So TSM was stood up for reports of CSA. Their mission statement and objectives certainly don't do this. I didn't realize charities also had law and investigative rights? Did Jerry wear a badge after he started TSM...I mean it was his charity. I already stated they didn't know that Jerry was a serial pedophile in this same thread this morning and it was clear that they at least raised an eyebrow as they discussed reporting him to DPW, but decided not to. They made the wrong people seriously not read what is said or just imagine what they want to read is in these posts. If they called DPW, none of this gets blown back on PSU. TSM is not a reporting agency for CSA, it's a childrens charity. You don't call the fireman's widows club if your house is on fire, you call the actual fire department. Now those wifes probably have an idea on who to call to get the firemen to your house, but you don't call a charity first. It was a courtesy call to TSM, Jack, and really Jerry. They could have easily said call DPW and Jack and let the chips fall where they may. They didn't. Not bad people. Good people with a bad decision. Is that clear. Are you confused with any of what I typed. I'm not telling you to agree with me, but do you understand my opinion?Anyone who has ever served in an administrative capacity is familiar with discussion, debate and conjecture with their colleagues. As an issue is addressed, ideas are exchanged. Do you mean that every option or idea that is presented must be acted upon? Instead, after a range of responses are considered, a preferred action, representing consensus, is taken. Should JFK have launched a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union in the Cuban Missile Crisis? It was on the table and suggested by some. You are enamored with the word humane?Are you inferring that GS2 and TC knew Jerry sexually abused that boy and labeled their response as "humane?"
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