Let's not forget that the State via their direct Agency, the DPW, also placed dozens upon dozens of children into a Serial Pedophiles DIRECT CUSTODY for decades via State-
Administered Adoption Programs and State Administered Foster-Parenting Programs!!! (not only that, but JR and other TSM Professionals provided many of the "evaluations" under subcontract to DPW for both sides of the adoption / foster-parenting agreements). None of these agreements which placed untold numbers of children under Sandusky's direct custody inside his hellish torture chambers had bupkis to do with PSU, PSU Football, PSU Admins, etc... - so who precisely did The State hold accountable for these failures that provided direct, unsupervised access and custody to children for Sandusky directly inside his home!?!?
Gee, crickets for answers from the trolls who post endless spinning screeds about punishing the innocent - I'm shocked.....LMFAO, but they're not trolls defending the corrupt actions of State Officials running a political prosecution and protection racket, don't you know?