BTW @sshat, do tell how the Defense can address the listed "particulars" on the Perjury Indictments (i.e., MM "saw" and "eyewitnessed" the anal-rape of a child and specifically told the defendants that he "saw" and "eyewitnessed" this criminal sexual assault), when The State's claimed "EYEWITNESS" to the listed "particulars" states with his own mouth AT-TRIAL that he DID NOT "see" or "eyewitness" such a thing; DID NOT tell the "30th SWIGJ" he testified to that he "saw" or "eyewitnessed" such a thing; AND FINALLY, that he not only NEVER witnessed such a thing, but NEVER told ANYONE he had!!!
The State gave the Defense the strongest EXCULPATORY testimony they could possibly have as it is impossible for the Defendants to "perjure" themselves regarding statements that an "EYEWITNESS" supposedly made to them, when The State never produces an EYEWITNESS AT-TRIAL and the witness they do produce who supposedly gave them the cited "EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY" states under oath that The State is MISREPRESENTING THE FACTUAL RECORD (i.e., LYING and bringing "False Charges") as they DID NOT in fact testify to the SWIGJ in the manner being claimed by The State and that they IN FACT told the "30th SWIGJ" they testified before that they DID NOT "see" or "eyewitness" The State's current claims in their Indictments, "particulars" and the "33rd SWIGJ Presentment" that produced them! (and sent an E-MAIL to the corrupt PA OAG within days of the issuance of the "33rd SWIGJ Presentment" and its accompanying Indictments stating this identical thing - i.e., that The State has DIAMETRICALLY MISREPRESENTED what he told the "30th SWIGJ" and others about the incident!).