No Sex Scandal at Penn State, Just A "Political Hit Job"

Haven't you argued in the past that Shultz was the PSU head of Police and that the appropriate action (or AN appropriate action) was to report to a charity associated with the child.

Have your views evolved?

Because I don't think that Shultz was or ever did act as head of police.

nor is reporting a diluted version to a charity exactly reporting. further, they didn't have an ID of the kid & couldn't be sure he was actually a member of TSM at the time. IDK what that nuance does to the reporting statues as they apply to PSU, CSS, or TSM & I suspect no one else really knows either as it's a weird exception case.

I would say my views evolved for good when T&G cut deals. I had been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt up until then.

As I posted in this thread recently if Schultz was acting as police I would expect an official report on the investigation. That is how police operate. To me, I think the more plausible explanation now is that Schultz used his position to pretend they were doing a real investigation, while not doing so.
Just because Schultz was on the org chart above police doesn't mean he was police. He wasn't a sworn officer nor did anything he did parallel doing anything with police powers in mind.

Then again, there was nothing for police to get involved with, so...
nor is reporting a diluted version to a charity exactly reporting. further, they didn't have an ID of the kid & couldn't be sure he was actually a member of TSM at the time. IDK what that nuance does to the reporting statues as they apply to PSU, CSS, or TSM & I suspect no one else really knows either as it's a weird exception case.

This is a point I have evolved on over time as I have worked with advocates in the field since this started. I agree with your analysis above, many people read the statutes and grab their wikilawyer degree off the shelf but one thing I have learned is that the law is way more complicated then that.

Furthermore, legal or not, I think the "well we didn't report it because we couldn't prove the kid was our responsibility" is a pretty poor PR angle.
I would say my views evolved for good when T&G cut deals. I had been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt up until then.

As I posted in this thread recently if Schultz was acting as police I would expect an official report on the investigation. That is how police operate. To me, I think the more plausible explanation now is that Schultz used his position to pretend they were doing a real investigation, while not doing so.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. And you are one.
I would say my views evolved for good when T&G cut deals. I had been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt up until then.

As I posted in this thread recently if Schultz was acting as police I would expect an official report on the investigation. That is how police operate. To me, I think the more plausible explanation now is that Schultz used his position to pretend they were doing a real investigation, while not doing so.

Guilt is but one reason to "cut" a deal. Tim has cancer and I understand that Gary's wife has health issues. Their lives have been made a living hell for no reason the very least others remain protected. I believe everyone here would have preferred they go to trial. Faced with a tainted jury pool that advocated punishment even if innocent of any crime......I think they felt a misdemeanor, with the likelihood of no jail time and an end to their private hell was preferable.
This is a point I have evolved on over time as I have worked with advocates in the field since this started. I agree with your analysis above, many people read the statutes and grab their wikilawyer degree off the shelf but one thing I have learned is that the law is way more complicated then that.

Furthermore, legal or not, I think the "well we didn't report it because we couldn't prove the kid was our responsibility" is a pretty poor PR angle.

The law has demonstrated again and again that "it isn't what it says, it is what you want it to say". So getting your Wikilaw degree is probably just as good as one from Harvard.
Guilt is but one reason to "cut" a deal. Tim has cancer and I understand that Gary's wife has health issues. Their lives have been made a living hell for no reason the very least others remain protected. I believe everyone here would have preferred they go to trial. Faced with a tainted jury pool that advocated punishment even if innocent of any crime......I think they felt a misdemeanor, with the likelihood of no jail time and an end to their private hell was preferable.

Trying to explain risk management in the face of a corrupt and tilted justice system to these dolts is about as satisfying as shaving your head with a cheese grater.
Guilt is but one reason to "cut" a deal. Tim has cancer and I understand that Gary's wife has health issues. Their lives have been made a living hell for no reason the very least others remain protected. I believe everyone here would have preferred they go to trial. Faced with a tainted jury pool that advocated punishment even if innocent of any crime......I think they felt a misdemeanor, with the likelihood of no jail time and an end to their private hell was preferable.
Trying to explain risk management in the face of a corrupt and tilted justice system to these dolts is about as satisfying as shaving your head with a cheese grater.

That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.
That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.

The only fools here are, you Jacque and your fellow trolls.
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That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.

They did fight it and largely won. Dozens of felonies down to 3 misdemeanors. They looked at what they were facing at the end and each made their personal calls. The right calls for them in my view.
That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.
If I look like a fool to you, I am gratified.
They did fight it and largely won. Dozens of felonies down to 3 misdemeanors. They looked at what they were facing at the end and each made their personal calls. The right calls for them in my view.

I look forward to their memoirs, "So Much Winning". They should have plenty of time in jail to work on them.
Sounds like you really routed for them until they took a lying sack of shit.

The willingness to change views based on new information doesn't make someone a liar, it makes them objective. Keep toeing that grand conspiracy, good ole honest CSS company line.
I would say my views evolved for good when T&G cut deals. I had been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt up until then.

As I posted in this thread recently if Schultz was acting as police I would expect an official report on the investigation. That is how police operate. To me, I think the more plausible explanation now is that Schultz used his position to pretend they were doing a real investigation, while not doing so.

Really? That's how he would operate when Mike Mcqueary specifically told him that he had eschewed calling police at the time of the incident while it was still "in-progress" TWICE - once at Lasch and then a second time when at his father's house after speaking with his father and Dr. Dranov. When he told them that he was making an AFTER THE FACT Administrative Report through his HR Channel regarding the incident, not a criminal report, and that both his father and Dr. Dranov agreed that this was the proper reporting channel from the night before. Schultz wore multiple hats including the Head of HR for facilities and Operations (i.e., HR reported to him as well as Police). There is not a single reason in the world, contrary to your claim, that Gary Schultz would elect to change a matter reported to the University as an HR Report and investigation into a "criminal report" and investigation when the employee was quite clear that he had multiple opportunities to call police while the incident was still in progress and did not, including both his father and Dr. Dranov both agreeing that the incident, again still IN-PROGRESS as far as any of the knew at the time of their discussion, did not warrant the calling of police and should be reported through Mike's workplace via the HR Channel which is precisely what Mike was doing when he was speaking with them!

Why would Schultz or anyone else attempt to make Mike's report into a "criminal report" when Mike himself told them he elected not to call police at the time of the incidence while it was still in progress, including a discussion with his father and Dr. Dranov - the topic of which was whether authorities should be called while it was ongoing based on what he experienced, but clearly did not definitively see (how many 27 year olds are confused as to whether they should call police or authorities if they definitively see a 10 year old being anally-raped in an empty facility after-hours??? NONE, that's how many and to suggest otherwise is absurd. It is equally absurd to claim that a 27 year old Mike McQueary went to his father's house and told them that he had just left the scene of an IN-PROGRESS anal-rape of a 10 year old, had left the child with the rapist at Lasch.....and both his father's and Dr. Dranov's response was that he should go to sleep and report if via his HR Channel the next morning after he got plenty of rest!). Again, beyond absurd and pathetic to keep claiming that Mike was trying to make a criminal Police Report to JVP or anyone else once JVP moved it up the HR Reporting Channel via HR Policy & Procedure - or that he told anyone he spoke with immediately following the incident that he had witnessed a criminal sexual assault! That is provable bull$hit unless you want to claim that both his father and Dr. Dranov are liars, JVP is a liar, Schultz and Curley are liars.....complete laughable bull$hit.
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Jive: "I'm a blabbering buffoon that repeats the same shit day after day, regardless of the topic, without ever adding an single new or interesting thought"

BWI: "We know. please go away."
It's okay to deflect, you know I'm right.
Guilt is but one reason to "cut" a deal. Tim has cancer and I understand that Gary's wife has health issues. Their lives have been made a living hell for no reason the very least others remain protected. I believe everyone here would have preferred they go to trial. Faced with a tainted jury pool that advocated punishment even if innocent of any crime......I think they felt a misdemeanor, with the likelihood of no jail time and an end to their private hell was preferable.
One phone call to CYS and their lives would be "normal".
They did fight it and largely won. Dozens of felonies down to 3 misdemeanors. They looked at what they were facing at the end and each made their personal calls. The right calls for them in my view.
No, they lost. The world will forever see Tim and Gary as guilty. Graham, maybe not, we will see.
The willingness to change views based on new information doesn't make someone a liar, it makes them objective. Keep toeing that grand conspiracy, good ole honest CSS company line.

Exactly what new information has come out aside from the wrist slap misdemeanor pleas and incorrect conviction?

None of the state witnesses corroborated MM's "sexual" aspect of 2001. Not one witness said they were told to keep quiet by PSU. All you have is some men who admitted in hindsight they wish they had done more in handling a vague assumption filled report re: a pillar of the community offender. Shocking!!

I think the information we learned during this trial butressed the arguments we've all been making. That the state had ZERO case against the admins and had to resort to all kinds of antics (with an assist from freeh on the tainted jury) just to get the wrist slap misdemeanors so they could do their victory laps and proclaim it as a huge victory for justice and PA kids safety, sickening.
One phone call to CYS and their lives would be "normal".

"...One phone call to CYS and their lives would be "normal....
To support the "Story", I can assure you that the CYS would have "lost the record of that call" (their exact response - "...we have no record of this call..." so Penn State ---- prove it to us by certified documents (we, the OAG, decide what is and is not certified confirmation of your call!!).

Then we would be arguing as to the "integrity of the university" because, as the OAG would "spin it" like this ----
... Penn State MUST TRULY BE GUILTY because they are so desperate to cover-up this SCANDAL that they "made up" a bogus phone call...". Then the OAG would say.....THAT'S more PERJURY by corrupt PSU officials. This further "PROVES" the existence of a "Criminal Football Program" led by the most hated man in America ---- Joe (61 years of deceptive crimes) Paterno. This "phantom phone call" alleged by OAG (and then confirmed by Freeh) would just be more OAG fictitious charges to level against PSU officials.!

Face it...the OVERWHELMING REAL EVIDENCE available on the entire Penn State "Illusion" is this...."The Story" created by the OAG is a 100% POLITICAL "Hit Job".

Political hit jobs are absolute abuse of power, betrayal of oaths of office, abuse of public trust and a FEDERAL CRIME. No discussions - just factually based confirmation of collusive crimes within the PA State government!!!

With your continuing trash talking posts here....keep up your good work of supporting CRIMINAL ACTS of our public officials!!
That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.

I beg to differ. The OAG are the fools for wasting millions of tax dollars chasing 3 misdemeanors. How f'ing stupid is that?

Meanwhile corruption runs rampant in the government of PA
The world forever sees you as stupid and you seem pretty happy, so I think they will be fine.

Even though the children of Pa are not one bit better off...
Too bad those men didn't give the post 2001 victims a better chance. But yeah, keep pretending that I'm the problem and CSS are angels.
That's all well and good except for five years you have all been arguing how the trial would set them free to tell their honest truthful story. it would be their chance to fight the corrupt system. They had the truth and the law on their side you all said. Now that you all look like fools, the grand conspiracy is back again.
That's total bullshit! These guys were charged with 14 felonies! They walked away with three specious misdemeanors so the commonwealth could save face. How much money did the state of PA spend just to prove that these guys made an honest mistake? And how much you wanna bet that Tom Corbett and a number of other movers and shakers think it was money well spent? For them, it served its purpose.
Too bad those men didn't give the post 2001 victims a better chance. But yeah, keep pretending that I'm the problem and CSS are angels.
Too bad all the child welfare professional did such a spectacular job in 1998 and give all the post-1998 victims a chance. And, yes, you are the one with a misguided bias and absolutely no footing to stand on.