People who have never worked in the system don't understand this. It is the way that priests and JS were able to live on the edge for so long. There was always an excuse. What convicted JS wasn't v-1, v-2, v-3, v-n, or MM. What convicted JS was v-1, v-2, v-3, v-n AND MM. So what is the common denominator here? TSM. They were the only ones in a position to assure accurate records and to connect the dots.
- why would he seek out Paterno? He didn't see anything.
- why would he seek out MM if he trusted C&S?
- JS had a history of showing with boys, as did many people back in the day. He showered with a boy, alone, which was alarming. There is nothing illegal or warranting of a CYS or criminal investigation for showing with a boy.
- If you worked in the industry, at risk and fatherless boys, you would know that many do not know how to groom. It isn't uncommon for well meaning counselors to be in, what many would consider, creepy positions if witnessed out of context. Again, not unlike a dr checking for a hernia.
- If you are a man working in the industry, you can expect to have boys make allegations against you. These kids, in the system, learn how to push buttons to get what they want, especially against people that disciplined them. It is a way to lash out.
Beyond all that, PSU was in no position to do more than precisely what they did. By Mike McQueary's, his father's and Dr. Dranov's own admission, the decision to handle the matter via PSU's HR Channel as an "administrative investigation" rather than a "Police Report" was made the prior evening while the event was still ONGOING! PSU did everything they could, including turning it over to the proper Child Welfare channels for further handling and investigation (as well as putting an end to Sandusky's TSM On-Campus privileges). What else precisely was "PSU" supposed to do precisely? They had determined no illegal activity, they did not know the child's identity beyond what Sandusky would tell them, etc.... TSM/DPW/CYS were CLEARLY in the best position to investigate the matter and make further determinations......and their further determinations and recommendations were that Sandusky should wear swim-trunks the next time he finds himself in such a situation - so what does that tell you about the conclusions "the child welfare experts" reached in regards to the incident???