I hate to go back to the original topic, but I just want to give my opinion of Brands. He is intense. He is honest. He is the kind of guy you find in a small town who is not afraid to admit his weaknesses and does not worry what others think of him. Apparently he is starting to worry, but I think is realizing that his little world needs to get bigger.
Being honest in a small town is a sign of respect and friendship. Your friends do not have to guess what you mean or figure it out. Your words mean exactly what they are. Nothing hidden. It is a dying trait.
Calling someone a "jap" with no animosity is common in a small town when I grew up. Now it is used to let people know how uncivilized and crude you are. (not that Brands did that- but it makes the point) Having a guy throw you after winning a NC is no big deal in a small town. Only people who sit around and pontificate and theorize and criticize find flaws in that type of behavior.
When Title 9 first came about, a lot of programs were cut that had coaches who just wanted to be in the practice room. Now that is not enough. You have to be a citizen of the community, stand up for all kinds of PC causes, (breast cancer is a good one), get donors, give speeches, and who knows what else. That is not Brand's personality and they have slipped because of it. He loves wrestling and unfortunately he has to do more than that to be a head coach at a major university.
He loves Iowa City, U of I, and wrestling so much that he can't even imagine other people don't feel that way. He is starting to realize that he has to be a bit of a salesman and being a salesman is not a slimy profession. He has had so much success with his style of wrestling that he is having a hard time realizing that he needs to change and his style needs to change. His hatred of losing will eventually get him to that point, if he is not already there by now.
Most importantly Tom Brands cares about his wrestlers and he wants what is best for them. Is Tom Brands the sharpest knife in the drawer? Probably not, but he is pretty damn sharp and if you let his straightforward honest approach to a conversation fool you, well don't say you weren't warned.