NIU running back tells coach right before last game tonight he is transferring

This is freaking college football, I know it makes a hell of a lot of money, but at it's core, the academics should have priority. It's simple, if you transfer, you don't play the next year, but you get the scholarship to the new school so you get all of the benefits of being a football player, but you just can't play in games....

At it's core it is not about academics and never has been. The architects of that are the people that run the universities.
I wonder about the academic side of this new process, too. Are the players in the portal expected to continue to go to class and maintain their grades? I'm not sure about how this impacts their access to the football and related facilities, even though they remain on scholarship. (I could look it up, but I'm not going to before typing this out!).

And doing this midweek, while preparing for the next game and already having been in game-planning meetings and practices.... I'm sure they can see how this impacts their teammates and coaches.

I agree that sitting out for at least some period of time would make players think it through a little more, as waivers seem to be the rule rather than the exception. If not a year, then half the games, or something. I want to see things be fair for players, of course, but some responsibility has to go along with it. With coaches and contracts, it's a financial consideration. With players, there should be more balance between asking out and landing. As it stands, it seems to be overly favorable to the player, given what seems to be the waiver rate. Just find some balance, make the decision just a bit tougher due to all considerations, and be ready to tweak things as we learn from the process as we see it play out more and more.

I like the idea of the portal being open during certain times. Allowing the disruption once the season gets underway doesn't seem to be the way to work it. I'd try closing the portal starting with the first week of the season and opening it at the end of the regular season.

Rule is that the kid remains on scholarship for the entire academic year regardless of his status with regard to the team. As a practical matter, a school can withdraw the scholarship at the end of the Fall term, but most don't. Behooves a kid to keep up with his studies if, for no other reason, not to jeopardize his transfer prospects.

Access to training facilities is at the discretion of the coach
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That is a different question.

And again I never said I have sympathy for players. I said the players dont simply get scholarships and their pick of schools with nothing in return.


For sure it's a different question, one that you addressed and I answered.

Nothing like stating what is clearly obvious to anyone who is on the right side of the grass.
Guess you haven't been paying much attention to the direction of the rule changes and why they're going that way. The rule change you suggest ain't never happenin'.

Oh, I've been paying close attention, what is apparent is you not knowing flippancy and sarcasm when they're staring you in the face. And thank you GOD for clarifying what is going to happen with the rules.
Simple solution to the transferring option.

1) Eliminate the requirement that a player sit out a year.
2) Make the new school buy out the scholarship from the old school - like they have to do with coaches. The buy out would be simple. Cost of scholarship (Tuition/fees/room and board) + Yearly Stipend+ Training Costs . You could even set a standard price for scholarship (since schools all have different costs (Say 100,000)

If a player has EARNED his degree - buyout is not required - as player completed obligation.
If a player drops down a level (ie PSU to Delaware) buyout is not required.

You could also allow a true exemption (ie when our kicker left to go to texas during the open period due to sick mom) but it has to be a LEGIT reason and current school should be in agreement that it is legit (and most schools should rule accordingly as they could benefit as well)

Yes - it is only 100,000 but it would force the school to really want the kid.

Athletes don't have to sit out - new school gets 'dinged' and old school gets compensated.
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