More Trouble Brewing in Ann Arbor?

Insiders posting that Harbaugh and his coordinators were no-shows for todays scheduled interviews with the NCAA.
Read what you want into it. If I was calling the shots for UM, I’d tell the NCAA to F’off and play the delaying game. Then we’ed see if they have the guts to continue.
I don't find these anecdotes amusing: This is a most serious offense and it's not funny.

When Michigan steals Penn State signs on November 11 and beats us bad in our own backyard, I want to see how many of you will be cracking little jokes and memes.
Do you actually think PSU would use their old signs on Nov 11 after this last week of story’s?
Do you actually think PSU would use their old signs on Nov 11 after this last week of story’s?

Defense, probably not.

Offense, huh! We could integrate telepathic connections between Allar and Yurcich and Michigan will watch an OL foot and scream "run" or "pass" and then follow the motion man to the play.
Unfortunately Michigan needs no signs to defend Drew Allar dropping back and throwing wildly off his back foot.
I reject the notion that UM’s wins over us over the last two years are legitimate. They are dirty cheaters and the program deserves the death penalty.
Good luck getting that. Good luck getting a tenth if that. Can we be realistic about this yet?
Yeah death penalty is not realistic unless the rumors of the UM coaches illegally accessing OSU cloud servers and downloading over 50 hours of practice footage are true.
Yeah death penalty is not realistic unless the rumors of the UM coaches illegally accessing OSU cloud servers and downloading over 50 hours of practice footage are true.
If it is true that they were also influencing SEC games as alleged, they may in fact get a death penalty or something close to it. The mighty SEC will go for blood. I can also see lawsuits in UM’s future for tampering with their conference. If betting is involved, it is possibly the largest scandal in American sports history and definitely a death penalty. I also wonder if any player suffering an injury vs UM in any of these games could sue UM for damages alleging that that the cheating created an unsafe condition.
If it is true that they were also influencing SEC games as alleged, they may in fact get a death penalty or something close to it. The mighty SEC will go for blood. I can also see lawsuits in UM’s future for tampering with their conference. If betting is involved, it is possibly the largest scandal in American sports history and definitely a death penalty. I also wonder if any player suffering an injury vs UM in any of these games could sue UM for damages alleging that that the cheating created an unsafe condition.
I just don’t see the NCAA having the balls to do that, but I agree this is very very bad. And the more I see about it, and admittedly, I’m not following it that closely it looks pretty bad.

They’re going to have to do something about this.
Sure they can. Thinking they won’t is how they get ya.
Well Stallions can't, but according the new article that just dropped literally minutes ago, they paid a d3 coach to film almost all our games already up until UMass. So they got everything from West VA up until Northwestern.
I just don’t see the NCAA having the balls to do that, but I agree this is very very bad. And the more I see about it, and admittedly, I’m not following it that closely it looks pretty bad.

They’re going to have to do something about this.
They should do something about it but I don't have confidence in that at this time.
Well Stallions can't, but according the new article that just dropped literally minutes ago, they paid a d3 coach to film almost all our games already up until UMass. So they got everything from West VA up until Northwestern.

MGoBlog says it’s not a big deal.
I think Harbaugh, some high level assistants, of course Stalions won't make it very long. Bowl ban starting next year so as not to hurt the current players but give them an opportunity to transfer out after the season if they'd like with all the transfer portal rules. Leave enough coaching staff in place to finish the season. I think that is a likely outcome.
I think the Big Ten runs cover for Michigan when the penalty phase starts being discussed.

Where this could really blow up is if the rumors of them trying to tamper with Clemson and Tennessee are real. If they are caught tampering with other conferences (ACC and SEC) to benefit themselves then it all comes off the rails IMO.
I think Harbaugh, some high level assistants, of course Stalions won't make it very long. Bowl ban starting next year so as not to hurt the current players but give them an opportunity to transfer out after the season if they'd like with all the transfer portal rules. Leave enough coaching staff in place to finish the season. I think that is a likely outcome.

I just can't see how with all the info out there already, especially that photo with Stalions holding the cheat sheet standing right next to the coaches, how they can allow UM to go to a bowl game this year. The stories are all gonna be about the legitimacy of them playing. That's the one thing the head honchos cannot afford, for people starting to question the legitimacy of the games.
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Division III player and coach describes his sign stealing for Michigan and being paid out of Stalions personal venmo account. He worked 2 Penn State games.

Interesting to me that Stalions was suspended with pay. Facts are so clear he should be suspended without pay. I suspect Michigan is afraid he will "turn state's evidence" and blab to the NCAA if his pay is cut off.
Division III player and coach describes his sign stealing for Michigan and being paid out of Stalions personal venmo account. He worked 2 Penn State games.

Interesting to me that Stalions was suspended with pay. Facts are so clear he should be suspended without pay. I suspect Michigan is afraid he will "turn state's evidence" and blab to the NCAA if his pay is cut off.

It seems like some new aspect of this story drops every day.

I’m sure the Michigan coaching staff is afraid he cooperates and spills all that he knows. The way things are going now he’s going to take the majority of the blame and he has to see that coming with all the articles that are focused on him.
I just can't see how with all the info out there already, especially that photo with Stalions holding the cheat sheet standing right next to the coaches, how they can allow UM to go to a bowl game this year. The stories are all gonna be about the legitimacy of them playing. That's the one thing the head honchos cannot afford, for people starting to question the legitimacy of the games.

No question, this is a huge deal, and Michigan should pay a high price...but some thoughts cross my mind:

First, the wheels of NCAA justice grind slowly...(unless the target is Penn State in which case there is no justice and things happen at lightning speed).

Second, Michigan football may belong in the Too-Big-To-Fail category. Certainly the conference, which right now is looking at the possibility of both its Sacred Cows again making the playoffs, has little interest in the destruction of one of its premier programs.

Third, it's just an impression on my part, but even the media treatment of this has been fairly restrained. Yes, there's been a lot of reporting but not that much in the way of indignant demands for punishment.

Fourth, this may be a rock the NCAA is cautious about turning over for fear of all the creepy-crawly things that might be found underneath. I mean, already you've got the USC coach accusing Utah of stealing signs on Saturday night. Just how deep does all this go and might it badly tarnish the integrity of the entire college game if the whole truth came out?

For all these reasons, I think Michigan escapes consequences this year. The investigation will be slow-walked to completion in 2024, some sanctions will be handed out, Michigan will be hurt but survive the damage, Harbaugh will ride off (possibly with a national championship in hand) to a big NFL contract, there will be much sermonizing and handwringing...and then the Powers That Be will hasten to return everything to "normal."
Same...make them show their cards
The NCAA is one small step above useless; the conference ADs should be out for UM blood - this scheme gave them a competitive advantage or why else do it? Every conference school should be demanding UMs head on a plate. If the conference does not sanction UM, and severely, then what many of us suspected over the years is undoubtedly true: this conference is disgracefully biased towards UM. Vacate their 21 and 22 titles, make the give back the trophies, and ban them from the post season this season AND next for 2+ years of cheating.

Email Pat Kraft as a concerned PSU alum or fan and demand he advocate for the harshest possible punishment!
The NCAA is one small step above useless; the conference ADs should be out for UM blood - this scheme gave them a competitive advantage or why else do it? Every conference school should be demanding UMs head on a plate. If the conference does not sanction UM, and severely, then what many of us suspected over the years is undoubtedly true: this conference is disgracefully biased towards UM. Vacate their 21 and 22 titles, make the give back the trophies, and ban them from the post season this season AND next for 2+ years of cheating.

Email Pat Kraft as a concerned PSU alum or fan and demand he advocate for the harshest possible punishment!
I get the sentiment but I don't think ADs will want any action taken out of fear of what could happen to them if there's a scandal. I still don't believe there's any chance anything happens this year. Michigan will slow play this to death and no one can truly prevent that.

As mad as I'm sure many coaches are I just don't believe we'll ever see real sanctions again unless self-imposed.
I get the sentiment but I don't think ADs will want any action taken out of fear of what could happen to them if there's a scandal. I still don't believe there's any chance anything happens this year. Michigan will slow play this to death and no one can truly prevent that.

As mad as I'm sure many coaches are I just don't believe we'll ever see real sanctions again unless self-imposed.
From an OPSEC stand point, this guy is a complete amateur. My guess is the NCAA will find nothing linking his operation to Michigan's actual coaching staff resulting in a secondary violation, the press will find this type of thing is quite common when they start digging though the entire ordeal is comedy gold. So long as we don't get drug into it and Michigan is made a national laughing stock, I'll be happy.
No question, this is a huge deal, and Michigan should pay a high price...but some thoughts cross my mind:

First, the wheels of NCAA justice grind slowly...(unless the target is Penn State in which case there is no justice and things happen at lightning speed).

Second, Michigan football may belong in the Too-Big-To-Fail category. Certainly the conference, which right now is looking at the possibility of both its Sacred Cows again making the playoffs, has little interest in the destruction of one of its premier programs.

Third, it's just an impression on my part, but even the media treatment of this has been fairly restrained. Yes, there's been a lot of reporting but not that much in the way of indignant demands for punishment.

Fourth, this may be a rock the NCAA is cautious about turning over for fear of all the creepy-crawly things that might be found underneath. I mean, already you've got the USC coach accusing Utah of stealing signs on Saturday night. Just how deep does all this go and might it badly tarnish the integrity of the entire college game if the whole truth came out?

For all these reasons, I think Michigan escapes consequences this year. The investigation will be slow-walked to completion in 2024, some sanctions will be handed out, Michigan will be hurt but survive the damage, Harbaugh will ride off (possibly with a national championship in hand) to a big NFL contract, there will be much sermonizing and handwringing...and then the Powers That Be will hasten to return everything to "normal."

After Penn State rammed it up Emmett ass, not a fuking thing will happen to Mecheatagain.
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Wow, Big Noon Kickoff's Bruce Feldman just did an article that just blasted Michigan and said that in an interview with 30 CF coaches, almost everyone of them said this shouldn't end well for Michigan. He also said that the paper trail left behind by Michigan was beyond STUPIDITY. "Harvard of the Midwest' my ass.
From an OPSEC stand point, this guy is a complete amateur. My guess is the NCAA will find nothing linking his operation to Michigan's actual coaching staff resulting in a secondary violation, the press will find this type of thing is quite common when they start digging though the entire ordeal is comedy gold. So long as we don't get drug into it and Michigan is made a national laughing stock, I'll be happy.

"Being made a laughing stock" is not nearly good enough. Michigan and Harbaugh could go to the playoffs and even win a national championship. Then they'll be the ones laughing.

No, if the suspicions are well-grounded, as they appear to be, only crippling sanctions and Harbaugh's departure would satisfy me.
"Being made a laughing stock" is not nearly good enough. Michigan and Harbaugh could go to the playoffs and even win a national championship. Then they'll be the ones laughing.

No, if the suspicions are well-grounded, as they appear to be, only crippling sanctions and Harbaugh's departure would satisfy me.

Harbaugh’s departure seems almost assured at this point. Can’t imagine a scenario he doesn’t leave for the nfl after this.
"Being made a laughing stock" is not nearly good enough. Michigan and Harbaugh could go to the playoffs and even win a national championship. Then they'll be the ones laughing.

No, if the suspicions are well-grounded, as they appear to be, only crippling sanctions and Harbaugh's departure would satisfy me.
I am skeptical that scUM will be punished severely. They are too much of a golden boy for the B10 and college football overall. This probably ends in a suspension for Harbaugh for next season of 6 games. They may end up canning a couple of other coaches who they can scapegoat because they are expendable, nothing else.
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I am skeptical that scUM will be punished severely. They are too much of a golden boy for the B10 and college football overall. This probably ends in a suspension for Harbaugh for next season of 6 games. They may end up canning a couple of other coaches who they can scapegoat because they are expendable, nothing else.
Unfortunately this is what I'm expecting. If it's more great but those expecting the death penalty or anything g significant are doing so primarily so they can be angry as they know how unlikely that is. It's also about what happened to us ignoring the fact our leaders not only agreed to it but seemingly begged for it to deemphasize football.
Unfortunately this is what I'm expecting. If it's more great but those expecting the death penalty or anything g significant are doing so primarily so they can be angry as they know how unlikely that is. It's also about what happened to us ignoring the fact our leaders not only agreed to it but seemingly begged for it to deemphasize football.
Well, the difference between a sexual predator scandal and sign stealing. No comparison.
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I am skeptical that scUM will be punished severely. They are too much of a golden boy for the B10 and college football overall. This probably ends in a suspension for Harbaugh for next season of 6 games. They may end up canning a couple of other coaches who they can scapegoat because they are expendable, nothing else.
The B10 tv ratings and corresponding revenue are driven by 3 schools - PSU, OSU, and UM with the rest of the schools along for the ride. And we know the conference loves tv revenue and loves the good ole boys of the Big2. As such I agree there will be some hesitancy to drop the hammer, but in this case the chatter is too loud from the rest of the conference and the rest of the country. I think they crossed a line here, if true and it certainly seems like it is, that they were influencing games down south in the SEC as well. The SEC will want blood. Also, there are some big brands coming into the conference next year that will not tolerate the historic special treatment of the Big2.