No Sex Scandal at Penn State, Just A "Political Hit Job"

LOL, you're still in rookie ball little guy. I'm trying my best to actually give you the benefit of the doubt, but it's becoming clear you live in a fantasy land. You sound like fools now trumpeting TSM as the we're off the hook card. There is a reason they didn't use that as a defense. Try and figure out why. Read Tim's emails and then come back and say TSM was the chosen reporting agency. Let me know how you and not Wen can pull it together. It should be EPIC!!!!

Wendy is more than capable of speaking for herself, but that's not her main point and it's certainly not mine. It's your soapbox rant. Now actually go back and read her blog slowly and tell us all what you don't buy for a second.

And now my obligatory request to your typical bullshit argument style...please find one of my posts where I "trumpeted" TSM as the get off the hook card. Just one. You aren't even smart enough to keep track of who you are arguing with big leaguer.
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Or maybe he knew his emails did him in. If you think a jury would think Jerry's charity was the proper place to call after discussions of the DPW, you're out of your mind. I understand it was a witch hunt, but these guys did themselves no favors.
Do you believe that Tim Curley and/or Gary Schultz and/or Graham Spanier genuinely suspected that Jerry Sandusky was a child predator?
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No, because there is a preponderance of other sworn testimony that contradicts that claim. When that happens, you need to weigh both sides and decide who is believable and who isn't. Just like the jury did in the Spanier case regarding Tim's testimony. A juror is quoted as saying he wasn't believable.

Oh, I totally get that, but that is not what you have been saying all along. You have been saying we cannot question what the victims said under oath. Now you are saying we can evaluate who is believable and who isn't. Some of the victims are not believable. The stories do not add up. A subset of the victims knew each other. All the victims knew they had substantial paydays waiting for them is they alleged abuse.

See? That's all part of evaluating who is believable and who isn't.
I know, I know... winning to you is being found/pleading guilty to only three crimes. I wonder why Spanier is even appealing his verdict since he "won"? :rolleyes:

Huh? What? The State "winning" according to you is going 0 for 24 on their original charges and getting two plea-bargains for J-Walking??? Listen you phucking moron, C/S/S did not "plead guilty" to Failure To Report or any other of the State's INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT and trumped-up charges. The State LOST on the charge you keep claiming they got a conviction on and they did NOT get a conviction on this charge - IOW, you are WRONG ON THE FACTS yet again @sshole!
Your have managed to devolve to a point where you post & get 6 likes, each from the free-jerry/jerry is innocent crowd.

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to take a breath & reflect on that. Is this the group that you want to be associated with?

When Steve Masters and Jeff Simon's are on your side it's really time to re-evaluate what you stand for.

You get zero likes, so maybe you should just stop posting.
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I'm not buying that for a second. The normal notifications were discussed and a decision to be "humane" instead of cautious was chosen. Was it criminal, nope. Was it the smart decision, nope. They were doing Jerry and TSM a solid which was a bad decision. I know you're balls to the wall over Dr Jack and rightly so, but pointing the finger elsewhere doesn't mean they made a sound decision. TSM was not chosen as a reporting agency, but as a courtesy. Spinning that differently now isn't going to work.

I know you're hung up on the vague emails, but we still haven't heard from any of them regarding context and there's no mention of suspected child abuse. If their only concern was liability, not sexual abuse, then contacting the Second Mile was appropriate. Contacting DPW easily could've been because they license the Second Mile and if Jerry and the Second Mile wouldn't comply with the request to keep Jerry from bringing Second Mile kids on campus, then perhaps the licensing entity, DPW, would address it. The worst has been assumed to be true from the emails from the start because Jerry was LATER found to be doing the worst thing possible to children.
Oh, I totally get that, but that is not what you have been saying all along. You have been saying we cannot question what the victims said under oath. Now you are saying we can evaluate who is believable and who isn't. Some of the victims are not believable. The stories do not add up. A subset of the victims knew each other. All the victims knew they had substantial paydays waiting for them is they alleged abuse.

See? That's all part of evaluating who is believable and who isn't.

When he says all he does is take "sworn testimony" at face value and is persecuted for it, it is just more of his typical, lame, troll bull$hit as evidenced by none other than Jack Raykovitz's, Tim Curley's and Gary Schultz's SWORN TESTIMONY in GS's Trial. Every one of them testified that nobody, including MM, ever outright accused Sandusky of CSA or that they ever suspected such a thing.
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The singular problem with this idea of "at the time" which I apply to Gary (not sure if Tim or Graham were aware of WC advice) and not Joe is that they were informed by a lawyer to report it. Plain and simple. That must be included in the information they had at the time. A lawyer said (paraphrasing before people freak out) "hey if you REALLY want to be sure about it, just report it". We can speculate why they didn't follow WC's advice, but the fact is that's part of their info and they ignored it. He didn't say "well if Jerry doesn't hear you, then report him" or any other qualifier, he just said to be safe, call the authorities.

Now @rmb297 Ray has written about the possibility of a report being made, unfounded/screened out, and expunged. The problem there is that Gary has never, IIRC, state unequivocally that a report was definitely made. This is a problem for me. He has said he thinks maybe one was, or that Graham told him it was handled. Why didn't Gary document this as he did with the other items and plan? It just doesn't make sense to me.

First, Gary's memory of what happened in 2001 is hazy at best. Also consider that none of the three who testified on January 12th 2011 didn't sit down and compare notes about what happened.

Gary's memory at the trial improved quite a bit -- having quite excellent recall that he started writing his 2/12/2001 note as he spoke with Tim, then finished writing it after meeting with Graham. Of course, Spanier is mentioned nowhere in the note.

There are other questionable statements, such as a meeting at the BJC on 2/25/2001 with Spanier and Curley that neither Spanier nor Curley recall.

As for why Gary didn't document his 2001 report. How do you know he didn't?

This is a case built on lies and deceptions.

Recall that Cynthia Baldwin handled all of the information going from PSU to the OAG's office.


In the Commonwealth's opening, the attorney stated "thank the Lord Gary Schultz was a very good note taker" -- but there are hardly any notes at all when you consider all of the meetings that took place.

a) No notes regarding call from Tim Curley on 2/11/2001.

b) No notes re: discussion with W. Courtney on 2/11/2001. A rather important discussion that NEITHER individual has notes about.

c) No notes re: discussion with T. Harmon on 2/12/2001.

d) NOTES exist for 2/12/2001 mtg w/T. Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW.

e) No notes exist for 2/18/2001 mtg w/Tim Curley

f) No notes exist for 2/19 or 2/20 mtg w/Mike McQueary. Gary is a great note taker, but doesn't have a single note from this meeting. Impossible.

g) NOTES exist for 2/25/2001 mtg w/T.Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW

h) No notes exist for later mtg w/J. McQueary & J. Dranov

The only notes from 2001 just so happen to mention DPW and are “inculpatory.”

Any notes that could be exculpatory are missing. That’s not an accident.
FYI - it's pretty hard to reconcile Courtney's statements to the media in the early days of the scandal with his testimony at the McQueary & Spnaier trials.

11/16/2011 - Courtney statements to The New York Times

Courtney was called in to advise Second Mile’s board of directors in 2009 after Sandusky informed it of the Clinton County freshman’s accusations, but Courtney said that was the first he had heard of Sandusky’s alleged inappropriate behavior.

But other than that, “at no time, whether in 1998 or in 2002 or any other point in time, was I made aware or did I have knowledge of Jerry Sandusky engaging in sexual misconduct with young children,” Courtney said. “Had I had any idea that there was even remotely improper conduct with children on any day since the beginning of time, nothing in the world would have kept me from being absolutely certain that it was reported to the police immediately. That is my duty.”

11/17/2011 - Penn State’s Former Top Lawyer Says He Had No Inkling About Sandusky Allegations Till 2009

Courtney worked at McQuaide Blasko and served as counsel for Penn State beginning in 1980, when he passed the bar, until 2008, the Centre Daily Times reports. He tells the publication he was never asked about whether to notify police of earlier allegations.

Had I ever been asked, my response would have been, ‘Absolutely and immediately,’ ” Courtney said. “Had I ever had any inkling that Sandusky was engaging in behavior with children that was even remotely improper, nothing on God’s green earth would have kept me from making certain that the allegations were reported to the police authorities and thoroughly investigated.”

Courtney also spoke to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the New York Times. He said a grand jury report wrongly alleged he was told of a 1998 incident in which a mother reported to university police that her 11-year-old son had showered with Sandusky. The District Attorney decided not to prosecute.

Nor was he aware of allegations by assistant coach Mike McQueary that he had seen Sandusky raping a boy who appeared to be about 10 years old, Courtney said. He told the New York Times he might have been notified that Sandusky was being investigated, but he was never given even general information about the nature of the allegations.

“At no time, whether in 1998 or in 2002 or any other point in time, was I made aware or did I have knowledge of Jerry Sandusky engaging in sexual misconduct with young children,” Courtney told the New York Times. “Had I had any idea that there was even remotely improper conduct with children on any day since the beginning of time, nothing in the world would have kept me from being absolutely certain that it was reported to the police immediately. That is my duty.

I think the media misunderstood the nuance of Courtney's reply and the headline is misleading.

The NYT asked Courtney was asked if he had heard of SEXUAL MISCONDUCT allegations against Jerry. He answered honestly that he didn't hear about those until 2009. The allegations in 1998 and 2001 were described to him as horsing around or something less than sexual.

It's bad news reporting.
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Perhaps we should apologize for the fact that some of us are not willing to join the Congregation of Hang JVP and the PSU3?

Right, we need to do penance or perhaps be burned at the cross for being "cultists", because we don't believe hanging JVP and CSS solved the real problem in PA or protected a single child going forward.
I know you're hung up on the vague emails, but we still haven't heard from any of them regarding context and there's no mention of suspected child abuse. If their only concern was liability, not sexual abuse, then contacting the Second Mile was appropriate. Contacting DPW easily could've been because they license the Second Mile and if Jerry and the Second Mile wouldn't comply with the request to keep Jerry from bringing Second Mile kids on campus, then perhaps the licensing entity, DPW, would address it. The worst has been assumed to be true from the emails from the start because Jerry was LATER found to be doing the worst thing possible to children.

The worst was assumed because of the INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT Presentment & Indictments the OAG floated to initiate this Malicious Prosecution, literally establish the INTENTIONALLY FALSE NARRATIVE on the record and to completely pollute the ability to have a fair trial. The OAG told the world that Mike McQueary testified to the 33rd SWIGJ that he "saw" and "eyewitnessed" the anal-rape of a 10 year old and reported this to his father, Dr. Dranov, JVP, Tim Curley and Gary Schultz. This is an OUTRIGHT LIE (i.e., an INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATION of the facts and reality) on MULTIPLE fronts as confirmed by none other than Mike McQueary himself and Grand Jurors he actually testified before - none of whom sat on the 33rd SWIGJ:
  • McQueary testified to the 30th SWIGJ and told them he DID NOT "see" or "eyewitness" what the OAG claims in their Presentment - IOW, he testified to the 30th SWIGJ in the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE fashion of what the State claimed in their FRAUDULENT Presentment and Inidictments.
  • Not only did McQueary testify DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSITE to what the OAG claimed (i.e., he did not "see" or "eyewitness" what they claimed and could only speculate and conjecture on those allegations making his testimony "Circumstantial Evidence", not the "Direct Evidence" the OAG claimed it would be in their Presentment & Indictments), but McQueary even documented the MISREPRESENTATIONS in an e-mail to the OAG immediately following the OAG's public release of the Presentment and Indictments!
These items were assumed to be true because of the OAG's "33rd Presentment - Statement of Fact" which was released to the public - a document which dedicated some 80% of its writing to these INTENTIONALLY FALSE claims by the OAG!
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I think the media misunderstood the nuance of Courtney's reply and the headline is misleading.

The NYT asked Courtney was asked if he had heard of SEXUAL MISCONDUCT allegations against Jerry. He answered honestly that he didn't hear about those until 2009. The allegations in 1998 and 2001 were described to him as horsing around or something less than sexual.

It's bad news reporting.
In order to be a card carrying member of the Congregation of Hang JVP and The PSU3, one agrees to abide by the teachings of the Holy Commonwealth OAG, its prosecutors and investigators.
Yes the phantom "OAG changed the transcript" theory that has zero evidence to back it up. For folks who always hate when people assume or embellish what Joe or Tim or Gary or Gaham knew, you all spend a lot of time assuming facts not in evidence.

Except other evidence that the OAG changed/redacted.

The TSM printout from McQueary evidence exhibit 84 (provided by PSU) the TSM printout in the Schultz legal filing (provided to his legal team by the OAG) are different. The OAG redacted information on its exhibit.

Also, the Schultz notes of 5/5/1998 are complete in the Freeh Report (again information from PSU) but they are redacted in the attachments to the Conspiracy of Silence presentment.
Highly paid lawyers for three different individuals had six years to come up with the "REPORTING TO TSM IS LIKE REPORTING TO CYS" defense and none took it. I guess CSS should have hired the internet sleuths that we have here instead.

Here is TSM's mission statement.

Mission Statement
"The Second Mile challenges young people to achieve their potential as individuals and community members by providing opportunities for them to develop positive life skills and self-esteem as well as by providing education and support for parents and professionals addressing the needs of youth."

Now you can go on and read the whole thing, but I did a quick search for abuse and report. Guess what the only hit on reports was how many people report to supervisors. Nothing at all on Sexual abuse and reporting. I'm sure they had policies in place since they worked with kids, but it was not the primary reason for Jerry's charity. Now maybe they advertised in PA at the time if you have cases of possible sexual abuse call TSM. Maybe that was well known in PA and if so I'll say...ooops, but I somehow doubt that was the first phone call to be made. It helped children, but it certainly doesn't appear as if it was put in place to only help victims of sexual abuse. Well to be honest, we know better, it was put in place for Jerry to see the field and hand pick his victims.

So these people NOW saying calling Jerry's charity of 30 or so years was the best option to report are flat out LYING IMO. They had options on the table to call the right agencies and in their own words said they would take the HUMANE approach. Basically what people here are saying is Dr. Jack could and should have made the same phone call that these men already discussed and passed on as he was better suited to. I have no doubt that Jack could and should have called, but sorry I'm not handing out a trophy for them passing the buck. Do I think they were criminals...absolutely not. Were they hiding it by telling TSM,,,,nope. Was TSM really their version of reporting this or was it a courtesy call to TSM to let them know he did it again. It was nothing more than that and why they didn't even try to pretend that was an official report. TSM wasn't some investigative abuse service.

Either way it doesn't matter. They didn't try that defense because they would have been idiots to try and do so. Saying Jack was in a better spot professionally to make that call and judgement is 100% true...doesn't mean they reported anything by calling him.
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Oh, I totally get that, but that is not what you have been saying all along. You have been saying we cannot question what the victims said under oath. Now you are saying we can evaluate who is believable and who isn't. Some of the victims are not believable. The stories do not add up. A subset of the victims knew each other. All the victims knew they had substantial paydays waiting for them is they alleged abuse.

See? That's all part of evaluating who is believable and who isn't.
I said that there should be an evaluation when you have conflicting testimony. Where is the conflicting testimony for the victims?
First, Gary's memory of what happened in 2001 is hazy at best. Also consider that none of the three who testified on January 12th 2011 didn't sit down and compare notes about what happened.

Gary's memory at the trial improved quite a bit -- having quite excellent recall that he started writing his 2/12/2001 note as he spoke with Tim, then finished writing it after meeting with Graham. Of course, Spanier is mentioned nowhere in the note.

There are other questionable statements, such as a meeting at the BJC on 2/25/2001 with Spanier and Curley that neither Spanier nor Curley recall.

As for why Gary didn't document his 2001 report. How do you know he didn't?

This is a case built on lies and deceptions.

Recall that Cynthia Baldwin handled all of the information going from PSU to the OAG's office.


In the Commonwealth's opening, the attorney stated "thank the Lord Gary Schultz was a very good note taker" -- but there are hardly any notes at all when you consider all of the meetings that took place.

a) No notes regarding call from Tim Curley on 2/11/2001.

b) No notes re: discussion with W. Courtney on 2/11/2001. A rather important discussion that NEITHER individual has notes about.

c) No notes re: discussion with T. Harmon on 2/12/2001.

d) NOTES exist for 2/12/2001 mtg w/T. Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW.

e) No notes exist for 2/18/2001 mtg w/Tim Curley

f) No notes exist for 2/19 or 2/20 mtg w/Mike McQueary. Gary is a great note taker, but doesn't have a single note from this meeting. Impossible.

g) NOTES exist for 2/25/2001 mtg w/T.Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW

h) No notes exist for later mtg w/J. McQueary & J. Dranov

The only notes from 2001 just so happen to mention DPW and are “inculpatory.”

Any notes that could be exculpatory are missing. That’s not an accident.

Also keep in mind that the OAG strangely gave everybody's SWIGJ Subpoena to Cynthia Baldwin rather than the actual named recipients (which is not considered properly serving someone). Cynthia Baldwin then held the Subpoenas for several weeks rather than delivering them such that the Subpoenaed parties had no idea they were even served a Subpoena until shortly before their appearance date! This combined with her other antics, clearly demonstrates that she was working in conjunction with the OAG to "frame" the PSU Administrators at a very, very, very early date (probably for the purpose of leveraging them to testify against GS - Corbutt's real political "trophy kill"). In fact, she may have been working for the OAG, and the political Junta that created the AG, who then became the AG-turned-Governor, from the time she was hired as PSU's first-ever internal GC in January 2010 as PSU was enmeshed in "Climate-Gate" at the time and there were tons of calls for an outside (i.e., AG) investigation of PSU.
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That reveals more about you than you realize (& is also the reason the question wasn't directed at you).
Well, I have believed for five years now that Tim and Gary were the main problem. Both men spoke to MM and Paterno unlike Spanier. Please let me know what that belief reveals about me?
Do you believe that Tim Curley and/or Gary Schultz and/or Graham Spanier genuinely suspected that Jerry Sandusky was a child predator?
I'm not sure to be honest. Why would they put DPW on the table at all if they had ZERO suspicions? I certainly don't think they could comprehend how sick and twisted he was and sorry if that is what you think I'm saying. They had no clue how f--ked up Jerry was. I'm saying at the very least they raised an eyebrow the second time around, weighed who to call and simply made the wrong call. Now people here are saying TSM was the same as calling the state agencies...which it isn't IMO. I'm not screaming for their heads, but here on this site if you dare question them at hate Joe and them. It's some sort of grade school mentality that if you say that maybe these guys did screw up as they hate Joe and PSU or are a troll.

Basically you have a group of people with their fingers in their ears that only want to hear PSU was the real victim here. PSU did get screwed and PSU's admin/BoT that made decisions that November did some crazy harm to the school. You can say that and still say that these guys made the wrong phone call. can, but some here get all bothered by it.
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I'm not sure to be honest.. Why would they put DPW on the table at all if they had ZERO suspicions? I certainly don't think they could comprehend how sick and twisted he was and sorry if that is what you think I'm saying. I'm saying at the very least they raised an eyebrow the second time around, weighed who to call and simply made the wrong call. Now people here are saying TSM was the same as calling the state agencies...which it isn't IMO. I'm not screaming for their heads, but here on this site if you dare question them at hate Joe and them. It's some sort of grade school mentality that if you say that maybe these guys did screw up as they hate Joe and PSU or are a troll.
Well said. It's juvenile thinking, at best.
I'm not sure to be honest.. Why would they put DPW on the table at all if they had ZERO suspicions? I certainly don't think they could comprehend how sick and twisted he was and sorry if that is what you think I'm saying. I'm saying at the very least they raised an eyebrow the second time around, weighed who to call and simply made the wrong call. Now people here are saying TSM was the same as calling the state agencies...which it isn't IMO. I'm not screaming for their heads, but here on this site if you dare question them at hate Joe and them. It's some sort of grade school mentality that if you say that maybe these guys did screw up as they hate Joe and PSU or are a troll.

Yea, DEFENDING the floating of INTENTIONALLY FALSE Presentments & Indictments for the purpose of Malicious Prosecution and permanently tainting the possibility of a fair trial and creating all kinds of INTENTIONALLY FALSE FACTS and complete canards on the record (i.e., TYRANNY) is just oh-so "MATURE" behavior....LMFAO! Acting like a little child in defense of the OAG's despicable, corrupt, immoral, illegal and reprehensible behavior is actually oh so "mature behavior" - don't you know? LMFAO again there Mr. Mad Hatter in your Alice in Wonderland, through the looking glass world where up is actually down, injustice is actually justice and childish, cowardly, wanna-be-tyrant little douche-bag defenders of the indefensible are actually the "mature" well-reasoned adults on these subjects!

You really are a pathetic little piece of garbage -- you continue to rant on about something you ARE FACTUALLY WRONG ABOUT under the law - i.e., PSU DID IN FACT cause a qualifying "REPORT OF CSA" to be made to DPW/CYS under the PA CPSL Code DESPITE none of the PSU Admins being Mandated Reporters under the Code!!! - AND "The State" lost on the very COUNT you are referencing - FTR! But according to you, the piece of $hit garbage douche that you are, this is strong and undeniable "proof" that the PSU Admins were clearly running a "conspiracy of silence" and endeavored to not report the incident outside PSU or to proper channels??? Whatever you say there Baghdad Bob Goebbels.....what a pathetic piece of garbage you truly are.
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Yea, DEFENDING the floating of INTENTIONALLY FALSE Presentments & Indictments for the purpose of Malicious Prosecution and permanently tainting the possibility of a fair trial and creating all kinds of INTENTIONALLY FALSE FACTS and complete canards on the record (i.e., TYRANNY) is just oh-so "MATURE" behavior....LMFAO! Acting like a little child in defense of the OAG's despicable, corrupt, immoral, illegal and reprehensible behavior is actually of so "mature behavior" - don't you know? LMFAO again there Mr. Mad Hatter in your Alice in Wonderland, through the looking glass world where up is actually down, injustice is actually justice and childish, cowardly, wanna-be-tyrant little douche-bag defenders of the indefensible are actually the "mature" well-reasoned adults on these subjects!

You really are a pathetic little piece of garbage -- you continue to rant on about something you ARE FACTUALLY WRONG ABOUT under the law - i.e., PSU DID IN FACT cause a qualifying "REPORT OF CSA" to be made to DPW/CYS under the PA CPSL Code DESPITE none of the PSU Admins being Mandated Reporters under the Code!!! - AND "The State" lost on the very COUNT you are referencing - FTR! But according to you, the piece of $hit garbage douche that you are, this is strong and undeniable "proof" that the PSU Admins were clearly running a "conspiracy of silence" and endeavored to not report the incident outside PSU or to proper channels??? Whatever you say there Baghdad Bob Goebbels.....what a pathetic piece of garbage you truly are.


Now you can see first hand what I said is true. I mean Bushwood is the extreme because he has no ability to hold a discussion with anyone. I imagine he grew up an entitled prick to be this way 100% of the time, but you can at least see why it's impossible to hold a discussion with a few.
I know you're hung up on the vague emails, but we still haven't heard from any of them regarding context and there's no mention of suspected child abuse. If their only concern was liability, not sexual abuse, then contacting the Second Mile was appropriate. Contacting DPW easily could've been because they license the Second Mile and if Jerry and the Second Mile wouldn't comply with the request to keep Jerry from bringing Second Mile kids on campus, then perhaps the licensing entity, DPW, would address it. The worst has been assumed to be true from the emails from the start because Jerry was LATER found to be doing the worst thing possible to children.

No he just "knows" things -- like why PSU reported the way they did, which still caused a qualifying Report of CSA to be made to DPW/CYS under the PA CPSL Code DESPITE the fact that PSU's Admins were not REQUIRED to make any such report under the Code, when the OAG claimed in their seminal Presentment & Indictment that the PSU Admins were running a "Conspiracy of Silence"! LMFAO, some "Conspiracy of Silence" - they're making reports outside of PSU that satisfuy the Reporting Requirements of the PA CPSL Code and they weren't even "Mandated Reporters" under the code! IOW, the State dropped or lost 100% of their charges related to "Failure to Report" and "Conspiracy" to not report (i.e., PSU won on all of these counts), but according to Johnny Douche-bag "I'm not a troll" here, this is strong evidence and proof that they "conspired" not to report the incident and keep it silent??? You can't make up this kind of BULL$HIT from parties claiming to not be "trolls" and that they are just creating FALSE FACTS and BULL$HIT degrading PSU's reputation and that of its Admins out of pure love for PSU, not because they're trolls.... Clearly, Sling McFurdy has been hard at work at his desk on today's edition of "The Daily Spin":


Now you can see first hand what I said is true. I mean Bushwood is the extreme because he has no ability to hold a discussion with anyone. I imagine he grew up an entitled prick to be this way 100% of the time, but you can at least see why it's impossible to hold a discussion with a few.

Yea, defending LIES and INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATIONS with additional mischaracterizations and bull$hit spin is oh-so "mature", LMFAO!

Again moron, The State LOST on 100% of their "Failure to Report" and "Conspiracy of Silence" charges! Additionally, PSU caused a QUALIFYING Report of CSA to be made to PA's DPW/CYS Agency under PA CPSL Code DESPITE nobody at PSU being a "MANDATED REPORTER" under the Code! But this is all strong evidence and clear proof, according to YOU, that PSU clearly didn't intend for the incident to be reported to the proper Child Welfare authorities and channels and was trying to maintain a "conspiracy of silence" on the matter!?!? Okay, whatever you say there Mr. Provablly False Accusations, because we all know how "mature" it is to make cowardly, character-assassinating FALSE ACCUSATIONS about other individuals that run 100% contrary to the FACTS and LAW of the subject in question (i.e., nothing but pure bull$hit, spin and propaganda in defense of the corrupt OAG prosecutors). Wow, such "mature" behavior there douche-bag!
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Yea, defending LIES and INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATIONS with additional mischaracterizations and bull$hit spin is oh-so "mature", LMFAO!

Again moron, The State LOST on 100% of their "Failure to Report" and "Conspiracy of Silence" charges! Additionally, PSU caused a QUALIFYING Report of CSA to be made to PA's DPW/CYS Agency under PA CPSL Code DESPITE nobody at PSU being a "MANDATED REPORTER" under the Code! But this is all strong evidence and clear proof, according to YOU, that PSU clearly didn't intend for the incident to be reported to the proper Child Welfare authorities and channels and was trying to maintain a "conspiracy of silence" on the matter!?!? Okay, whatever you say there Mr. Provablly False Accusations, because we all know how "mature" it is to make cowardly, character-assassinating FALSE ACCUSATIONS about other individuals that run 100% contrary to the FACTS and LAW of the subject in question (i.e., nothing but pure bull$hit, spin and propaganda in defense of the corrupt OAG prosecutors). Wow, such "mature" behavior there douche-bag!

Nobody is arguing those points idiot, but keep going there. You apparently don't know what or why a plea even occurs, but I can't teach you that. You can yell all the names you need to, buy your foaming out of the mouth mad man routine only solidifies what type of a-hole you really are.
Yea, defending LIES and INTENTIONAL MISREPRESENTATIONS with additional mischaracterizations and bull$hit spin is oh-so "mature", LMFAO!

Again moron, The State LOST on 100% of their "Failure to Report" and "Conspiracy of Silence" charges! Additionally, PSU caused a QUALIFYING Report of CSA to be made to PA's DPW/CYS Agency under PA CPSL Code DESPITE nobody at PSU being a "MANDATED REPORTER" under the Code! But this is all strong evidence and clear proof, according to YOU, that PSU clearly didn't intend for the incident to be reported to the proper Child Welfare authorities and channels and was trying to maintain a "conspiracy of silence" on the matter!?!? Okay, whatever you say there Mr. Provablly False Accusations, because we all know how "mature" it is to make cowardly, character-assassinating FALSE ACCUSATIONS about other individuals that run 100% contrary to the FACTS and LAW of the subject in question (i.e., nothing but pure bull$hit, spin and propaganda in defense of the corrupt OAG prosecutors). Wow, such "mature" behavior there douche-bag!

Nobody is arguing those points idiot, but keep going there.

Awesome, now according to Dr. Spin, he's made no "characterizations" on these topics designed to besmirch PSU-related individuals reputations that conflict with the FACTS stated? You really are a never-ending spinning coward and troll.
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Awesome, now according to Dr. Spin, he's made no "characterizations" on these topics designed to besmirch PSU-related individuals reputations that conflict with the FACTS stated? You really are a never-ending spinning coward and troll.
Yep...I never attacked them or Joe. You are correct. You're a deranged lunatic who SHOUTS ONLINE thinking IF YOU YELL LOUD AND ENOUGH IT MAKES YOU RIGHT. I know it and I have seen it for a decade+ with multiple handles as you lose your sh!t and have to go in timeout. You're a little insecure POS and that is why you YELL THE LOUDEST.

Here is TSM's mission statement.

Mission Statement
"The Second Mile challenges young people to achieve their potential as individuals and community members by providing opportunities for them to develop positive life skills and self-esteem as well as by providing education and support for parents and professionals addressing the needs of youth."

Now you can go on and read the whole thing, but I did a quick search for abuse and report. Guess what the only hit on reports was how many people report to supervisors. Nothing at all on Sexual abuse and reporting. I'm sure they had policies in place since they worked with kids, but it was not the primary reason for Jerry's charity. Now maybe they advertised in PA at the time if you have cases of possible sexual abuse call TSM. Maybe that was well known in PA and if so I'll say...ooops, but I somehow doubt that was the first phone call to be made. It helped children, but it certainly doesn't appear as if it was put in place to only help victims of sexual abuse. Well to be honest, we know better, it was put in place for Jerry to see the field and hand pick his victims.

So these people NOW saying calling Jerry's charity of 30 or so years was the best option to report are flat out LYING IMO. They had options on the table to call the right agencies and in their own words said they would take the HUMANE approach. Basically what people here are saying is Dr. Jack could and should have made the same phone call that these men already discussed and passed on as he was better suited to. I have no doubt that Jack could and should have called, but sorry I'm not handing out a trophy for them passing the buck. Do I think they were criminals...absolutely not. Were they hiding it by telling TSM,,,,nope. Was TSM really their version of reporting this or was it a courtesy call to TSM to let them know he did it again. It was nothing more than that and why they didn't even try to pretend that was an official report. TSM wasn't some investigative abuse service.

Either way it doesn't matter. They didn't try that defense because they would have been idiots to try and do so. Saying Jack was in a better spot professionally to make that call and judgement is 100% true...doesn't mean they reported anything by calling him.

Tim didn't go to TSM to report Child Sexual Abuse. Dranov, Senior, and Mike decided the evening of whatever it was that was witnessed, DID NOT warrant calling LE, DPW or CYS. It was decided instead to make a report to Joe Paterno. While Joe didn't sport a web page like the one you referenced.....if he did, I think we can all agree it would not have touted him as the place or person to report child sexual abuse be it on PSU Campus or in the entire Commonwealth. JVP simply followed administrative policy which involved contacting Tim and Gary.
After consulting WC, interviewing JS and MM, it was decided to bar JS from bringing TSM children from the FB facilities and to inform the employer of their findings and actions.
I don't believe anyone ever said that TSM was the preferred location to report child sexual abuse. That is your error. The issue is that although it is apparent the PSU3 didn't suspect or had no evidence of CSA, they did what was prudent with the administrative report and went to the controlling agency of JS and the children he counseled in their "Friends and Fitness" program.
What you are inferring by stating that TC went to TSM with his report instead of LE or DPW is that the PSU3 knew Jerry was a pedophile and simply passed it off. I'm sorry you have that opinion.
Tim didn't go to TSM to report Child Sexual Abuse. Dranov, Senior, and Mike decided the evening of whatever it was that was witnessed, DID NOT warrant calling LE, DPW or CYS. It was decided instead to make a report to Joe Paterno. While Joe didn't sport a web page like the one you referenced.....if he did, I think we can all agree it would not have touted him as the place or person to report child sexual abuse be it on PSU Campus or in the entire Commonwealth. JVP simply followed administrative policy which involved contacting Tim and Gary.
After consulting WC, interviewing JS and MM, it was decided to bar JS from bringing TSM children from the FB facilities and to inform the employer of their findings and actions.
I don't believe anyone ever said that TSM was the preferred location to report child sexual abuse. That is your error. The issue is that although it is apparent the PSU3 didn't suspect or had no evidence of CSA, they did what was prudent with the administrative report and went to the controlling agency of JS and the children he counseled in their "Friends and Fitness" program.
What you are inferring by stating that TC went to TSM with his report instead of LE or DPW is that the PSU3 knew Jerry was a pedophile and simply passed it off. I'm sorry you have that opinion.
You may want to tell that to those confused who are now saying they reported it to a proper authority in TSM. I'm not saying that...others are. I'm sorry you had that misinformation or haven't been following along.
Awesome, now according to Dr. Spin, he's made no "characterizations" on these topics designed to besmirch PSU-related individuals reputations that conflict with the FACTS stated? You really are a never-ending spinning coward and troll.

Yep...I never attacked them or Joe. You are correct. You're a deranged lunatic who SHOUTS ONLINE thinking IF YOU YELL LOUD AND ENOUGH IT MAKES YOU RIGHT. I know it and I have seen it for decades. You're a little insecure POS.

More bull$hit and lies from the King of using bull$hit and lies to defend the lying, corrupt, scumbag OAG prosecutors.... Good stuff. Only a dirt-bag moron such as yourself could attribute the FACTUAL CREATION of a qualifying Report of CSA to PA's Child Welfare Agencies as being "accidental" and that the true intention of the Reporter was to actually maintain a "Conspiracy of Silence" on the matter....and that this is not an "attack upon", or an effort to, besmirch the character of the Reporter! LMFAO, welcome to the wonderful world of Dr. Goebbels Sling McFurdy..... You put in OT last night at your desk writing today's edition of "The Daily Spin" I see, LMFAO:

You may want to tell that to those confused who are now saying they reported it to a proper authority in TSM. I'm not saying that...others are. I'm sorry you had that misinformation or haven't been following along.
It was reported to the proper agency. No one gave a report of CSA. However, TSM as a child services charity and JR as a specialist in the field, had greater insight and therefore responsibility to determine is he had a serious issue with an employee of his organization. Thank you for your concern , but I think I follow along quite nicely.
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Tim didn't go to TSM to report Child Sexual Abuse. Dranov, Senior, and Mike decided the evening of whatever it was that was witnessed, DID NOT warrant calling LE, DPW or CYS. It was decided instead to make a report to Joe Paterno. While Joe didn't sport a web page like the one you referenced.....if he did, I think we can all agree it would not have touted him as the place or person to report child sexual abuse be it on PSU Campus or in the entire Commonwealth. JVP simply followed administrative policy which involved contacting Tim and Gary.
After consulting WC, interviewing JS and MM, it was decided to bar JS from bringing TSM children from the FB facilities and to inform the employer of their findings and actions.
I don't believe anyone ever said that TSM was the preferred location to report child sexual abuse. That is your error. The issue is that although it is apparent the PSU3 didn't suspect or had no evidence of CSA, they did what was prudent with the administrative report and went to the controlling agency of JS and the children he counseled in their "Friends and Fitness" program.
What you are inferring by stating that TC went to TSM with his report instead of LE or DPW is that the PSU3 knew Jerry was a pedophile and simply passed it off. I'm sorry you have that opinion.
You need to huddle up with your boys and get your opinions in-line.
More bull$hit and lies from the King of using bull$hit and lies to defend the lying, corrupt, scumbag OAG prosecutors.... Good stuff. Only a dirt-bag moron such as yourself could attribute the FACTUAL CREATION of a qualifying Report of CSA to PA's Child Welfare Agencies as being "accidental" and that the true intention of the Reporter was to actually maintain a "Conspiracy of Silence" on the matter....and that this is not an "attack upon", or an effort to, besmirch the character of the Reporter! LMFAO, welcome to the wonderful world of Dr. Goebbels Sling McFurdy..... You put in OT last night at your desk writing today's edition of "The Daily Spin" I see, LMFAO:

Again, where is my defense of the OAG? How about this,,,spot my defense of the OAG in this thread and I'll say BODE is the best. Let me know where I'm stating that.

IF YOU HAVE TO LIE TO MAKE YOUR POINT, maybe it's time you hang it up. Lying about what people said and making things up only further cements that you are GD delusional. You simply cannot stay on topic for a second and have to go to the OAG as apparently your OCD kicks in. Nobody here is cheering on the OAG...nobody is. What in the world makes you make things up like this? Are you seriously that ill?​
It was reported to the proper agency. No one gave a report of CSA. However, TSM as a child services charity and JR as a specialist in the field, had greater insight and therefore responsibility to determine is he had a serious issue with an employee of his organization. Thank you for your concern , but I think I follow along quite nicely.
So why was that considered the humane approach? Why was DPW discussed if they already knew about the proper agency of TSM? That certainly seems very odd. So apparently PA law mandated TSM be called for any CSA? I wasn't aware of that...thanks for pointing that out.
So why was that considered the humane approach? Why was DPW discussed in they already knew about the proper agency of TSM? That certainly seems very odd. So apparently PA law mandated TSM be called for any CSA? I wasn't aware of that...thanks for pointing that out.

Anyone who has ever served in an administrative capacity is familiar with discussion, debate and conjecture with their colleagues. As an issue is addressed, ideas are exchanged. Do you mean that every option or idea that is presented must be acted upon? Instead, after a range of responses are considered, a preferred action, representing consensus, is taken. Should JFK have launched a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union in the Cuban Missile Crisis? It was on the table and suggested by some. You are enamored with the word humane?Are you inferring that GS2 and TC knew Jerry sexually abused that boy and labeled their response as "humane?"