My God Tennessee, what happened?


Fonzie approves this message!
most of you aren't old enough to remember 1971 and what assholes their fans were at that game

if they are down another 100 years it won't be long enough
I was 2 then, so I don't remember it. Kind of a sign of where we were in the CFB pecking order that would be shocking today is that we had to play them twice in back-to-back seasons at Neyland Stadium without a return trip.
I used to like TC. He was difference in a field of homogeneous, boring Sports Talk people. Enjoyed how he bashed ESPN on a regular basis, pointed out their PC BS. I haven't listened to him since his moronic attack on Sciano. He and the rest of the idiot Vols fanbase deserve exactly what they are getting. What reasonably promising would ever take a job at that mess of a place?

I am not and never was a big fan of his, but he positioned (and prides) himself to be exactly the kind of 'sports talk' guy who would cut through 'mainstream media' BS and see things for how they are. His anti-ESPN, anti-PC, anti-identity politics posture should be the kind that dismisses the mainstream narrative surrounding PSU/Sandusky; but as you can see, he's like everyone else when he thinks it'll suit his cause (this being Tennessee football) - he goes through great lengths to put Schiano in the room with JS as a knowing and willing enabler and as a result, whips the UT zombies into a frenzy over nothing. With Schiano, they're probably 1-0 today. Not the case and a lot of it is his fault.
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PSU was as high (or higher) in the “pecking order” then, as they are now.
It’s just that the economics of the sport/business were so much different back the .
I still remember when we were ranked #1 in the polls for the first time ever in 1978. I don't think we were seen quite the same at that time.
Many penn state fans, Kentucky fans, and VATech fans, and WVU fans are back woodsy types and fiercely loyal to the school in their region. Just like the Vols. Yet a representative group of Vols fans are levels below in class. Why is that? They are overhyped typically. Is it SEC entitlement and bitterness they never live up to the hype? You would think with a similar demographic that they would be more humble and friendly. It is a shame a few can ruin the perspective others have of a fan base.

Tennessee is the Michigan of the SEC.
That wasn’t the claim you had made.


You said he was “the top sports media opinion guy in the world”......
Which is, in several ways, one of the dumbest statements in the history of the inter webs.


You and Clay are running neck-and-neck in the race up Stupid Statement Mountain.
At least he has the excuse of - apparently - being shit-faced drunk during most of his “hot takes”.
Do you have a similar alibi?
Oh, so he’s really dumb right? Yeah awful opinions and very low IQ necessary to start a multi million dollar customer facing business from his house with an iPhone and an iPad. You sound bitter/jealous grinding away at your boring dead end 9-5.
Oh, so he’s really dumb right? Yeah awful opinions and very low IQ necessary to start a multi million dollar customer facing business from his house with an iPhone and an iPad. You sound bitter/jealous grinding away at your boring dead end 9-5.

If he had kept his mouth shut Greg Schiano would be your coach and you would have beaten Georgia State yesterday. We all know what happened. Karma is a bitch!
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If he had kept his mouth shut Greg Schiano would be your coach and you would have beaten Georgia State yesterday. We all know what happened. Karma is a bitch!
“Your”? I am a PSU grad. I have no affiliation with Tennessee. I am one of the many who enjoy Clay’s sports analyses.
Travis Clay is an ass and he and that fan base are getting what they deserve. He basically made sure that fan base put enough pressure on administration that they passed on Schiano and the coach from NC State. So yes, Travis Clay is a stupid idiot.
a glut of Nazis and KKK and fascist Frauds and Phucks.... defines Tennessee.

Weird. TN has been pretty solidly Red since the mid 90s.
Since Nazis were socialists/fascists, the KKK was founded by the Democrats, every major fascist government has been left wing, your depiction is either incorrect or diminishing each year.
I suppose there could be enough Blue voters left in TN(or at least in your area) to make the state feel like there is a "glut" of old Democrat "Frauds and Phucks," but the good news is that what "defines Tennessee" is changing.
Travis Clay is an ass and he and that fan base are getting what they deserve. He basically made sure that fan base put enough pressure on administration that they passed on Schiano and the coach from NC State. So yes, Travis Clay is a stupid idiot.

And outted himself as an outright troll when he publicly released the personal cell phone number of the AD.
That's a horrible stereotype. If you are stereotyping TN .... have you ever driven thru rural parts of PA with a set of open eyes???

I hate Teen football. I live in Atlanta and I hate TN football more than any other SE program. IMO, the TN fans are the biggest bunch of a-holes in the entire SEC........ but that's still a horrible and bigoted stereotype.

Yes it is and yes I have. Just yesterday driving through and around Bedford, PA passed a house with a big Trump/Pence 2020 sign. It was below their flag pole with the.... Confederate flag....Not the Confederate flag under the American flag but The Confederate flag. SMH.
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I was at both Tennessee games. My brother is a graduate and lives in Knoxville. Tennessee fans are obnoxious as most opponent’s fans. My favorite memory is the last two bowl games against TN. The Holiday Bowl when we came back to win big and the Outback Bowl in the rain. After both games, Smokey was running out of the stadium with his tail between his tail between his legs.

I only know of playing BYU in the Holiday Bowl and that was Auburn in the Outback rain Bowl.
There is a lot more to that story. One, it’s been on the books for a long time and is not something new. Two, as for Forrest, we was one of the first to call for conciliation and racial fairness later in his life and reached out to the black community. Three, he was an incredible brave soldier defending his home from invasion.

I understand that there are two sides to every story, but I've heard and seen to many horror stories about the Klan and their deeds. Sometimes there are repercussions from our actions. If he truly wanted to make amends, then he would understand.
Oh, so he’s really dumb right? Yeah awful opinions and very low IQ necessary to start a multi million dollar customer facing business from his house with an iPhone and an iPad. You sound bitter/jealous grinding away at your boring dead end 9-5.

It is ironic that the people defending the people of the "Great" state of Tennessee are also the same people who have no problem crapping on people from NYC and LA.
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I’ve posted before under LD with no number. Got booted for saying Chambers had to go.

Based on the attitude projected under your previous moniker and what you’ve shown in this thread, I am willing to bet it was something else. Many here have called for Chambers to go, myself included. Then again, maybe it was how you communicated your feelings about Chambers. You’ve always come off as a troll.

Regardless of what you try to claim, I put your first account on Ignore and have done the same with your latest incarnation. You aren’t worth the effort.
USA Today: " hadn’t the Vols already sunk as low as they could go this past decade?"

In a way, I almost felt sorry for Tennessee fans... But then you realize it's as much their fan's fault as it is their inept administration. And obviously the recent drama between our program and theirs makes me love their slide into irrelevancy. What an embarrassment Tennessee has become to college football. In what other conference to you see a perennial power who ranks 10th in wins (838), 10th in drafted players (346) 12th in weeks ranked in the AP Poll (582) and finally, 13th most All-Americans (40) fall so completely off the map?

Shouldn't Manning shuffle his retired ass down to Knoxville and stir things up? Where's the sense of pride? ... GA State's coach said they won simply because they were in much better shape.... What a joke Tennessee has become.

The quotes from USA today are dagger driving, and couldn't be any more accurate. Man, we thought the "dark years" were bad...


No wonder USA today had a field day....

"After all, hadn’t the Vols already sunk as low as they could go this past decade? Hadn’t Vol fans stepped up on that fateful Sunday in late November 2017 and declared themselves the true saviors of the program, canceling the hire of Greg Schiano and eventually running athletics director John Currie out of town so that championship-winning coach Phil Fulmer could ride in and restore the Big Orange glory of two decades ago? With Saint Phil and his hand-picked coach Jeremy Pruitt now in charge, wasn’t it about to feel like 1998 all over again in Knoxville?"

The Vols have been bad before, suffered losses to lesser programs that would drive fans crazy. It’s what happens when you get left at the alter by Lane Kiffin, hire an unproven coach in Derek Dooley who was way over his head in the SEC, then go all-in with to Butch Jones, whose good qualities as a college coach were undercut by his paranoia and inability to deal with the pressure of a highly-scrutinized job.

And then in this article too:

1. It's the worst loss in Tennessee history. Bar none, not up for debate. And for a program that has spent the last decade soiling itself in every way possible, that’s a pretty remarkable thing to say.

2. The Vols' defensive line got manhandled by a Sun Belt team and gave up 213 rushing yards to the Panthers, who were able to move the chains pretty much any time they really needed to. Tennessee's defense looked soft and physically out of shape and got gashed over and over again when it was time to get off the field. Seriously, what were those guys doing all summer?

3. Quarterback Jarrett Guarantano threw for 311 yards on 26-of-40 passing but didn’t really pass the eye test. He was too slow to process things from the pocket and didn’t handle pressure well when Georgia State blitzed. Also, Tennessee ran it just 31 times for 93 yards, which is just very poor against a Sun Belt team that should be physically overmatched.

4. Jim Chaney left Georgia to become the Vols’ offensive coordinator this year. Though many of the Vols’ problems were on defense, this wasn’t a confidence-inspiring debut.

And then my favorite part of all of it...

This Gem:
5. And not to kick Tennessee fans when they’re down, but maybe that whole thing about vetoing a coaching hire by Twitter mob and running a competent athletic director out of town wasn’t the best idea? Maybe Jeremy Pruitt will eventually prove himself up to the job, but you don’t get forever in the SEC to turn things around, especially when you squander your political capital on losses to the likes of Georgia State. This is the Phil Fulmer show now, which is what the Vol Nation wanted. Be careful what you wish for?
I saw the Vols live during that Outback Bowl a few years ago. There were a few fans sitting in front of me. I screamed into their ears until they left in the 3rd quarter.
In a way, I almost felt sorry for Tennessee fans... But then you realize it's as much their fan's fault as it is their inept administration. And obviously the recent drama between our program and theirs makes me love their slide into irrelevancy. What an embarrassment Tennessee has become to college football. In what other conference to you see a perennial power who ranks 10th in wins (838), 10th in drafted players (346) 12th in weeks ranked in the AP Poll (582) and finally, 13th most All-Americans (40) fall so completely off the map?

Shouldn't Manning shuffle his retired ass down to Knoxville and stir things up? Where's the sense of pride? ... GA State's coach said they won simply because they were in much better shape.... What a joke Tennessee has become.

The quotes from USA today are dagger driving, and couldn't be any more accurate. Man, we thought the "dark years" were bad...


No wonder USA today had a field day....

"After all, hadn’t the Vols already sunk as low as they could go this past decade? Hadn’t Vol fans stepped up on that fateful Sunday in late November 2017 and declared themselves the true saviors of the program, canceling the hire of Greg Schiano and eventually running athletics director John Currie out of town so that championship-winning coach Phil Fulmer could ride in and restore the Big Orange glory of two decades ago? With Saint Phil and his hand-picked coach Jeremy Pruitt now in charge, wasn’t it about to feel like 1998 all over again in Knoxville?"

The Vols have been bad before, suffered losses to lesser programs that would drive fans crazy. It’s what happens when you get left at the alter by Lane Kiffin, hire an unproven coach in Derek Dooley who was way over his head in the SEC, then go all-in with to Butch Jones, whose good qualities as a college coach were undercut by his paranoia and inability to deal with the pressure of a highly-scrutinized job.

And then in this article too:

1. It's the worst loss in Tennessee history. Bar none, not up for debate. And for a program that has spent the last decade soiling itself in every way possible, that’s a pretty remarkable thing to say.

2. The Vols' defensive line got manhandled by a Sun Belt team and gave up 213 rushing yards to the Panthers, who were able to move the chains pretty much any time they really needed to. Tennessee's defense looked soft and physically out of shape and got gashed over and over again when it was time to get off the field. Seriously, what were those guys doing all summer?

3. Quarterback Jarrett Guarantano threw for 311 yards on 26-of-40 passing but didn’t really pass the eye test. He was too slow to process things from the pocket and didn’t handle pressure well when Georgia State blitzed. Also, Tennessee ran it just 31 times for 93 yards, which is just very poor against a Sun Belt team that should be physically overmatched.

4. Jim Chaney left Georgia to become the Vols’ offensive coordinator this year. Though many of the Vols’ problems were on defense, this wasn’t a confidence-inspiring debut.

And then my favorite part of all of it...

This Gem:
5. And not to kick Tennessee fans when they’re down, but maybe that whole thing about vetoing a coaching hire by Twitter mob and running a competent athletic director out of town wasn’t the best idea? Maybe Jeremy Pruitt will eventually prove himself up to the job, but you don’t get forever in the SEC to turn things around, especially when you squander your political capital on losses to the likes of Georgia State. This is the Phil Fulmer show now, which is what the Vol Nation wanted. Be careful what you wish for?

Wasn't another kick in the teeth when that mullet haired dude from Oklahoma State used UT as leverage for a new contract? Man, that hurts (we should know, pretty much everyone on our short list did it to us in 2012...Boise State's Peterson stands out...).

I'm not a big Schiano fan, but at worst he's a pretty good short term fix for UT - did wonders at Rutgers, had an unremarkable NFL stint (like Saban), part of a championship staff at OSU - lots to sell there to a program looking to rehabilitate itself IMO. CT and others thought Gruden was going to be their guy with Tee Martin doing the day to day. DELUSIONAL.
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Wasn't another kick in the teeth when that mullet haired dude from Oklahoma State used UT as leverage for a new contract? Man, that hurts (we should know, pretty much everyone on our short list did it to us in 2012...Boise State's Peterson stands out...).

I'm not a big Schiano fan, but at worst he's a pretty good short term fix for UT - did wonders at Rutgers, had an unremarkable NFL stinnt (like Saban), part of a championship staff at OSU - lots to sell there to a program looking to rehabilitate itself IMO. CT and others thought Gruden was going to be their guy with Tee Martin doing the day to day. DELUSIONAL.

Schiano is a good coach and would had the team play harder against Georgia State.
The Iron Lion himself is the strength training coach at UT, somewhat an indictment against his program where GA State said that UT was tired and not very physical.
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