Need to ban Gameday from PSU campus

Respectfully, I don't think it's as simple as that. With some petty Pitt or Rutgers fans I agree that a lot of it is to get a rise out of people. However, scanning the USC board (for example)- the comments are flying.

Those comments aren't aimed at Penn Staters or in trying to get a rise out of PSU fans. They are the internal conversations between Southern Cal fans and how they view Penn State(rs)- even 5 years later.

These comments and attitudes aren't going away if we just pretend it doesn't exist. That's what Karen Peetz thought with her infamous "this will all be forgotten by 2014" statement.

I agree there are some here who take things too far at times. However, the reality is that these comments are the norm of how Penn State is seen nationally.

I understand your point of view and that of others here but barring any breaking news from the trials that'll probably never happen or something coming out that "morally" in the public's eye exonerates Paterno--it all falls on deaf ears.! Nobody is trying to hear it. All these other folks do is copy and paste bwi posts for shits and giggles. That's a fact. I wouldn't tell any one of you what to do about it because you're free to do as you wish but issuing long posts to explain what Paterno or C/S/S did or didn't do is largely ignored except by the folks who are already in agreement.

It's hurtful, I get it--one of my kids was a freshman student-athlete two months in when it all went down in 2011 and my other kid is a freshman now. There's nothing that's going to stop the vitriol except indisputable proof. It is what it is.

I think some of the folks that want to move on just want to do so unless new legal info breaks because at this point that is all that would change many people's (outside PSU) opinions.
You guys need to grow the hell up. We can't pull the blinds and hope that the bad people go away. We need to confront them; take them on head-on. We have the opportunity to fix the narrative. Let them come, we will show them what kind of fanbase we are. We will show them that we mean business on the field. We will show them Success with Honor. They can continue talking about whatever bullshit they want, but we can only with this by being who we really are. Isolationism doesn't fix anything. Recruits watch College Gameday. Casual fans watch College Gameday. We need both of them.
It would be great to let it die, but ESPN won't let it die. So instead, let's welcome them onto campus for Gameday so they can bring it up all over again, over and over and over. When the world lets it die, then maybe we will let it die. But as long as they're going to bring it up, we're going to defend ourselves. I'm so glad I was never in a foxhole with you.
There is no foxhole, that's the point. You are fighting something that doesn't need to be fought. People will think what they want... you will never be able to change their minds or shut them up. At this point, it only looks like an act from God could change the public's perception of what happened. It's over. We might as well focus on the future instead of constantly crying about things that cannot be changed. We will never know exactly what happened... you should just get used to that reality.
There is no foxhole, that's the point. You are fighting something that doesn't need to be fought. People will think what they want... you will never be able to change their minds or shut them up. At this point, it only looks like an act from God could change the public's perception of what happened. It's over. We might as well focus on the future instead of constantly crying about things that cannot be changed. We will never know exactly what happened... you should just get used to that reality.
You might not want to fight it, but I do...I will continue to fight the false narrative.
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You might not want to fight it, but I do...I will continue to fight the false narrative.
How do you know the narritive is false? That's the point... you are fighting something that we don't even have an answer for. Can any one of us truly answer why the story changed from what MM and Paterno testified to "Horseplay"? Was it C&S giving Spanier a BS line? Was Paterno telling Curley to make sure this never saw the light of day? Did MM lie to everyone? What about the alleged victims from the 70's? You and I can only give opinions on all of these questions... we don't have the undisputed facts to back up our opinions. And we never will. You cannot win this situation. You are just wasting your time and making PSU fans look obsessed. It's terrible.
You guys need to grow the hell up. We can't pull the blinds and hope that the bad people go away. We need to confront them; take them on head-on. We have the opportunity to fix the narrative. Let them come, we will show them what kind of fanbase we are. We will show them that we mean business on the field. We will show them Success with Honor. They can continue talking about whatever bullshit they want, but we can only with this by being who we really are. Isolationism doesn't fix anything. Recruits watch College Gameday. Casual fans watch College Gameday. We need both of them.

You and your ilk have been "changing the narrative" for five years. How is that working out?
You clowns don't have the common sense of a rock.
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You might not want to fight it, but I do...I will continue to fight the false narrative.

You will never change a thing . You need an earth shattering revelation as big or bigger than the initial Sandusky story to move general public opinion.

You won't change a thing .
Respectfully, I don't think it's as simple as that. With some petty Pitt or Rutgers fans I agree that a lot of it is to get a rise out of people. However, scanning the USC board (for example)- the comments are flying.

Those comments aren't aimed at Penn Staters or in trying to get a rise out of PSU fans. They are the internal conversations between Southern Cal fans and how they view Penn State(rs)- even 5 years later.

These comments and attitudes aren't going away if we just pretend it doesn't exist. That's what Karen Peetz thought with her infamous "this will all be forgotten by 2014" statement.

I agree there are some here who take things too far at times. However, the reality is that these comments are the norm of how Penn State is seen nationally.

If that is how some SC fans feel about PSU, you certainly aren't going to change their minds
by confronting them. People have long had their minds made up about the scandal and nothing
you or any other PSU fans do is going to change that.
The thing some of you on this board are forgetting is that the more you fight the current narrative with conjecture, the worse people's opinions become of you. Is the narrative based on conjecture? Absolutely, but the narrative's conjecture is backed up by years of statements, lawsuits, multi-million dollar settlements, fines, etc. Even people who have moved on from the narrative that Joe was part of a cover-up will never move on from the position that Joe should have done more. At the very least this is a moral issue for people now and those are positions that do not change easily. Unless you have some amazing new revelation proving Joe had absolutely no knowledge, which is unlikely considering he had heard the information and rumors, fighting against this will just solidify the "cult" narrative. Like it or not, much of the narrative is now about the fans rather than Joe.
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The thing some of you on this board are forgetting is that the more you fight the current narrative with conjecture, the worse people's opinions become of you. Is the narrative based on conjecture? Absolutely, but the narrative's conjecture is backed up by years of statements, lawsuits, multi-million dollar settlements, fines, etc. Even people who have moved on from the narrative that Joe was part of a cover-up will never move on from the position that Joe should have done more. At the very least this is a moral issue for people now and those are positions that do not change easily. Unless you have some amazing new revelation proving Joe had absolutely no knowledge, which is unlikely considering he had heard the information and rumors, fighting against this will just solidify the "cult" narrative. Like it or not, much of the narrative is now about the fans rather than Joe.
Who cares? If someone is going to completely trash someone's entire legacy, they at least should have some proof. I really don't care what people think of me as a fan.
You will never change a thing . You need an earth shattering revelation as big or bigger than the initial Sandusky story to move general public opinion.

You won't change a thing .
I can change one person at a time and I have done that. So I will continue. It's better than tucking your tail between your legs and running away.
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I understand your point of view and that of others here but barring any breaking news from the trials that'll probably never happen or something coming out that "morally" in the public's eye exonerates Paterno--it all falls on deaf ears.! Nobody is trying to hear it. All these other folks do is copy and paste bwi posts for shits and giggles. That's a fact. I wouldn't tell any one of you what to do about it because you're free to do as you wish but issuing long posts to explain what Paterno or C/S/S did or didn't do is largely ignored except by the folks who are already in agreement.

It's hurtful, I get it--one of my kids was a freshman student-athlete two months in when it all went down in 2011 and my other kid is a freshman now. There's nothing that's going to stop the vitriol except indisputable proof. It is what it is.

I think some of the folks that want to move on just want to do so unless new legal info breaks because at this point that is all that would change many people's (outside PSU) opinions.

I totally agree nothing will change beliefs now except some bombshell type event (if any even exists). I've posted that previously in another thread. I also get the frustration with threads that tend to rehash things over and over when no new info has come out.

My point was more aimed at the Peetz type attitude 'if everyone here just shuts up it will go away'. It will not as it's not just people saying these things to get a rise out of Penn Staters but instead saying these things because that's what they truly believe after the past 5 years.
You are only succeeding in punching yourself in the face. Keep up the good work
You're wrong (big surprise). I have educated many of my friends and family with information they did not know (another big surprise). And many of them have changed their minds. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you change an uninformed public? One person at a time.
I initially intended to write an "agree to disagree" post with regard to elvis and osprey and be done with it, but the more they posted, the more annoyed I got. You claim that we're the ones whining, but you conveniently ignore the fact that the ESPN (and the NCAA and Big 14) never miss and opportunity to treat us like their own personal punching bag. They repeatedly rip the scab off our wound. I don't know whether they're doing it for grins or to make themselves feel morally superior, but you can be damn sure they're doing it because they can't stand PSU. You believe that if we ignore them that they will tire of their game and go away. Evidence supports the opposite. It's been 5 years, and the unprovoked shots continue. To them it's a joke and we're the punchline. Your solution is for us to bury our heads in the sand until it goes away, because any attempt to fight back is futile. And to further your point, osprey, you state, "You are only succeeding in punching yourself in the face." Unfortunately, your pacifist "live and let live" strategy allows THEM to continually punch us in the face. I don't like to be punched in the face!!! Maybe it's just me, but if someone hits me, I hit back.

Let's be clear. I never suggested that we debate the Sandusky affair on the air with the game day losers. That would surely be a losing proposition. However, I have no problem at all with PSU (assuming they could grow a backbone) telling ESPN that if they are going to continue their adhominem attacks, they need not bring their clown show to State College. As someone previously posted, we've survived without them over the past 5 years and we can certainly live without them going forward! WE DO NOT NEED THEM!!!
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If that is how some SC fans feel about PSU, you certainly aren't going to change their minds
by confronting them. People have long had their minds made up about the scandal and nothing
you or any other PSU fans do is going to change that.

I agree completely. Those minds are made up and won't be changed. I don't even try as it's a waste of time. I just skip the thread and move on to the next.

The point about the USC board was to show that this nonsense wasn't done 'just to get a rise out of PSU fans'.

That said, I have no problem with people wanting to keep media types (like ESPN) accountable when they start going off the deep end, lying, making things up in rants, or even Desmond's recent lunacy of Notre Dame's Catholics vs Convicts t-shirts being absolute proof that Penn St fans are 'holier than thou'.

I have no problem with that kind of push back to keep them honest (or at least call them out when they go off the deep end). I don't think you need to keep petting a dog that continually bites you.
I can change one person at a time and I have done that. So I will continue. It's better than tucking your tail between your legs and running away.

Maybe they just yessed you to death and agreed to shut you up?
I initially intended to write an "agree to disagree" post with regard to elvis and osprey and be done with it, but the more they posted, the more annoyed I got. You claim that we're the ones whining, but you conveniently ignore the fact that the ESPN (and the NCAA and Big 14) never miss and opportunity to treat us like their own personal punching bag. They repeatedly rip the scab off our wound. I don't know whether they're doing it for grins or to make themselves feel morally superior, but you can be damn sure they're doing it because they can't stand PSU. You believe that if we ignore them that they will tire of their game and go away. Evidence supports the opposite. It's been 5 years, and the unprovoked shots continue. To them it's a joke and we're the punchline. Your solution is for us to bury our heads in the sand until it goes away, because any attempt to fight back is futile. And to further your point, osprey, you state, "You are only succeeding in punching yourself in the face." Unfortunately, your pacifist "live and let live" strategy allows THEM to continually punch us in the face. I don't like to be punched in the face!!! Maybe it's just me, but if someone hits me, I hit back.

Let's be clear. I never suggested that we debate the Sandusky affair on the air with the game day losers. That would surely be a losing proposition. However, I have no problem at all with PSU (assuming they could grow a backbone) telling ESPN that if they are going to continue their adhominem attacks, they need not bring their clown show to State College. As someone previously posted, we've survived without them over the past 5 years and we can certainly live without them going forward! WE DO NOT NEED THEM!!!

And you will accomplish nothing . You're not changing their schtick, you won't find a brain for Howard , and you won't change public perception .
Ignore them .
You're wrong (big surprise). I have educated many of my friends and family with information they did not know (another big surprise). And many of them have changed their minds. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you change an uninformed public? One person at a time.

Abe when the information finally gets released after a trial or a FOI request when it's wrapped up any other way ?
When certain uncomfortable details are revealed ? You will have accomplished nothing except wasting a lot of emotional energy.
I have a new idea for you nutjobs to.discuss. What if PSU refuses to play in the Rose Bowl
unless Ziegler or Lubrano gets to speak about the scandal during halftime instead of having
the bands perform?

Possibly your dumbest effort to date. Go somewhere else and spew your nonsense. They can't refuse, crap brain, but you already knew that.
You're wrong (big surprise). I have educated many of my friends and family with information they did not know (another big surprise). And many of them have changed their minds. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you change an uninformed public? One person at a time.

Congratulations. But you have a very long way to go. If that's how you choose to spend
your time, have at it.
I agree completely. Those minds are made up and won't be changed. I don't even try as it's a waste of time. I just skip the thread and move on to the next.

The point about the USC board was to show that this nonsense wasn't done 'just to get a rise out of PSU fans'.

That said, I have no problem with people wanting to keep media types (like ESPN) accountable when they start going off the deep end, lying, making things up in rants, or even Desmond's recent lunacy of Notre Dame's Catholics vs Convicts t-shirts being absolute proof that Penn St fans are 'holier than thou'.

I have no problem with that kind of push back to keep them honest (or at least call them out when they go off the deep end). I don't think you need to keep petting a dog that continually bites you.

ESPN has a large cadre of so called analysts who's job it is to fill in the time when games aren't
being shown. Gameday has it's regular crew and they are not all the brightest bulbs. Over the
year they were often complementary towards PSU. Franklin and some of the players. But
sometimes one or another will say something stupid. That is going to happen on a three hour long talk show. I don't believe any of them hate PSU and are glad we are back...I don't think
as fans we should be so thin skinned as to take personal offense at every stupid comment
and I certainly don't think they should be banned from our campus.
ESPN has a large cadre of so called analysts who's job it is to fill in the time when games aren't
being shown. Gameday has it's regular crew and they are not all the brightest bulbs. Over the
year they were often complementary towards PSU. Franklin and some of the players. But
sometimes one or another will say something stupid. That is going to happen on a three hour long talk show. I don't believe any of them hate PSU and are glad we are back...I don't think
as fans we should be so thin skinned as to take personal offense at every stupid comment
and I certainly don't think they should be banned from our campus.

Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree. For me- I'd just quietly tell them 'no, thank you' if they ask for gameday to broadcast from campus. I don't think a public spectacle needs to be made but a point made quietly behind the scenes is fair game IMO. I respect others can feel differently.
Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree. For me- I'd just quietly tell them 'no, thank you' if they ask for gameday to broadcast from campus. I don't think a public spectacle needs to be made but a point made quietly behind the scenes is fair game IMO. I respect others can feel differently.

I have one more point concerning Gameday. Our time has passed. Now the campus
belongs to the students. Who are we to deny them the experience of going to Gameday
and perhaps being on National TV because we have a beef with ESPN? .
Fair enough. We'll agree to disagree. For me- I'd just quietly tell them 'no, thank you' if they ask for gameday to broadcast from campus. I don't think a public spectacle needs to be made but a point made quietly behind the scenes is fair game IMO. I respect others can feel differently.
We have far more to gain with them coming to PSU than they do. This will just hurt us down the road.
I have one more point concerning Gameday. Our time has passed. Now the campus
belongs to the students. Who are we to deny them the experience of going to Gameday
and perhaps being on National TV because we have a beef with ESPN? .

Sometimes there are principles worth standing for.......even if it means you make the ultimate sacrifice of not appearing on tv for a flash of 1-2 seconds. ;)
We have far more to gain with them coming to PSU than they do. This will just hurt us down the road.

Respectfully, I disagree. We neither gain or lose anything based on where they broadcast from.
Sometimes there are principles worth standing for.......even if it means you make the ultimate sacrifice of not appearing on tv for a flash of 1-2 seconds. ;)
Yes, there are principles worth standing for. The decision then must be made as to how to make a stand. In a positive way with positive outcomes or in a negative way?

Invite them in, make them feel as if they are on the friendliest, best campus in the country. Overwhelm them with positive information, display how open and honest the program is. Give them so many good things to talk about that any negativity stands out as foolish. Kill them with kindness. Gain control of the narrative. Lead by exhibiting a stunning example of excellence.


Defy them, deny access to campus, and tell them to go elsewhere. Give them even more ammunition and justification for negativity. Relinquish all control of the narrative.

Of course, the first choice requires great restraint and determination. Not an easy road to travel and not for the weak. You must be superior to your opponent to be successful.

The second choice is the easy one. Just put your brain in neutral and let your emotions take control.
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Yes, there are principles worth standing for. The decision then must be made as to how to make a stand. In a positive way with positive outcomes or in a negative way?

Invite them in, make them feel as if they are on the friendliest, best campus in the country. Overwhelm them with positive information, display how open and honest the program is. Give them so many good things to talk about that any negativity stands out as foolish. Kill them with kindness. Gain control of the narrative. Lead by exhibiting a stunning example of excellence.


Defy them, deny access to campus, and tell them to go elsewhere. Give them even more ammunition and justification for negativity. Relinquish all control of the narrative.

Of course, the first choice requires great restraint and determination. Not an easy road to travel and not for the weak. You must be superior to your opponent to be successful.

The second choice is the easy one. Just put your brain in neutral and let your emotions take control.

Don't make this into some magical game changing event. It's a tv show that cares about ratings only.

Do you really think your going to sweet talk Desmond Howard into changing his opinions and feelings (that both he and his wife have made crystal clear previously)? Not going to happen. Let's not make this into something more than it is.
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Don't make this into some magical game changing event. It's a tv show that cares about ratings only. Do you really think your going to sweet talk Desmond Howard into changing his opinions and feelings (that both he and his wife have made crystal clear previously)? Not going to happen. Let's not make this into something more than it is.
Any opportunity to influence the media to be more positive towards PSU should be viewed as a game changing event.

Let Desmond Howard say whatever the hell he wants to say. Influence the context so that anything negative he says looks even more idiotic.

If you want to change the media narrative, you are going to have to engage the media.
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Yes, there are principles worth standing for. The decision then must be made as to how to make a stand. In a positive way with positive outcomes or in a negative way?

Invite them in, make them feel as if they are on the friendliest, best campus in the country. Overwhelm them with positive information, display how open and honest the program is. Give them so many good things to talk about that any negativity stands out as foolish. Kill them with kindness. Gain control of the narrative. Lead by exhibiting a stunning example of excellence.


Defy them, deny access to campus, and tell them to go elsewhere. Give them even more ammunition and justification for negativity. Relinquish all control of the narrative.

Of course, the first choice requires great restraint and determination. Not an easy road to travel and not for the weak. You must be superior to your opponent to be successful.

The second choice is the easy one. Just put your brain in neutral and let your emotions take control.
It's a nice thought in theory. But these guys helped burn us to the ground and now that we're getting back up they're trying to kick us in the mouth.

Why in the world are they trying to create this new narrative that we turned our backs on this program and James Franklin? Because they want to suppress us.

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It's a nice thought in theory. But these guys helped burn us to the ground and now that we're getting back up they're trying to kick us in the mouth.

Why in the world are they trying to create this new narrative that we turned our backs on this program and James Franklin? Because they want to suppress us.

Yeah, like I said it isn't an easy road to follow. Not for the weak, and you must be superior to your opponent to be successful. I can see why many would not want to follow this difficult path.

However, your twitter battles don't seem to be moving the needle much do they. Might be time to consider other viable options.