1 athletes and they HAVE to know that everything they choose to do or choose not to do has great implications on their lives.
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Is a woman choosing to have sex with multiple partners in one night the "University's Business"?

See how that works?

That didn't work at all. Do you really think this woman chose to have a train pulled on her and for someone to film it and share it? Is that what you really believe?
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I agree that the criminal justice system's decision is not the end all. As a prosecutor, I know I have either dismissed a case, or not filed a case even though I knew the suspect was guilty (there are many reasons why this can occur, but generally it comes down to evidentiary problems of one sort or the other.

Because of that, I also believe that a University has a duty to protect its students from other students doing them harm. However, I have a great deal of doubt about whether a department known as the "Minnesota’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office" is capable of making an unbiased determination of what occurred. Departments like these, are set with the alleged victim's mindset in mind. People who work in a department like this are predisposed to believe in the victimhood of the woman (my humble opinion, but how many conservative males do you think work in this department).

If they got a fair hearing, where they were given evidence ahead of time so they could prepare a defense, and they had a neutral person or persons hearing the case, then they should be punished. However, I doubt that occurred. Moreover, if they did get that hearing, and they were found to have committed the assault or stood around while their friends committed the assault, they should not be talking about suspensions, they should be talking about expulsions. A suspension does not protect the other students, an expulsion does.
Never said we knew all the facts - we only know some of the facts; and even then, we only know what is being reported as facts. I do agree with you that the fact that these students were on scholarship to represent the University may hold them to a higher standard than a general student (including making them subject to team rules and conduct of behavior). Not sure, but I think there is established case-law at this point that student-athletes are not employees thanks to the Northwestern case last year, but not sure that it matters if they are employees as they are subject to the terms their Scholarships were granted under (including standards of conduct I would imagine).

I guess I find the representations in the Press Statement that Claeys was on board with the handling of the situation directly conflicting with Claeys own actions and statements to be somewhat baffling.

Claeys is coming out of this looking pretty bad
The bright side of playing Wake Forest would be a radio guy trying to pass along the WF game plan. I'd like to think our coaches would decline and notify the WF administration.
why? if somebody gave you the winning lottery ticket numbers the night before the drawing, you are saying you wouldn't play nor keep the millions??
I agree that the criminal justice system's decision is not the end all. As a prosecutor, I know I have either dismissed a case, or not filed a case even though I knew the suspect was guilty (there are many reasons why this can occur, but generally it comes down to evidentiary problems of one sort or the other.

Because of that, I also believe that a University has a duty to protect its students from other students doing them harm. However, I have a great deal of doubt about whether a department known as the "Minnesota’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office" is capable of making an unbiased determination of what occurred. Departments like these, are set with the alleged victim's mindset in mind. People who work in a department like this are predisposed to believe in the victimhood of the woman (my humble opinion, but how many conservative males do you think work in this department).

If they got a fair hearing, where they were given evidence ahead of time so they could prepare a defense, and they had a neutral person or persons hearing the case, then they should be punished. However, I doubt that occurred. Moreover, if they did get that hearing, and they were found to have committed the assault or stood around while their friends committed the assault, they should not be talking about suspensions, they should be talking about expulsions. A suspension does not protect the other students, an expulsion does.
All great points. The problem is with PSU, Baylor, Mizzou et all, the issue is much more about covering one's butt than making sure justice is done. and that results in innocent people being hurt. And that results, it would seem, in a football team boycotting a bowl game.
That didn't work at all. Do you really think this woman chose to have a train pulled on her and for someone to film it and share it? Is that what you really believe?

LOL.......move them wherever you want.

Let me know if you ever find a permanent home for them. (or don't....either way....whichever you prefer) :)

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Claeys is coming out of this looking pretty bad
Why? With whom?

Claeys is a bit of a "dead man walking" with much of the Minny fanbase anyway, from the standpoint of the feelings regarding his coaching prowess (not that that matters)........with respect to his team - - - I'd suspect a lot of those guys hold him in very high regard, and even more so this week.
LOL.......move them wherever you want.

Let me know if you ever find a permanent home for them. (or don't....either way....whichever you prefer) :)

C'mon, don't be stupid. You are the one who changed the original scenario from guys pulling a train, filming it and, sharing it to a woman having more than one sexual partner in a single night.
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why? if somebody gave you the winning lottery ticket numbers the night before the drawing, you are saying you wouldn't play nor keep the millions??
That analogy isn't even on the same planet as Wakeyleaks so no thoughtful reply is required on my part.
I agree that the criminal justice system's decision is not the end all. As a prosecutor, I know I have either dismissed a case, or not filed a case even though I knew the suspect was guilty (there are many reasons why this can occur, but generally it comes down to evidentiary problems of one sort or the other.

Because of that, I also believe that a University has a duty to protect its students from other students doing them harm. However, I have a great deal of doubt about whether a department known as the "Minnesota’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office" is capable of making an unbiased determination of what occurred. Departments like these, are set with the alleged victim's mindset in mind. People who work in a department like this are predisposed to believe in the victimhood of the woman (my humble opinion, but how many conservative males do you think work in this department).

If they got a fair hearing, where they were given evidence ahead of time so they could prepare a defense, and they had a neutral person or persons hearing the case, then they should be punished. However, I doubt that occurred. Moreover, if they did get that hearing, and they were found to have committed the assault or stood around while their friends committed the assault, they should not be talking about suspensions, they should be talking about expulsions. A suspension does not protect the other students, an expulsion does.

Actually, I think they are only suspended from the team until the School Hearing on the matter in January. It has been reported that expulsion for 5 iirc has been recommended by School's Title IX Investigators, a suspension of 1 year for another 4 and I forget what was being asked for on the last. This element also seems odd in that it suggests a presumption of guilt and that the hearing is just a formality in that you would sentence prior to the hearing or providing the accused any due process.
That analogy isn't even on the same planet as Wakeyleaks so no thoughtful reply is required on my part.
because you live in fantasy land, there is no law, no rule, no ethical dilemma here, if somebody wants to give you the other teams game plan, you take it.
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It is a legit question. Imagine a grade school teacher accused of Child Sex Abuse. While waiting for the resolution of both the criminal and the job-related legal actions, do you leave him in the classroom? Most places suspend him with pay. MN will argue that they are not stripping them of their scholarships, so this is a suspension "with pay," and therefore permitted. This is tricky for MN, since it throws the3 whole discussion of whether these are employees or not wide open. The universities are in some tough muddy ground here

These players can be sanctioned PRIOR to the process playing out, but it is a very tricky area of the law. Not nearly so simple as "Nothing can be done until they have had their hearing."

Now, before you tell me how different this is from a teacher being accused of CSA, I will remind you that we do not know the facts here. There is video. Did players who were not present share video of one of their teammates having sex with some woman? Did they lie when confronted about it? We. just. don't. know.

A teacher accused of CSA is suspended because of their job requires unsupervised contact with children, thus, it is a liability should the teacher be accused of similar actions with their students (whether true or not). Thus, it is not necessary a punitive action but an administrative one. (I'm sure a wrongly accused teacher still feels this is punitive).

However, the football players alleged actions don't pose the same liability in their duties as a scholarship athlete as there is no involvement with the accuser or a similar group. So they could perform as a player and let the process play out to determine the outcome. Obviously, the university is playing the PR angle that these students aren't good representatives of the university, but it is somewhat punitive given that some players were not at all involved and that those involved have already served suspensions earlier in the season.

I've also not seen schools put teachers on admin leave because another teacher is accused of CSA. That would certainly be viewed as punitive not administrative (MM case in point).

The Minnesota AD has run into trouble both with handling of the wrestling teams alleged drug ring and now the football players. It will be interesting to compare the decisions made in each case.
C'mon, don't be stupid. You are the one who changed the original scenario from guys pulling a train, filming it and, sharing it to a woman having more than one sexual partner in a single night.
I didn't change a damn thing.

You can have whatever "debate" you want........

but the only one I'm having is whether or not allegations of "sexual assault" should be handled by a group of conflicted, self-serving, bureaucratic, unaccountable FudPukkers......

or whether they should step out of the F-ing way and let the appropriate responsible parties take over (parties that are - at least according to the law - accountable for their actions)


BTW - and it is irrelevant to the issue at hand (and certainly no one knows all the specific details, with any certainty, about this particular incident):

Not that it is the typical Saturday night agenda, but if you think a woman choosing to have sex with multiple partners (even choosing to, or consenting to, having it "documented") just doesn't ever happen? You need to get out more :)
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why? if somebody gave you the winning lottery ticket numbers the night before the drawing, you are saying you wouldn't play nor keep the millions??
If you can't beat Wake Forest without cheating, you should reexamine your program. Maybe deciding whether to cheat is the least of your worries.
because you live in fantasy land, there is no law, no rule, no ethical dilemma here, if somebody wants to give you the other teams game plan, you take it.
It absolutely is an ethical dilemma at a minimum. As a coach wouldn't you want to know where they got it, how they got it, why they got it...etc.? And there's just as much of a chance it's a fake game plan since it was given to them (allegedly) and not sold to them. So you run the risk of preparing for a game plan that isn't even a real plan.
A teacher accused of CSA is suspended because of their job requires unsupervised contact with children, thus, it is a liability should the teacher be accused of similar actions with their students (whether true or not). Thus, it is not necessary a punitive action but an administrative one. (I'm sure a wrongly accused teacher still feels this is punitive).

However, the football players alleged actions don't pose the same liability in their duties as a scholarship athlete as there is no involvement with the accuser or a similar group. So they could perform as a player and let the process play out to determine the outcome. Obviously, the university is playing the PR angle that these students aren't good representatives of the university, but it is somewhat punitive given that some players were not at all involved and that those involved have already served suspensions earlier in the season.

I've also not seen schools put teachers on admin leave because another teacher is accused of CSA. That would certainly be viewed as punitive not administrative (MM case in point).

The Minnesota AD has run into trouble both with handling of the wrestling teams alleged drug ring and now the football players. It will be interesting to compare the decisions made in each case.

What if the football team has female student managers?
Dumb question. Assuming the Minnesota players stand firm in their boycott of the bowl game, can the university threaten to pull their scholarships? If so, we might see some players "cross the picket line" similar to a labor strike. That would be interesting.
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They all would drop out, go get a scholarship somewhere. An ultimatum like that would not be smart unless you are prepared for either outcome.

Exactly. You do that ultimatum, especially given that the team has already decided to stand together, you would probably lose 75% of your players. It would be like giving your own program the death penalty. You'd lose a lot of your incoming recruiting class as well. You might not be able to even play football in 2017. Which means the Big Ten probably would'nt give you $25 million and other schools would probably want compensation for games not played.

No as you can see the school's response is anything but an ultimatum. There is no football team without players -- the players know that, and the school knows it as well.
That didn't work at all. Do you really think this woman chose to have a train pulled on her and for someone to film it and share it? Is that what you really believe?

I doubt any of us know this woman and what she would chose to do or not do. The internet is filled with such things and I don't believe they are all against the woman's choice.

We also know she took 5-6 shots of vodka before all of this started (from police report, her statement), so likely we will never know.
What if the football team has female student managers?

Are the female student managers required to be alone with the players or was the alleged victim a student manager? Or are you suggesting that the players would sexually assault the manager at practice in plain sight of coaches, players, and trainers?

Its the lack of direct oversight that causes teachers to be on admin leave until CSA charges are sorted out and why police officers in a shooting are placed on desk duty. I doubt that Minnesota's prarctices are run such that there is no oversight as to what the players are doing and participating in the bowl game isn't likely to put anyone at risk of sexual assault.
I doubt any of us know this woman and what she would chose to do or not do. The internet is filled with such things and I don't believe they are all against the woman's choice.

We also know she took 5-6 shots of vodka before all of this started (from police report, her statement), so likely we will never know.

Don't you know???

Haven't you heard????

We live in a "rape culture".......where every coed is sexually assaulted (OK, a bit of hyperbole - its actually only 75%, according to Damon Sims :rolleyes: and, of course, he would know - since his "morally-superior" colleague was recently busted for soliciting prostitution)
A teacher accused of CSA is suspended because of their job requires unsupervised contact with children, thus, it is a liability should the teacher be accused of similar actions with their students (whether true or not). Thus, it is not necessary a punitive action but an administrative one. (I'm sure a wrongly accused teacher still feels this is punitive).

However, the football players alleged actions don't pose the same liability in their duties as a scholarship athlete as there is no involvement with the accuser or a similar group. So they could perform as a player and let the process play out to determine the outcome. Obviously, the university is playing the PR angle that these students aren't good representatives of the university, but it is somewhat punitive given that some players were not at all involved and that those involved have already served suspensions earlier in the season.

I've also not seen schools put teachers on admin leave because another teacher is accused of CSA. That would certainly be viewed as punitive not administrative (MM case in point).

The Minnesota AD has run into trouble both with handling of the wrestling teams alleged drug ring and now the football players. It will be interesting to compare the decisions made in each case.

So if their scholarship athletes are reinstated, and commit a rape at the bowl game, no liability on the school? You sure?
So if their scholarship athletes are reinstated, and commit a rape at the bowl game, no liability on the school? You sure?
If those students were named in a sexual assault complaint......
Suspended, and barred from the area due to a PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court......
Remained suspended until the CJ system had adjudicated the matter........
After adjudication, according to the laws of the state, charges were dismissed (or "dropped", or "not filed", or whatever the proper legal term is).......

Yes, then there would (should) be liability???


Because........"rape culture"?

And because folks like this "know better":


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If those students were named in a sexual assault complaint......
Suspended, and barred from the area due to a PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court......
Remained suspended until the CJ system had adjudicated the matter........
After adjudication, according to the laws of the state, charges were dismissed (or "dropped", or "not filed", or whatever the proper legal term is).......

Yes, then there would (should) be liability???

HAA! What is proposed at this time is that the players be allowed to play in the bowl game now, BEFORE the hearing. I would recommend that if you do not understand the question you just admit that, instead of telling us about the "PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court" (whatever that is).
HAA! What is proposed at this time is that the players be allowed to play in the bowl game now, BEFORE the hearing. I would recommend that if you do not understand the question you just admit that, instead of telling us about the "PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court" (whatever that is).
There case was already adjudicated by the criminal courts. (which you certainly know)

You want to place conflicted, unaccountable, intellectual midgets like the folks above (or the folks with the UMinn "Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action" Board) in charge of determining the repercussions of criminal justice matters?

Good luck.........Count me out.
If those students were named in a sexual assault complaint......
Suspended, and barred from the area due to a PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court......
Remained suspended until the CJ system had adjudicated the matter........
After adjudication, according to the laws of the state, charges were dismissed (or "dropped", or "not filed", or whatever the proper legal term is).......

Yes, then there would (should) be liability???


Because........"rape culture"?

And because folks like this "know better":


Liability is the very reason given by toadie for suspending teachers with pay. I was responding to that to note that there could well be a similar claim here.
There case was already adjudicated by the criminal courts. (which you certainly know)

You want to place conflicted, unaccountable, intellectual midgets like the folks above (or the folks with the UMinn "Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action" Board) in charge of determining the repercussions of criminal justice matters?

Good luck.........Count me out.
I long since counted you out. You do not have a clue.
I understand the difference between a crime and a violation of a code of conduct. I don't think anyone can make an appropriate evaluation about the decision of the University of Minnesota in regards to the suspended FB Players because we do not have all the information.
What seems troubling however, is the apparent lack of communication and the process. If in fact these athletes were under suspicion of criminal behavior and in addition subject of a university took 3 months to render this decision? Did anyone meet with team captains/leaders to keep them advised (I realize particulars could not be revealed). If what they did led to permanent expulsion in some cases and a years suspension in is it possible they were permitted on the field at all this year?
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There case was already adjudicated by the criminal courts. (which you certainly know)

You want to place conflicted, unaccountable, intellectual midgets like the folks above (or the folks with the UMinn "Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action" Board) in charge of determining the repercussions of criminal justice matters?

Good luck.........Count me out.
Sorry, not adjudicated. If new evidence were discovered tomorrow, or a new prosecutor went over the case, I believe they could go forward and prosecute them. In any event, no judgment has been reached or issued, so it is not "adjudicated."
Yep......and next year you might be convicted of Embezzlement.

So - of course - anyone who, today, placed you in a fiduciary position wrt funds, would be in danger of being "liable" o_O

Yeah....that's the ticket!


All of which is - of course - aside from, and obfuscating (some folks LIVE to do that), the relevant I've said before:

You can have whatever "debate" you want........

but the only one I'm having is whether or not allegations of "sexual assault" should be handled by a group of conflicted, self-serving, bureaucratic, unaccountable FudPukkers......

or whether they should step out of the F-ing way and let the appropriate responsible parties take over (parties that are - at least according to the law - accountable for their actions)


Some people seem to be more like chameleons.......once they come into contact with something, it becomes hard to tell "them" and "it" apart.
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Sure, that is an appropriate analogy when I just took YOUR WORD, which you used without knowing its meaning, and dusted you with it. Wow. keep believing that.

You'll feel better........and don't happier people make for a happier world?

Someone has to balance the scales :eek:
There case was already adjudicated by the criminal courts. (which you certainly know)

You want to place conflicted, unaccountable, intellectual midgets like the folks above (or the folks with the UMinn "Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action" Board) in charge of determining the repercussions of criminal justice matters?

Good luck.........Count me out.

I do think there is an issue regarding the "fairness" of the school's internal "judicial" process (some schools call such processes "judicial affairs", some call them a "conduct board", etc...), but don't think the school's internal findings and judicial hearing are attempting to, nor, render any kind of "criminal finding" or a "criminal penalty".

Given conditions of their scholarships, these kids may well be held to a higher standard than a member of the general student-body not being sponsored by the University. The thing I find most troubling is:
  • Claeys already issued sanctions and suspensions in regards to the matter back in September.
  • The Press Release from the University includes a statement that the suspensions were being administered by Claeys (which is usually how it would be done as the Director of Football - i.e., the Head Coach - is generally the administrator controlling the Football Scholarships).
  • But Claeys has come out publicly and effectively contradicted the AD's claim that Claeys issued the suspensions.
  • And lastly, the school has also already recommended penalties (including expulsion in 5 cases) as part of their findings in front of the "January Hearing", which makes the "Hearing" seem like a formality and any due process provisions for the accused a bit of a joke.
This thread cracks me up. We do not know the first thing about the facts of this case. Nothing. Who was there, who wasn't, what anybody did, why they did it, who they did it to, whether they took pictures, who saw the pictures, why the prosecutor declined to file, whether the alleged victim wanted to prosecute, whether she didn't, whether she was threatened or not to induce her not to cooperate, what knowledge the coach had and when he had it, whether the coach was in agreement with the suspensions or not and so on and so forth ad nauseum, ad disgustum.

Yet we have posters who seem to know already, without any of these facts, exactly what should have been done, and what each party should do going forward. They are so certain of the facts that they even believe that it is proof that the college decision to suspend the 10 players is a biased product of a rigged system. Jebus! It is not a requirement of every public controversy that you have a complete answer in the first 5 minutes.

Concluding it is wrong to suspend them is just as haywire as concluding the opposite, in the absence of 99% of the actual facts.
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If those students were named in a sexual assault complaint......
Suspended, and barred from the area due to a PFA order issued by the jurisdictional court......
Remained suspended until the CJ system had adjudicated the matter........
After adjudication, according to the laws of the state, charges were dismissed (or "dropped", or "not filed", or whatever the proper legal term is).......

Yes, then there would (should) be liability???


Because........"rape culture"?

And because folks like this "know better":

I didn't change a damn thing.

You can have whatever "debate" you want........

but the only one I'm having is whether or not allegations of "sexual assault" should be handled by a group of conflicted, self-serving, bureaucratic, unaccountable FudPukkers......

or whether they should step out of the F-ing way and let the appropriate responsible parties take over (parties that are - at least according to the law - accountable for their actions)


BTW - and it is irrelevant to the issue at hand (and certainly no one knows all the specific details, with any certainty, about this particular incident):

Not that it is the typical Saturday night agenda, but if you think a woman choosing to have sex with multiple partners (even choosing to, or consenting to, having it "documented") just doesn't ever happen? You need to get out more :)

You seem to be taking this a bit too personally. Did you have some past issue with consent? Did you hop on a train you weren't invited to? Even if a girl gives consent to 4 guys, it doesn't give you the right to be number 5 just because she's too drunk to notice.
This thread cracks me up. We do not know the first thing about the facts of this case. Nothing. Who was there, who wasn't, what anybody did, why they did it, who they did it to, whether they took pictures, who saw the pictures, why the prosecutor declined to file, whether the alleged victim wanted to prosecute, whether she didn't, whether she was threatened or not to induce her not to cooperate, what knowledge the coach had and when he had it, whether the coach was in agreement with the suspensions or not and so on and so forth ad nauseum, ad disgustum.

Yet we have posters who seem to know already, without any of these facts, exactly what should have been done, and what each party should do going forward. They are so certain of the facts that they even believe that it is proof that the college system for arriving at the decision to suspend the 10 players is a biased product of a rigged system. Jebus! It is not a requirement of every public controversy that you have a complete answer in the first 5 minutes.

Concluding it is wrong to suspend them is just as haywire as concluding the opposite, in the absence of 99% of the actual facts.
Yep......which has NOTHING to do with:

"All of which is - of course - aside from, and obfuscating (some folks LIVE to do that), the relevant I've said before:

You can have whatever "debate" you want........

but the only one I'm having is whether or not allegations of "sexual assault" should be handled by a group of conflicted, self-serving, bureaucratic, unaccountable FudPukkers......

or whether they should step out of the F-ing way and let the appropriate responsible parties take over (parties that are - at least according to the law - accountable for their actions)"
Yep......which has NOTHING to do with:

"All of which is - of course - aside from, and obfuscating (some folks LIVE to do that), the relevant I've said before:

You can have whatever "debate" you want........

but the only one I'm having is whether or not allegations of "sexual assault" should be handled by a group of conflicted, self-serving, bureaucratic, unaccountable FudPukkers......

or whether they should step out of the F-ing way and let the appropriate responsible parties take over (parties that are - at least according to the law - accountable for their actions)"
This thread cracks me up. We do not know the first thing about the facts of this case. Nothing. Who was there, who wasn't, what anybody did, why they did it, who they did it to, whether they took pictures, who saw the pictures, why the prosecutor declined to file, whether the alleged victim wanted to prosecute, whether she didn't, whether she was threatened or not to induce her not to cooperate, what knowledge the coach had and when he had it, whether the coach was in agreement with the suspensions or not and so on and so forth ad nauseum, ad disgustum.
Yet we have posters who seem to know already, without any of these facts, exactly what should have been done, and what each party should do going forward. They are so certain of the facts that they even believe that it is proof that the college decision to suspend the 10 players is a biased product of a rigged system. Jebus! It is not a requirement of every public controversy that you have a complete answer in the first 5 minutes.

Concluding it is wrong to suspend them is just as haywire as concluding the opposite, in the absence of 99% of the actual facts.

Calm down and look at Title IX sometime. The federal law requires colleges to do this, or something like it. Unhappy? Contact your US Congressman.