No Sex Scandal at Penn State, Just A "Political Hit Job"

Let's not forget that the State via their direct Agency, the DPW, also placed dozens upon dozens of children into a Serial Pedophiles DIRECT CUSTODY for decades via State-
Administered Adoption Programs and State Administered Foster-Parenting Programs!!! (not only that, but JR and other TSM Professionals provided many of the "evaluations" under subcontract to DPW for both sides of the adoption / foster-parenting agreements). None of these agreements which placed untold numbers of children under Sandusky's direct custody inside his hellish torture chambers had bupkis to do with PSU, PSU Football, PSU Admins, etc... - so who precisely did The State hold accountable for these failures that provided direct, unsupervised access and custody to children for Sandusky directly inside his home!?!?

Gee, crickets for answers from the trolls who post endless spinning screeds about punishing the innocent - I'm shocked.....LMFAO, but they're not trolls defending the corrupt actions of State Officials running a political prosecution and protection racket, don't you know?
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Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Whoever, using the mail or any facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual who has not attained the age of 18 years, to engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.
"Grooming" can be illegal after the fact, as it shows above. You have to first prove it was "to have sex". Without the proof of sex, it is not a crime. Its analogus to casing a bank branch to rob it. If you don't rob the bank, its not illegal.

Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Whoever, using the mail or any facility or means of interstate or foreign commerce, or within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual who has not attained the age of 18 years, to engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title and imprisoned not less than 10 years or for life.
"Grooming" can be illegal after the fact, as it shows above. You have to first prove it was "to have sex". Without the proof of sex, it is not a crime. Its analogus to casing a bank branch to rob it. If you don't rob the bank, its not illegal.

wasn't that essentially the hang up in 1998?

Gricar felt he could not prove sexual intent on Sandusky's part . . .
Huh??? Are you really trying to claim that PSU had no idea TSM was a State-Licensed Charity with a long, well-established relationship with DPW/CYS when PSU's General Counsel, Wendell Courtney, did volunteer work for TSM....his wife was a Board Member of TSM.....and countless PSU Board Members had relationships with TSM/Sandsuky? Seriously? Another absurdly outrageous "made-up" bull$hit extraneous "supposed fact" - that has absolutely nothing to do with CPS Law and what constitutes a qualifying report and is complete BULL$HIT beyond even that! As an attorney and General Counsel to PSU, Wendell Courtney would absolutely be aware of the prescriptions of the CPSL Code you insufferable, nonsensical, ever-spinning douche- bag!!!
Read my post again. I don't believe there is any indication that CSS thought TSM would report the incident to CYS.
I don't doubt Jack slid out the back door. The problem peoplehere eant to ignore is the right people were on the table and Tim decided no to. I'm not saying TSM shouldn't be looked into but this idea now that TSM was the right call or acceptable is a reach. Nobody is buying that and why they didn't try to sell it.
The obvious question is, why didn't they just go directly to CYS if they ultimately wanted the incident reported to CYS?
Read my post again. I don't believe there is any indication that CSS thought TSM would report the incident to CYS.

Huh? WTF are you talking about - why would "CSS" need to prove what they "thought" about TSM's LEGAL AND REGULATORY OBLIGATIONS??? How is this obtuse BULL$HIT even remotely relevant to anything being discussed here (i.e., the PA CPS Law and its prescriptions for a Report to be considered a report to Child Welfare Authorities)? BTW, how do you know "what they thought" on this subject and what does your absurd "opinion" on this extraneous, absurd and IRRELEVANT topic have to do with anything?

Gee, good thing you're not a troll given another troll-like post in a long line of troll-like posts....LMFAO!
The obvious question is, why didn't they just go directly to CYS if they ultimately wanted the incident reported to CYS?

Huh??? Going to TSM is going to CYS under the prescriptions of the applicable STATUTORY CODE, the PA CPS Law, you insufferable, habitually moronic Jack@ss!!! Gee, do tell why PSU's GENERAL COUNSEL wouldn't tell them the exact same thing????
The obvious question is, why didn't they just go directly to CYS if they ultimately wanted the incident reported to CYS?
The answer to your question is easy. Untrained persons are not sure how and what to do to report boundary issue behavior. TSM, on the other hand, knew exactly what to do as that was the dog-gone business. TSM was told what happened and they blew it. As a result, the state maliciously and with criminal intent sent to trial and erroneously convicted the wrong persons.

A more obvious set of questions are:

1. If Mike McQ thought that what he heard and told others was actually a crime (aka CSA), why didn't he just pick up the phone and call the police? He was the only one who saw/heard anything!

2. If Mike's Dad and Dranov, who both knew the obligations associated with CSA due to their medical profession background, heard within 20 minutes what happened in Lasch, why didn't they have Mikey bypass JoePa and skip on over to the Police Station in the AM after sleeping on it?

3. If Mike was so sure what he saw was over the line and he saw Sandusky in town roaming free, why didn't his outrage cause him to go back to his dad and ask him how to properly report 'way over the line' behavior?
wasn't that essentially the hang up in 1998?

Gricar felt he could not prove sexual intent on Sandusky's part . . .
That's right....that is the trigger point. Without that event, in and itself a crime, they've got no path to conviction. Some might think they could have filed as a shot across the bow and, perhaps, to get more discovery.

But that doesn't come without damage if, in fact, the guy is innocent. So its a tough call.
A licensed psychologist said it indicated he might be abusing the child. That testimony was overruled by a less qualified person.

A less qualified person who was brought into the equation by, and acting as a CONTRACTOR for, the State of Pennsylvania via the DPW/CYS!!! LMFAO, this is now PSU's fault when they had absolutely nothing to do with Seasock being injected into the situation to neutralize Chamber's Report - Alycia Chambers was the person who filed the DPW Childline Report as a Mandatory Reporter! - with the DPW citing his work in their final Report that literally declared Sandusky innocent! So now, according to the trolls, it's PSU's fault The State, via its Direct Agency, brought John Seasock into the equation as a direct contractor for The State to scuttle Chamber's Childline Report that she made as a "Mandatory Reporter" under PA CPS Law??? Huh? WTF? Unreal....
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The answer to your question is easy. Untrained persons are not sure how and what to do to report boundary issue behavior. TSM, on the other hand, knew exactly what to do as that was the dog-gone business. TSM was told what happened and they blew it. As a result, the state maliciously and with criminal intent sent to trial and erroneously convicted the wrong persons.

A more obvious set of questions are:

1. If Mike McQ thought that what he heard and told others was actually a crime (aka CSA), why didn't he just pick up the phone and call the police? He was the only one who saw/heard anything!

2. If Mike's Dad and Dranov, who both knew the obligations associated with CSA due to their medical profession background, heard within 20 minutes what happened in Lasch, why didn't they have Mikey bypass JoePa and skip on over to the Police Station in the AM after sleeping on it?

3. If Mike was so sure what he saw was over the line and he saw Sandusky in town roaming free, why didn't his outrage cause him to go back to his dad and ask him how to properly report 'way over the line' behavior?
It's because Mike screwed up.
Did you really just say "notice he wasn't raising his hand 6 years saying it's all good guys they told me"? Maybe he could have raised one hand while the other was shoving papers into the shredder. Seriously man. Do you even read some of your posts?
You're a bit slow today. It was dripping with sarcasm. Maybe start using your brain instead of your heart.
You're a bit slow today. It was dripping with sarcasm. Maybe start using your brain instead of your heart.

The irony is
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You keep calling charities when someone breaks the law. Idiot. You may be the tinfoil king although pnny is a strong 1A there. You and JZ should hookup. Two rational sane voices of reason. What could go wrong there?o_O

Sling McFurdy, you and sanity are total strangers.
You keep calling charities when someone breaks the law. Idiot. You may be the tinfoil king although pnny is a strong 1A there. You and JZ should hookup. Two rational sane voices of reason. What could go wrong there?o_O

No, the people floating intentionally fraudulent and unrighteous Presentments & Indictments via the wanton abuse of Publicly-Granted Powers & Authority are clearly the "rational sane voices of reason"... Whatever you say Mr. Sanity...
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You keep calling charities when someone breaks the law. Idiot. You may be the tinfoil king although pnny is a strong 1A there. You and JZ should hookup. Two rational sane voices of reason. What could go wrong there?o_O

No, the people floating intentionally fraudulent and unrighteous Presentments & Indictments via the wanton abuse of Publicly-Granted Powers & Authority are clearly the "rational sane voices of reason"... Whatever you say Mr. Sanity...

I forget, are you Mr. Sanity, errrr.......Mr. Inanity - please accept my humble apologies, it was an honest mistake....
You keep calling charities when someone breaks the law. Idiot. You may be the tinfoil king although pnny is a strong 1A there. You and JZ should hookup. Two rational sane voices of reason. What could go wrong there?o_O

Sling McFurdy, you and sanity are total strangers.

Hey look what I found, a picture of our buddy here, Sling McFurdy, hard at work for tomorrow's "talking points" script:

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You didn't know corruption-supporting propagandists were the height of sanity? Shame on you turg... Who'da ever thunk this arrogant, servile, boot-licking, meathead would have a high opinion of himself? Shocking eeerrrrrrrrrr........maybe not.
LOL, you got me!!!! You two make a perfect couple. Can't control yourselves so you get banned and need new handles. Although pnny does lap you there by 4-5 a year easily. You two are awesome. I can't believe nobody saw TSM as a valid reporting source. You guys just solved it all!!! Hell I think that apology from the media and nation is coming within days. You're heros to the school and fans everywhere. TSM counts!!!! Woohoo!!! Surely with you two stepping up as the voice of reason, PSU is off the hook. Get that money back now boys!!!
TSM = DPW. Kind of like almost touching second base on a double play. I feel ya BODE. How did the plead with you on the sidelines holding this info? Damn, you would have set it straight. Awesome work, really great job!!!
Yet you continue to blame and condemn the wrong people for the wrong reasons.
I disagree. Those men did not safeguard the University nor did they report the incident to CYS. Whether it was a mistake or something worse, they still failed. One report to CYS and none of this happens to PSU. And maybe (not a given) JS is stopped 10 years earlier.
No, he's actually brilliant - just ask him....according to him, Reports that are defined to qualify as a formal report to Child Welfare Authorities under PA CPS Law are actually not qualifying reports because "he says so" - sheer brilliance as a forensic debating technique....
Why didn't they play that card again? oh yeah, they weren't stupid enough to say that with a straight face. You on the other hand really think that is what they should have said. Your honor we told Jerry's charity so we're good to go!!! You know the same one he created to pick his victims. You may want to rethink this one BODE. I mean the f-ing cult idiots here may try and buy it, but even most would pass on this one as the get out of jail free card.
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Why didn't they play that card again? oh yeah, they weren't stupid enough to say that with a straight face. You on the other hand really think that is what they should have said. Your honor we told Jerry's charity so we're good to go!!! You my want to rethink this one BODE. I mean the f-ing cult idiots here may try and buy it, but even most would pass on this one as the get out of jail free card.

Who'da ever thunk the guy who believes the floaters of intentionally fraudulent Presentments and Indictments enabling Malicious Prosecutions are clearly the "rational sane voices of reason" would also believe in throwing out the applicable Law and Code in regards to the definition of a qualifying "Report" to Child Welfare Authorities? Nope, never would have expected that, LMFAO! Never would have guessed it!
Who'da ever thunk the guy who believes the floaters of intentionally fraudulent Presentments and Indictments enabling Malicious Prosecutions are clearly the "rational sane voices of reason" would also believe in throwing out the applicable Law and Code in regards to the definition of a qualifying "Report" to Child Welfare Authorities? Nope, never would have expected that, LMFAO! Never would have guessed it!

He's a "floater" for sure...scroll down to 3, 4, &5.
Who'da ever thunk the guy who believes the floaters of intentionally fraudulent Presentments and Indictments enabling Malicious Prosecutions are clearly the "rational sane voices of reason" would also believe in throwing out the applicable Law and Code in regards to the definition of a qualifying "Report" to Child Welfare Authorities? Nope, never would have expected that, LMFAO! Never would have guessed it!

You really are sticking with the place where Jerry hand picked his victims as the best place to go. Thank god they didn't try to sell that. I mean it's fine for an idiot like you though.
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poor pnny. Come on man, I need to be on ignore!!! I think you should be the voice and face for Jerry's new trial. I really mean that. Your passion for Jerry is awesome and having you there will only strengthen his case. Free Jerry pnny!!!
You really are sticking with the place where Jerry hand picked his victims as the best place to go. Thank god they didn't try to sell that. I mean it's fine for an idiot like you though.

Is that why Pennsylvania assigned children to Sandusky's direct custody and care for 4 decades via State-Administered Adoption Programs and State-Administered Foster Parenting Programs and contracted with The Second Mile, and it's Professionals, to do the evaluations of both the children and the adults to enable the assignments??? Just curious genius-boy?
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