No Sex Scandal at Penn State, Just A "Political Hit Job"

The biggest amount of damage to PSU was wrought by a corrupt OAG that floated an INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT Presentment (False Narrative), INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT Indictments (i.e., "charges") for the purpose of conducting knowingly FALSE and MALICIOUS PROSECUTIONS!!!

Nobody at PSU had ANY LEGAL OBLIGATION to "Report" anything - contrary to the OAG's bull$hit claims - but still made a report that resulted in a qualifying Report of CSA to the proper PA Child Welfare Agencies under the applicable LAW, the PA CPSL Code!!! Meanwhile the OAG INTENTIONALLY IGNORED the parties that had a CLEAR LEGAL OBLIGATION under the Code!!! This same OAG then SHIFTED the State's and the State-Licensed Charity's Liabilities for negligence in the matter ONTO PSU via their corrupt Kangeroo Court hookus-pookus to the tune of BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of damage to PSU, PSU Affiliated Parties and the PSU Community.
First, Gary's memory of what happened in 2001 is hazy at best. Also consider that none of the three who testified on January 12th 2011 didn't sit down and compare notes about what happened.

Gary's memory at the trial improved quite a bit -- having quite excellent recall that he started writing his 2/12/2001 note as he spoke with Tim, then finished writing it after meeting with Graham. Of course, Spanier is mentioned nowhere in the note.

There are other questionable statements, such as a meeting at the BJC on 2/25/2001 with Spanier and Curley that neither Spanier nor Curley recall.

As for why Gary didn't document his 2001 report. How do you know he didn't?

This is a case built on lies and deceptions.

Recall that Cynthia Baldwin handled all of the information going from PSU to the OAG's office.


In the Commonwealth's opening, the attorney stated "thank the Lord Gary Schultz was a very good note taker" -- but there are hardly any notes at all when you consider all of the meetings that took place.

a) No notes regarding call from Tim Curley on 2/11/2001.

b) No notes re: discussion with W. Courtney on 2/11/2001. A rather important discussion that NEITHER individual has notes about.

c) No notes re: discussion with T. Harmon on 2/12/2001.

d) NOTES exist for 2/12/2001 mtg w/T. Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW.

e) No notes exist for 2/18/2001 mtg w/Tim Curley

f) No notes exist for 2/19 or 2/20 mtg w/Mike McQueary. Gary is a great note taker, but doesn't have a single note from this meeting. Impossible.

g) NOTES exist for 2/25/2001 mtg w/T.Curley (and allegedly Spanier) and reference report to DPW

h) No notes exist for later mtg w/J. McQueary & J. Dranov

The only notes from 2001 just so happen to mention DPW and are “inculpatory.”

Any notes that could be exculpatory are missing. That’s not an accident.

Ray I think you are careful here not to explicitly state that a note exists documenting a report but the implication is that it may. The only kink in that speculation is that of all the actions taken that would be the one single most relevant part and one might expect Gary to clearly remember it. Also why wouldnt Gary remember documenting it? Why no statement of "I thought I had some other notes?"

Instead what we got was several statements of a vague nature. He thought it was reported. He thought Graham said it was handled, etc.

We know well that there are lies upon lies in this case. All people lie. Why is it so hard for some to accept that CSS may have lied too?
So why was that considered the humane approach? Why was DPW discussed if they already knew about the proper agency of TSM? That certainly seems very odd. So apparently PA law mandated TSM be called for any CSA? I wasn't aware of that...thanks for pointing that out.

You and Jock bored?

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Don't flatter yourself. You're low hanging fruit.

Not sure who you are referring to specifically, but considering the small handful of people who I have on ignore... I have to agree! Doesn't really matter which one it is, they are all just the internet version of the Willard Preacher. They feel compelled to repeat their misguided message over and over, and don't realize that nobody cares.
Not sure who you are referring to specifically, but considering the small handful of people who I have on ignore... I have to agree! Doesn't really matter which one it is, they are all just the internet version of the Willard Preacher. They feel compelled to repeat their misguided message over and over, and don't realize that nobody cares.

Carnival barkers.
I imagine Dukie is saying there's no exculpatory evidence regarding contact of agencies in the notes because ... it doesn't exist, and it's not an accident. They didn't contact.

But of course he can answer for himself. I just thought it was fairly obvious.

You mentioned in the other thread about nothing found on TSM. What about Centre County CYS? Do you know of anything?
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Not sure who you are referring to specifically, but considering the small handful of people who I have on ignore... I have to agree! Doesn't really matter which one it is, they are all just the internet version of the Willard Preacher. They feel compelled to repeat their misguided message over and over, and don't realize that nobody cares.

Carnival barkers.

I've also seen the theory that some are paid shills, which is interesting.
You've made it clear that you are biased. When the people you want to be telling the truth talk under oath, they MUST be telling the truth and for anyone to even insinuate that they could possibly be lying makes the pedophile enablers.

But when someone who want to be guilty testifies under oath (the same oath, mind you), they must be lying.

You are a piece of work to not even be able to intelligently talk about this subject.
I'm asking you if you trust Sandusky more than the multiple victims that testified against him? Yes or no?
Just curious, but to those who feel Joe (edit: and/or CSS) "made the wrong decision" and/or "should have done more," how do you feel about the passengers on United Flight 11 on 9/11? Should their lives be defined by what they "failed to do" on that fateful day?
That's the dumbest question I ever saw. Congrats.
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Could they have done more?

They did what they should have done; sit and watch a passenger who had no legal right to be on that plane act like a 6 year old and who was then removed from the flight.

It didn't have to be like that; just ask the other three passengers who acted like adults.
Please stop. It's a distasteful comparison and there is no correlation between them.
So you have no problem cranking out dozens of posts each day assigning various degrees of blame to people you don't know for supposedly enabling decades of anal rape of children by a man you called "the worst pedophile in American history," but suddenly you've found a subject too taboo, even for you?

You're perfectly comfortable using the words "with the benefit of hindsight, I wish I'd done more" as an admission of guilt by Joe. Why can't you see the humanity in his words?

Why can't you see the humanity in the deliberations by Curley, Schultz and Spanier? They had no legal duty to report. Why can't you see those emails as evidence that they exceeded their legal reporting mandate and acted out of an abundance of caution by referring the situation to the better-qualified childcare professionals who had care, control and custody over Jerry's guests? Jack Raykovitz himself testified under oath that TSM was an appropriate place to report in 2001. Bruce Heim admitted in an Op-Ed that PSU's report died with him at TSM in 2001.

Curley, Schultz and Spanier... these are real people with real families and real lives... they didn't ask for any of this. They did their best with the information they had at the time, but you're willing to throw them and their life's work to the wolves because the corrupt AF OAG played the morality card and needed a fall guy. You're trusting the same OAG that lied about the crimes in the GJP, lied about the times/dates/locations of crimes, lied about leaking the charges, lied about asking leading questions, lied about discussing the case outside of court, lied about the porn on their computers and lied about everything under the sun to "win" the court of public opinion after going 0-14 on felonies.

You've shamelessly attached your cart to the dirty OAG, Louis Freeh and our morally bankrupt OG BOT, all of whom literally conspired to sell our school down the river. You fell for the whole damn thing.
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So you have no problem cranking out dozens of posts each day assigning various degrees of blame to people you don't know for supposedly enabling decades of anal rape of children by a man you called "the worst pedophile in American history," but suddenly you've found a subject too taboo, even for you?

You're perfectly comfortable using the words "with the benefit of hindsight, I wish I'd done more" as an admission of guilt by Joe. Why can't you see the humanity in his words?

Why can't you see the humanity in the deliberations by Curley, Schultz and Spanier? They had no legal duty to report. Why can't you see those emails as evidence that they exceeded their legal reporting mandate and acted out of an abundance of caution by referring the situation to the better-qualified childcare professionals who had care, control and custody over Jerry's guests?

These are real people with real families and real lives... they didn't ask for any of this. They did their best with the information they had at the time, but you're willing to throw them and their life's work to the wolves because the corrupt AF OAG played the morality card and needed a fall guy. You're trusting the same OAG that lied about the crimes in the GJP, lied about the times/dates/locations of crimes, lied about leaking the charges, lied about asking leading questions, lied about discussing the case outside of court, lied about the porn on their computers and lied about everything under the sun to "win" the court of public opinion after going 0-14 on felonies.

You've shamelessly attached your cart to the dirty OAG, Louis Freeh and our morally bankrupt OG BOT, all of whom literally conspired to sell our school down the river. You fell for the whole damn thing.
Sorry, but those men failed the victims and they failed Penn State. Whether it be via a mistake or something more sinister, they are the ones to blame for Penn State having it's name tarnished and it's coffers emptied. You can sit there and rationalize it all you want, but the fact remains that a simple call to CYS would have saved the University (not to mention themselves) and perhaps would have stopped the serial pedophile 10 years earlier. One. Simple. Call.

Keep "fighting" this winless battle if you want. Keep attacking people who do not fall in line with your delusional version of this case. Make ludicrous comparisons like equating CSS to the victims in the hi-jacked planes in 9/11. In the end, nothing is going to change. The best COA for Penn State is to move on. Wasting time, money and public embarrassment over this now stale issue is nothing more than an anchor weighing down the ship.
One. Hundred. Percent. Wrong. Again. See 1998.
1998 has nothing to do with protecting the University. And maybe you missed it but I said that it would perhaps stop the pedo. No guarantees, but at least there would be a chance.

A call to CYS would have changed everything. But they failed.
1998 has nothing to do with protecting the University. And maybe you missed it but I said that it would perhaps stop the pedo. No guarantees, but at least there would be a chance.

A call to CYS would have changed everything. But they failed.
What is that they say about those who fail to learn from history?

The precedent was set in 1998 when a call to CYS did not save the University. TSM's incestuous relationship with the authorities saved Jerry as they shut down the investigation without bothering to interview other potential victims. Lauro straight-up told Jerry that they've investigated far worse allegations and that he shouldn't have anything to worry about. Oh, and CYS/DPW failed their state mandate to officially notify TSM which would have triggered a "plan of supervision." Are you noticing a trend? TSM, CYS, DPW all violated their state mandates. Penn State didn't. So who paid the price for 1998? Yeah, Penn State. You can't make this sh!t up.

If anything, the sad, real-life, practical lesson to others is, "just don't get involved. PSU did the right thing in 1998 and got carpet-bombed."

So, no, based on history, one simple phone call about a former employee would not have saved the University in 2001. Why? Because Jerry was protected. By people far more powerful than Penn State. Just as we saw in 1998. So try again, jive.

And do yourself a favor and read Matt Sandusky's book, "Undaunted." It will shatter your simplistic, two-dimensional understanding of who really "enabled" Jerry. When you're done, come back and try to tell us again how "one simple phone call" would've changed everything in 2001.


^^ Jive, do you know who the judge was, referenced in red? If you can't answer that question, do us all a favor and keep your unqualified, absent-minded opinions to yourself. You don't know the first thing about the "Jerry-rigged" system that continues to put kids at risk today.
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Get ready for the troll invasion, no Penn Poop or Seedy T Friday newsdump. The last article on Jer got less than 20 troll hits and was pulled.
I think its kinda cute that the Congregation of Hang JVP and the PSU 3 pick this forum to worship. I'm retired and a widower and it amuses me for hours.

I put the whammers on ignore. Same stupid crap over and over. How many usernames does Jacques Fartier have here?
I wonder if they could really be as ignorant and uninformed about the case as they appear.....or they are paid to just hammer on a set of "talking points."

The pay isn't as good as it once was. After all, most people agree with the main talking points now that Corley & Shultz pled out.

Just a small stipend now. No one expects us to change the minds of crazy people. If someone can compare the PSU scandal to 9/11 they've proven themselves crazy.

Wendy remains a primary focal point as she still has most of the Free Jerry crowd lapping up everything she posts. I think if we can make her see the folly in chasing the TSM windmill we'll bring a bunch of the FreeJerks along too.
I wonder if they could really be as ignorant and uninformed about the case as they appear.....or they are paid to just hammer on a set of "talking points."

It's because they are comprised of one Penn State hammerhead, 1 Michigan clown and a raft of Pitt imbeciles. It's hate for the most part, and Jacques Fartier has a projection problem with Joe because of failures in the imbecile's life.
I've also seen the theory that some are paid shills, which is interesting.

I wonder if they could really be as ignorant and uninformed about the case as they appear.....or they are paid to just hammer on a set of "talking points."

Let's hear from the usual suspects. Are you somehow compensated for your relentless support of the OAG/PSU BoT/Freeh narrative?
The pay isn't as good as it once was. After all, most people agree with the main talking points now that Corley & Shultz pled out.

Just a small stipend now. No one expects us to change the minds of crazy people. If someone can compare the PSU scandal to 9/11 they've proven themselves crazy.

Wendy remains a primary focal point as she still has most of the Free Jerry crowd lapping up everything she posts. I think if we can make her see the folly in chasing the TSM windmill we'll bring a bunch of the FreeJerks along too.

Keep focusing on Corley. I'll be the first to admit I'm crazy if you are deemed "normal." I think its only natural to come on a PSU Forum and denigrate its longtime loyal employees. Too bad you didn't take your mother's advice and play in traffic. In any debate Wendy would hand you your ass and force you to bite it. Now, you can join the list of the undead.
Keep focusing on Corley. I'll be the first to admit I'm crazy if you are deemed "normal." I think its only natural to come on a PSU Forum and denigrate its longtime loyal employees. Too bad you didn't take your mother's advice and play in traffic. In any debate Wendy would hand you your ass and force you to bite it. Now, you can join the list of the undead.

Wendy can't be debated as she prefers to ignore anyone that disagrees with her. Given that echo chamber, it's no surprise she's moved farther and farther towards the fringe.
^^ Jive, do you know who the judge was, referenced in red? If you can't answer that question, do us all a favor and keep your unqualified, absent-minded opinions to yourself. You don't know the first thing about the "Jerry-rigged" system that continues to put kids at risk today.
Damn, getting ready to go out for the day and won't have access to see Jive's response...this is gonna be good...if Jive responds.
Not sure what you are asking. I wouldn't make the same statement about CC CYS.

You seemed to know that investigators didn't find anything to nail TSM with. I'm curious if you knew if they found anything on CC CYS.

Most of the focus on the board is on TSM which is understandable but I think there should be more discussion about CYS (county).
What is that they say about those who fail to learn from history?

The precedent was set in 1998 when a call to CYS did not save the University. TSM's incestuous relationship with the authorities saved Jerry as they shut down the investigation without bothering to interview other potential victims. Lauro straight-up told Jerry that they've investigated far worse allegations and that he shouldn't have anything to worry about. Oh, and CYS/DPW failed their state mandate to officially notify TSM which would have triggered a "plan of supervision." Are you noticing a trend? TSM, CYS, DPW all violated their state mandates. Penn State didn't. So who paid the price for 1998? Yeah, Penn State. You can't make this sh!t up.

If anything, the sad, real-life, practical lesson to others is, "just don't get involved. PSU did the right thing in 1998 and got carpet-bombed."

So, no, based on history, one simple phone call about a former employee would not have saved the University in 2001. Why? Because Jerry was protected. By people far more powerful than Penn State. Just as we saw in 1998. So try again, jive.

And do yourself a favor and read Matt Sandusky's book, "Undaunted." It will shatter your simplistic, two-dimensional understanding of who really "enabled" Jerry. When you're done, come back and try to tell us again how "one simple phone call" would've changed everything in 2001.


^^ Jive, do you know who the judge was, referenced in red? If you can't answer that question, do us all a favor and keep your unqualified, absent-minded opinions to yourself. You don't know the first thing about the "Jerry-rigged" system that continues to put kids at risk today.
I see, so you are advocating that we should never call CYS when we suspect CSA because of 1998. What a moronic reasoning. If you are not intellectually honest enough to admit that CSS calling CYS would have relieved PSU of any culpability in this, we may as well not even have this discussion.
I see, so you are advocating that we should never call CYS when we suspect CSA because of 1998. What a moronic reasoning. If you are not intellectually honest enough to admit that CSS calling CYS would have relieved PSU of any culpability in this, we may as well not even have this discussion.
1. No, dullard. Pointing out that "one call to CYS" did not relieve PSU of any culpability for 1998. See NCAA sanctions, public sentiment, etc.
2. Name of the judge, let's have it. Oh, that's right. Your attention span limits your interests to bright, shiny objects.
3. You care not for the kids and you have 11,000 posts to prove it. You're in good company with the OAG, Louis Freeh and our OG BOT.

1. No, dullard. Pointing out that "one call to CYS" did not relieve PSU of any culpability for 1998. See NCAA sanctions, public sentiment, etc.
2. Name of the judge, let's have it. Oh, that's right. Your attention span limits your interests to bright, shiny objects.
3. You care not for the kids and you have 11,000 posts to prove it. You're in good company with the OAG, Louis Freeh and our OG BOT.

It boggles the mind, Chitown that you have swung from an arguable position that CSS committed no crimes by not calling authorities to a radical & undefendable position that calling authorities would have been a BAD thing.

Then you have the gall to wrap yourself in "it's for the kids".

1. No, dullard. Pointing out that "one call to CYS" did not relieve PSU of any culpability for 1998. See NCAA sanctions, public sentiment, etc.
2. Name of the judge, let's have it. Oh, that's right. Your attention span limits your interests to bright, shiny objects.
3. You care not for the kids and you have 11,000 posts to prove it. You're in good company with the OAG, Louis Freeh and our OG BOT.

Well Chi, the absolute fact is, that PSU made a call in 2001 as well that was a qualifying Report of CSA to Pennsylvania's Child Welfare & Protection Agencies under the "Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law" which mandated a Statutory Investigation by DPW/CYS and their Direct Agent, TSM, but the VERY CLEAR PRESCRIPTIONS of the PA CPS Law went UNMET in 2001, just as they were contravened in 1998, by DPW/CYS and their Direct Agent, TSM - go figure! But according to this agenda-based, human piece of excrement troll, PSU is responsible for DPW/CYS and their Direct Agents as well as all their failings - this despite the fact that PSU has no responsibility for the failings of Pennsylvania's DPW/CYS Agency, its Direct Agents OR Entities it licenses & regulates AND it is also unequivocally provable that PSU did not violate a single article of PA CPS Law in 1998 or 2001, while DPW/CYS, its Direct Agent (and regulated licensee), TSM, violated double-digit articles of the PA CPS Law & Code in both 1998 and 2001, but the OAG didn't bring a single indictment against any of them - go figure? But that's what's known as "Justice" and "righteousness" according to this piece of garbage vermin!

Oh yea, this piece of garbage has no problem with PSU, PSU Football and the PSU Administrators being the subject of abject tyranny via a PROVEABLE "Malicious Prosecution" empowered by a corrupt and INTENTIONALLY FALSE Indictment Process that has left Pennsylvania's children still AT RISK, has protected those responsible for actually ENABLING Sandusky and has prosecuted INNOCENT scapegoats to satisfy the "Lynch Mob' that the corrupt created with their INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT "Presentment - Statement of Fact" and accompanying fraudulent Indictments! But that's all spectacularly wonderful and awesome according to this agenda-based, raging piece of $hit troll who doesn't give a rip about the welfare of children!
It boggles the mind, Chitown that you have swung from an arguable position that CSS committed no crimes by not calling authorities to a radical & undefendable position that calling authorities would have been a BAD thing.

Then you have the gall to wrap yourself in "it's for the kids".
Show me where I said calling any authority would be a bad thing. Point is that it would not have taken PSU out of the equation as 1998 clearly proves.
Jive, didier bailed you out. But you still have a chance for redemption by telling us why Grine's involvement is so problematic.
You seemed to know that investigators didn't find anything to nail TSM with. I'm curious if you knew if they found anything on CC CYS.

Most of the focus on the board is on TSM which is understandable but I think there should be more discussion about CYS (county).

Nope. I know nothing about any investigations and what they might have uncovered (or not) on CBS.

I'don't speculate though that they are massively underfunded and overworked and probably have trouble attracting qualified people to work there. I imagine that any issues there are due to the above more so than anything specifically nefarious.

I'll acknowledge that less qualified, overworked, and underpaid employees would individually tend to be more susceptible to corruption as a rule.
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Well Chi, the absolute fact is, that PSU made a call in 2001 as well that was a qualifying Report of CSA to Pennsylvania's Child Welfare & Protection Agencies under the "Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law" which mandated a Statutory Investigation by DPW/CYS and their Direct Agent, TSM, but the VERY CLEAR PRESCRIPTIONS of the PA CPS Law went UNMET in 2001, just as they were contravened in 1998, by DPW/CYS and their Direct Agent, TSM - go figure! But according to this agenda-based, human piece of excrement troll, PSU is responsible for DPW/CYS and their Direct Agents as well as all their failings - this despite the fact that PSU has no responsibility for the failings of Pennsylvania's DPW/CYS Agency, its Direct Agents OR Entities it licenses & regulates AND it is also unequivocally provable that PSU did not violate a single article of PA CPS Law in 1998 or 2001, while DPW/CYS, its Direct Agent (and regulated licensee), TSM, violated double-digit articles of the PA CPS Law & Code in both 1998 and 2001, but the OAG didn't bring a single indictment against any of them - go figure? But that's what's known as "Justice" and "righteousness" according to this piece of garbage vermin!

Oh yea, this piece of garbage has no problem with PSU, PSU Football and the PSU Administrators being the subject of abject tyranny via a PROVEABLE "Malicious Prosecution" empowered by a corrupt and INTENTIONALLY FALSE Indictment Process that has left Pennsylvania's children still AT RISK, has protected those responsible for actually ENABLING Sandusky and has prosecuted INNOCENT scapegoats to satisfy the "Lynch Mob' that the corrupt created with their INTENTIONALLY FRAUDULENT "Presentment - Statement of Fact" and accompanying fraudulent Indictments! But that's all spectacularly wonderful and awesome according to this agenda-based, raging piece of $hit troll who doesn't give a rip about the welfare of children!
All this nonsense about PA CPS code is a foreign language to people like jive. These are the laws that protect children. These are the laws that PSU followed. These are the laws that were violated by The Second Mile, CYS and DPW.

Maybe we can help jive out with an infographic.
