Obli's Observations; Purdue or Per-Don't?


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001
Great second half yesterday. Honestly, I was never concerned in the first half as we kept shooting ourselves in the foot and Purdue was struggling to hold their advantage. A quick turnover and Purdue's fragile psyche comes apart.

  • Seemed to me the refs called a favorable game for Purdue. They are not a good football team but we let them get into it. They like the new coach, they are nuts if they go hire anyone on the open market instead of hiring him going forward.
  • For example, the long TD pass Purdue hit mid-third quarter the WR pushed off to get separation. The goof balls in the booth never mentioned it. Nor did the refs. Whatever.
  • Also, we got called for a personal file hitting a kid while he was throwing the ball away while stepping OOB. Kid was making a play so he's open to the hit, IMHO. That was a bad call on a key 3rd and ten in the second quarter. No biggie, it turns out. But it was a bad call.
  • Got a kick out of the "quite a drop off after Cabinda" comment. Probably true, against PItt and UM, but not so much any more.
  • Love the way the staff is using the defensive personnel. DL looks fresh all game. Nice to see we perform well in the second half (Pitt, Minny, tOSU, Purdue). I'd like to see better starts but we've owned the second half every game except UM.
  • Not sure what was up with Trace. He managed a good game but he looked like he regressed at running the read option. Seemed he missed several "keeps" on read-options that were open for him. are we calling no option options again? Also, his short and mid range passing was not as accurate as usual. Still, he managed a very good game with no turnovers. The offense, as it has all season, executed. Sometimes they get beat but there are few mental errors and missed assignments. Only once all season did I see a personnel screw up.
  • Gesicki wasn't 100%, we will need him to be for Iowa and that is a key. We are very thin at TE, probably (now) our thinnest position given the time the LB and DL have had to mature.
  • We have to be the best team in the nation at winning 50/50 balls. Is it our large WR's? Does TM has some kind of secret 50/50 ball weapon? Is it a great chemistry between TM and our WR's? Is it some kind of combination? IDK, but it is working like nothing I've ever seen. And, he is getting the time.
  • I thought the line did OK, but Purdue's line isn't going to make anyone forget the fearsome foursome. Good pass blocking, and sometimes running. But there was a lot of penetration that blew up zone-reads.
  • Barkley? What can you say. Kid is a stone cold beast. IMHO, the best RB PSU has ever had. Kid is big, fast, strong, has good hands and can block. He's got great vision and an incredible cut. He is very fast as you can see kids take bad angles when he attacks the edge. He seems to be deceptively fast, like Pryor from tOSU was. He seems to glide, with minimum effort. Not sure I liked him jogging into the end zone but he seems like a great kid so won't pick on it.
  • Tommy looked good at QB. Obviously, there is no QB controversy as TM is the solid starter. But if something should happen, I am comfortable with TS in there. I liked how he lowered his shoulder in the red zone. I don't think the Purdue defender was expecting to get pancaked by our QB. TS looks like a big kid that can run pretty well. Have to realize it was against a tired and demoralized Defense, but he did as well as you could expect.
  • BTW, anyone see the dildo thrown on the field today in the Buffalo Bills game?
  • Overall, I really like our offense. I said we'd score over 50 this season and I was right! We've got a all timer in Barkley. We've also got several good playmakers in TM, Gesicki, and three or four WR's. Teams are always going to have to stack the box because of the zone-read and Barkley....but we've got so many weapons and attack the entire field (vertically and horizontally). I'd hate to have to game plan against us right now. I guess you have to attack Paris Palmer and our Center.
  • I am thrilled with the coaching staff. Morehead looks so much more comfortable on the sideline now. He looks in control and like he belongs. I don't see our D coaches jumping around like idiots and flaming. they look like pros keeping your kids into the game and keeping their head's together. CJF needs to tone down some of his personal feelings. Is that just me?
  • Lots of conversation about Bates leading the way for Barkley on his long run. Kid looks like a great athlete.
  • Still getting a kick out of, not only, the national press dissing this team, but the local press as well. Almost none of them predicted a comfortable PSU win. Jonesy predicted a two point, close game, win. Although he did give the team and CJF some props, in kind of a back handed way stating he thought he was going to be writing about a coaching change soon...what?!. The only way you make that change is if the coach has lost control and the program is spiraling. Even a six or seven win season wouldn't have been enough to fire CJF this season.
Iowa and the rest of the schedule
  • while we can win every game, we can also lose 3 of 4. Rutgers is the only game that I'd be shocked to lose (still, it is in NJ and an 8pm game). However, Iowa, Indy and Sparty are all good teams.
  • Iowa is a stout team with a power offense and good defense. With Cabinda and Bell, I like our chances and would put us at 60% chance of winning. I feel like Iowa is Pitt, warmed over in so many ways (power offense, uniforms, passing game, defense). With our new confidence, home game and healthier defense, I am optimistic.
  • Indy is a good team and we need to be on our game to beat them. Honestly, as good as Iowa IMHO.
  • Sparty played hard against UM. Yet, they still lost. Will they take it as a moral victory or continue to fade? Hard to know. But they've got good athletes. PSU is gelling and Sparty is "un-gelling". But with them now 2-6, a decent bowl is out of the question. That PSU game may be the seniors last game so anything can happen.
  • So I am expecting 3-1 or 2-2. That would make us a 9 or 8 win team. By any measure, a successful year given expectations coming into the year. And, a ten win regular season is still within possibilities. That would also put us in a good bowl game. This is great experience for our team.
Question....if we were to play Pitt this coming weekend...who do you think would win?
IMHO, Pitt is a pretty decent team. Not great, perhaps not even good, but certainly better than average. VT isn't a great team either. I'd say we win 7 out of 10 times we play. Connor is a beast and we still are vulnerable against a power running game so we don't stack up well. But with Cabinda and Bell back, we limit them to 24. Plus, we don't turn the ball over, as much, anymore (knocking on wood here) and our offense is much better.
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Question....if we were to play Pitt this coming weekend...who do you think would win?

Agree, it is stupid to talk about the scUM and ASWP games in regards to how we might play against Iowa as they were back-to-back road games that took place 6 and 7 weeks ago from yeasterday's game (i.e., two months prior to this week's Iowa game @home where PSU is 5-0). PSU is 4-0 since the scUM game on the road and has improved on both sides of the ball dramatically and is going into the Iowa game with tremendous momentum @ The Beav where they play like a totally different team, especially in a prime-time telecasts. Fail to see what the relevance of scUM and ASWP are to this Saturday's game just as I failed to see it for the daO$U game contrary to numerous other posters claiming they were highly relevant.
Ha! I did see the object tossed from the stands late in the Bills-Patriots game... Rewound it a couple times to see what it was... Didn't realize it was a DONG
Great second half yesterday. Honestly, I was never concerned in the first half as we kept shooting ourselves in the foot and Purdue was struggling to hold their advantage. A quick turnover and Purdue's fragile psyche comes apart.

  • Seemed to me the refs called a favorable game for Purdue. They are not a good football team but we let them get into it. They like the new coach, they are nuts if they go hire anyone on the open market instead of hiring him going forward.
  • For example, the long TD pass Purdue hit mid-third quarter the WR pushed off to get separation. The goof balls in the booth never mentioned it. Nor did the refs. Whatever.
  • Also, we got called for a personal file hitting a kid while he was throwing the ball away while stepping OOB. Kid was making a play so he's open to the hit, IMHO. That was a bad call on a key 3rd and ten in the second quarter. No biggie, it turns out. But it was a bad call.
  • Got a kick out of the "quite a drop off after Cabinda" comment. Probably true, against PItt and UM, but not so much any more.
  • Love the way the staff is using the defensive personnel. DL looks fresh all game. Nice to see we perform well in the second half (Pitt, Minny, tOSU, Purdue). I'd like to see better starts but we've owned the second half every game except UM.
  • Not sure what was up with Trace. He managed a good game but he looked like he regressed at running the read option. Seemed he missed several "keeps" on read-options that were open for him. are we calling no option options again? Also, his short and mid range passing was not as accurate as usual. Still, he managed a very good game with no turnovers. The offense, as it has all season, executed. Sometimes they get beat but there are few mental errors and missed assignments. Only once all season did I see a personnel screw up.
  • Gesicki wasn't 100%, we will need him to be for Iowa and that is a key. We are very thin at TE, probably (now) our thinnest position given the time the LB and DL have had to mature.
  • We have to be the best team in the nation at winning 50/50 balls. Is it our large WR's? Does TM has some kind of secret 50/50 ball weapon? Is it a great chemistry between TM and our WR's? Is it some kind of combination? IDK, but it is working like nothing I've ever seen. And, he is getting the time.
  • I thought the line did OK, but Purdue's line isn't going to make anyone forget the fearsome foursome. Good pass blocking, and sometimes running. But there was a lot of penetration that blew up zone-reads.
  • Barkley? What can you say. Kid is a stone cold beast. IMHO, the best RB PSU has ever had. Kid is big, fast, strong, has good hands and can block. He's got great vision and an incredible cut. He is very fast as you can see kids take bad angles when he attacks the edge. He seems to be deceptively fast, like Pryor from tOSU was. He seems to glide, with minimum effort. Not sure I liked him jogging into the end zone but he seems like a great kid so won't pick on it.
  • Tommy looked good at QB. Obviously, there is no QB controversy as TM is the solid starter. But if something should happen, I am comfortable with TS in there. I liked how he lowered his shoulder in the red zone. I don't think the Purdue defender was expecting to get pancaked by our QB. TS looks like a big kid that can run pretty well. Have to realize it was against a tired and demoralized Defense, but he did as well as you could expect.
  • BTW, anyone see the dildo thrown on the field today in the Buffalo Bills game?
  • Overall, I really like our offense. I said we'd score over 50 this season and I was right! We've got a all timer in Barkley. We've also got several good playmakers in TM, Gesicki, and three or four WR's. Teams are always going to have to stack the box because of the zone-read and Barkley....but we've got so many weapons and attack the entire field (vertically and horizontally). I'd hate to have to game plan against us right now. I guess you have to attack Paris Palmer and our Center.
  • I am thrilled with the coaching staff. Morehead looks so much more comfortable on the sideline now. He looks in control and like he belongs. I don't see our D coaches jumping around like idiots and flaming. they look like pros keeping your kids into the game and keeping their head's together. CJF needs to tone down some of his personal feelings. Is that just me?
  • Lots of conversation about Bates leading the way for Barkley on his long run. Kid looks like a great athlete.
  • Still getting a kick out of, not only, the national press dissing this team, but the local press as well. Almost none of them predicted a comfortable PSU win. Jonesy predicted a two point, close game, win. Although he did give the team and CJF some props, in kind of a back handed way stating he thought he was going to be writing about a coaching change soon...what?!. The only way you make that change is if the coach has lost control and the program is spiraling. Even a six or seven win season wouldn't have been enough to fire CJF this season.
Iowa and the rest of the schedule
  • while we can win every game, we can also lose 3 of 4. Rutgers is the only game that I'd be shocked to lose (still, it is in NJ and an 8pm game). However, Iowa, Indy and Sparty are all good teams.
  • Iowa is a stout team with a power offense and good defense. With Cabinda and Bell, I like our chances and would put us at 60% chance of winning. I feel like Iowa is Pitt, warmed over in so many ways (power offense, uniforms, passing game, defense). With our new confidence, home game and healthier defense, I am optimistic.
  • Indy is a good team and we need to be on our game to beat them. Honestly, as good as Iowa IMHO.
  • Sparty played hard against UM. Yet, they still lost. Will they take it as a moral victory or continue to fade? Hard to know. But they've got good athletes. PSU is gelling and Sparty is "un-gelling". But with them now 2-6, a decent bowl is out of the question. That PSU game may be the seniors last game so anything can happen.
  • So I am expecting 3-1 or 2-2. That would make us a 9 or 8 win team. By any measure, a successful year given expectations coming into the year. And, a ten win regular season is still within possibilities. That would also put us in a good bowl game. This is great experience for our team.

Dont know what team you are watching apologist, but 2-2 would be a major disappointment.
IMHO, Pitt is a pretty decent team. Not great, perhaps not even good, but certainly better than average. VT isn't a great team either. I'd say we win 7 out of 10 times we play. Connor is a beast and we still are vulnerable against a power running game so we don't stack up well. But with Cabinda and Bell back, we limit them to 24. Plus, we don't turn the ball over, as much, anymore (knocking on wood here) and our offense is much better.
I think our offense has more confidence than they did back in September. It would still be a high scoring game. Probably even higher than the original. I guess we will have to wait until next year to see if we would beat them with the added experience we have now.
Great second half yesterday. Honestly, I was never concerned in the first half as we kept shooting ourselves in the foot and Purdue was struggling to hold their advantage. A quick turnover and Purdue's fragile psyche comes apart.

  • Seemed to me the refs called a favorable game for Purdue. They are not a good football team but we let them get into it. They like the new coach, they are nuts if they go hire anyone on the open market instead of hiring him going forward.
  • For example, the long TD pass Purdue hit mid-third quarter the WR pushed off to get separation. The goof balls in the booth never mentioned it. Nor did the refs. Whatever.
  • Also, we got called for a personal file hitting a kid while he was throwing the ball away while stepping OOB. Kid was making a play so he's open to the hit, IMHO. That was a bad call on a key 3rd and ten in the second quarter. No biggie, it turns out. But it was a bad call.
  • Got a kick out of the "quite a drop off after Cabinda" comment. Probably true, against PItt and UM, but not so much any more.
  • Love the way the staff is using the defensive personnel. DL looks fresh all game. Nice to see we perform well in the second half (Pitt, Minny, tOSU, Purdue). I'd like to see better starts but we've owned the second half every game except UM.
  • Not sure what was up with Trace. He managed a good game but he looked like he regressed at running the read option. Seemed he missed several "keeps" on read-options that were open for him. are we calling no option options again? Also, his short and mid range passing was not as accurate as usual. Still, he managed a very good game with no turnovers. The offense, as it has all season, executed. Sometimes they get beat but there are few mental errors and missed assignments. Only once all season did I see a personnel screw up.
  • Gesicki wasn't 100%, we will need him to be for Iowa and that is a key. We are very thin at TE, probably (now) our thinnest position given the time the LB and DL have had to mature.
  • We have to be the best team in the nation at winning 50/50 balls. Is it our large WR's? Does TM has some kind of secret 50/50 ball weapon? Is it a great chemistry between TM and our WR's? Is it some kind of combination? IDK, but it is working like nothing I've ever seen. And, he is getting the time.
  • I thought the line did OK, but Purdue's line isn't going to make anyone forget the fearsome foursome. Good pass blocking, and sometimes running. But there was a lot of penetration that blew up zone-reads.
  • Barkley? What can you say. Kid is a stone cold beast. IMHO, the best RB PSU has ever had. Kid is big, fast, strong, has good hands and can block. He's got great vision and an incredible cut. He is very fast as you can see kids take bad angles when he attacks the edge. He seems to be deceptively fast, like Pryor from tOSU was. He seems to glide, with minimum effort. Not sure I liked him jogging into the end zone but he seems like a great kid so won't pick on it.
  • Tommy looked good at QB. Obviously, there is no QB controversy as TM is the solid starter. But if something should happen, I am comfortable with TS in there. I liked how he lowered his shoulder in the red zone. I don't think the Purdue defender was expecting to get pancaked by our QB. TS looks like a big kid that can run pretty well. Have to realize it was against a tired and demoralized Defense, but he did as well as you could expect.
  • BTW, anyone see the dildo thrown on the field today in the Buffalo Bills game?
  • Overall, I really like our offense. I said we'd score over 50 this season and I was right! We've got a all timer in Barkley. We've also got several good playmakers in TM, Gesicki, and three or four WR's. Teams are always going to have to stack the box because of the zone-read and Barkley....but we've got so many weapons and attack the entire field (vertically and horizontally). I'd hate to have to game plan against us right now. I guess you have to attack Paris Palmer and our Center.
  • I am thrilled with the coaching staff. Morehead looks so much more comfortable on the sideline now. He looks in control and like he belongs. I don't see our D coaches jumping around like idiots and flaming. they look like pros keeping your kids into the game and keeping their head's together. CJF needs to tone down some of his personal feelings. Is that just me?
  • Lots of conversation about Bates leading the way for Barkley on his long run. Kid looks like a great athlete.
  • Still getting a kick out of, not only, the national press dissing this team, but the local press as well. Almost none of them predicted a comfortable PSU win. Jonesy predicted a two point, close game, win. Although he did give the team and CJF some props, in kind of a back handed way stating he thought he was going to be writing about a coaching change soon...what?!. The only way you make that change is if the coach has lost control and the program is spiraling. Even a six or seven win season wouldn't have been enough to fire CJF this season.
Iowa and the rest of the schedule
  • while we can win every game, we can also lose 3 of 4. Rutgers is the only game that I'd be shocked to lose (still, it is in NJ and an 8pm game). However, Iowa, Indy and Sparty are all good teams.
  • Iowa is a stout team with a power offense and good defense. With Cabinda and Bell, I like our chances and would put us at 60% chance of winning. I feel like Iowa is Pitt, warmed over in so many ways (power offense, uniforms, passing game, defense). With our new confidence, home game and healthier defense, I am optimistic.
  • Indy is a good team and we need to be on our game to beat them. Honestly, as good as Iowa IMHO.
  • Sparty played hard against UM. Yet, they still lost. Will they take it as a moral victory or continue to fade? Hard to know. But they've got good athletes. PSU is gelling and Sparty is "un-gelling". But with them now 2-6, a decent bowl is out of the question. That PSU game may be the seniors last game so anything can happen.
  • So I am expecting 3-1 or 2-2. That would make us a 9 or 8 win team. By any measure, a successful year given expectations coming into the year. And, a ten win regular season is still within possibilities. That would also put us in a good bowl game. This is great experience for our team.

You might not have been worried in the first half but I was. PSU didn't stop Iowa even once (unless you count their missed FG at the end of the half). Our 1st half defensive effort reminded me of our 1st half defense against Pitt. Purdue spread us out and kept us off balance with misdirection plays, shovel passes, you name it. They were near mid field starting the second half when Smith had the big INT. That play turned the game around. They stopped us on our next drive but they muffed the punt. All of a sudden they were down 14 points in a game where they were very competitive. I think we could have been in a dog fight had those turnovers gone the other way. To PSU's credit they took advantage of Purdue's mistakes and went on to play a much better second half on defense. If I was a Purdue fan I would be disappointed by the way their team seemed to give up after the game got away from them.

PSU is doing better on the 50/50 balls but I don't think it's due to size. Godwin & Hamilton are only 6'1". Blacknall is 6'3". Thompkins didn't play but he's only 5'11". As I've said before, I'd like to see Charles & Johnson when we're in the red zone. Those guys are both 6'4" and McSorley could throw the ball high to the back of the EZ.

My only criticism of the offense is that we throw so many long passes. It seems to me that 15 yard passes would be a higher % and that would still be deep enough to beat 8-9 in the box. I think so many deep balls are a big reason why McSorley is completing < 55% and why PSU struggles with TOP.

Props to the DL. Not a particularly highly recruited bunch and they're young, yet they seem to be holding their own and improving. And the last game and a half has been without Parker C. I hope he can play vs. Iowa. I also hope Gesicki get better.

I agree this team could win 4 or lose 4. Even Rutgers. All road games are tough and this is Rutger's bowl game. PSU should be a slight favorite in all 4 but not by a wide margin. I just saw the opening line vs. Iowa is PSU -7. Indiana will be less than that. Still, it would be disappointing to finish 2-2. PSU needs to go at least 3-1 in order to maintain momentum.
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Dont know what team you are watching apologist, but 2-2 would be a major disappointment.

Really? What was your prediction for the team before we played our first game? IIRC, you were pretty down on the offensive line so can't believe it included an 8 or 9 win season.
Really? What was your prediction for the team before we played our first game? IIRC, you were pretty down on the offensive line so can't believe it included an 8 or 9 win season.

LMAO, we both know you are setting the apologist stance up, ahead of time, in case there is a collapse.
Really? What was your prediction for the team before we played our first game? IIRC, you were pretty down on the offensive line so can't believe it included an 8 or 9 win season.

Well he clearly stated we would win 3 games this year, maybe 4 if we were lucky. Now he says less than 10 wins would be a let down for anyone other than apologists. Bottom line is this team has way out performed anything Guns could have possibly predicted but anything less than undefeated seasons from here on out would be a let down for him.
You might not have been worried in the first half but I was. PSU didn't stop Iowa even once (unless you count their missed FG at the end of the half). Our 1st half defensive effort reminded me of our 1st half defense against Pitt. Purdue spread us out and kept us off balance with misdirection plays, shovel passes, you name it. They were near mid field starting the second half when Smith had the big INT. That play turned the game around. They stopped us on our next drive but they muffed the punt. All of a sudden they were down 14 points in a game where they were very competitive. I think we could have been in a dog fight had those turnovers gone the other way. To PSU's credit they took advantage of Purdue's mistakes and went on to play a much better second half on defense. If I was a Purdue fan I would be disappointed by the way their team seemed to give up after the game got away from them.

PSU is doing better on the 50/50 balls but I don't think it's due to size. Godwin & Hamilton are only 6'1". Blacknall is 6'3". Thompkins didn't play but he's only 5'11". As I've said before, I'd like to see Charles & Johnson when we're in the red zone. Those guys are both 6'4" and McSorley could throw the ball high to the back of the EZ.

My only criticism of the offense is that we throw so many long passes. It seems to me that 15 yard passes would be a higher % and that would still be deep enough to beat 8-9 in the box. I think so many deep balls are a big reason why McSorley is completing < 55% and why PSU struggles with TOP.

Props to the DL. Not a particularly highly recruited bunch and they're young, yet they seem to be holding their own and improving. And the last game and a half has been without Parker C. I hope he can play vs. Iowa. I also hope Gesicki get better.

I agree this team could win 4 or lose 4. Even Rutgers. All road games are tough and this is Rutger's bowl game. PSU should be a slight favorite in all 4 but not by a wide margin. I just saw the opening line vs. Iowa is PSU -7. Indiana will be less than that. Still, it would be disappointing to finish 2-2. PSU needs to go at least 3-1 in order to maintain momentum.

We throw it downfield in order to get defenses to loosen up. Most teams start the game with their safeties up close trying to stop Barkley.
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Overall, I really like our offense. I said we'd score over 50 this season and I was right! We've got a all timer in Barkley. We've also got several good playmakers in TM, Gesicki, and three or four WR's. Teams are always going to have to stack the box because of the zone-read and Barkley....but we've got so many weapons and attack the entire field (vertically and horizontally). I'd hate to have to game plan against us right now. I guess you have to attack Paris Palmer and our Center.

We have a big play offense at this point. We still do not have an offensive line that can dominate and grind it out on people, but they are getting better, and with our big play skilled people, they don't have to be perfect every play.
LMAO, we both know you are setting the apologist stance up, ahead of time, in case there is a collapse.
Oh. So you are not going to answer? Ok.

The games need to be played. We don't know injuries or weather, issues that affect the games. All are good teams except Rutgers. I judge the program and staff by judging year over year progress. Not by each individual game. So my point was on judging the program. Imho a 8, 9, or 10 win regular season shows great progress for the program. If we go 2-2 I may be disappointed for that game or two we lost but am pleased for the season.
We throw it downfield in order to get defenses to loosen up. Most teams start the game with their safeties up close trying to stop Barkley.

I understand that, but a 15 yard pass is deep enough to stop LBs and DBs from crowding the LOS.
I understand that, but a 15 yard pass is deep enough to stop LBs and DBs from crowding the LOS.
Don't agree:
1. a 15-yard pass doesn't stretch the field
2. Time of Possession and Trace's completion % are not critically important stats
3. Godwin and Blacknall are big receivers in terms of their size and strength and have been able to get position and out-fight DBs
4. Scoring points is a critically important stat, and our long completions have often been TDs or led to TDs
Don't agree:
1. a 15-yard pass doesn't stretch the field
2. Time of Possession and Trace's completion % are not critically important stats
3. Godwin and Blacknall are big receivers in terms of their size and strength and have been able to get position and out-fight DBs
4. Scoring points is a critically important stat, and our long completions have often been TDs or led to TDs

I agree with BDGAN.

Long passes to wide receivers are not normally covered by linebackers. They can still focus on blitzing and the run defense. On the other hand, short and intermediate passes to the center of the field can consume anyone in the back seven. The run-support guys then have to deal with both run and pass.

"Stretching the field" with long bombs might help the completion percentage of shorter pass routes. But with so many incomplete deep balls, IMHO it's been a net loss overall for the offense. It's about balance.

I think most teams have been playing our receivers with single man-to-man coverage and 0-1 safeties helping deep. Long passes then don't really loosen the defense against the run.

Barkley has been beating defenses with his extraordinary talent. McSorley keeping the ball on occasion helps. It's as simple as that. A long completion once in a while isn't taking eyes off Barkley.

Quite obviously, long completions lead to scores, but how many drives get killed by throwing away so many downs? Does it lead to more scoring? If so then most teams would be doing likewise. Doesn't seem like it.
Always enjoy your posts, Obliviax. I agree with you about TM and the read option. As I watched the game I was wondering if Franklin and Moorehead were intentionally not letting him run with it. As you said several times it was obvious he should have kept it but didn't. Maybe he is hurting a little. Gotta be a reason for it. BTW, you kinda give your age away when you mention the fearsome foursome. LOL !!!!! They're ancient history. Like me.
Question....if we were to play Pitt this coming weekend...who do you think would win?

PSU handed them the first game, and has vastly improved since, while Pitt seems to be regressing... at best being stagnant. PSU wins easily if they play this weekend.
I agree with BDGAN.

Long passes to wide receivers are not normally covered by linebackers. They can still focus on blitzing and the run defense. On the other hand, short and intermediate passes to the center of the field can consume anyone in the back seven. The run-support guys then have to deal with both run and pass.

"Stretching the field" with long bombs might help the completion percentage of shorter pass routes. But with so many incomplete deep balls, IMHO it's been a net loss overall for the offense. It's about balance.

I think most teams have been playing our receivers with single man-to-man coverage and 0-1 safeties helping deep. Long passes then don't really loosen the defense against the run.

Barkley has been beating defenses with his extraordinary talent. McSorley keeping the ball on occasion helps. It's as simple as that. A long completion once in a while isn't taking eyes off Barkley.

Quite obviously, long completions lead to scores, but how many drives get killed by throwing away so many downs? Does it lead to more scoring? If so then most teams would be doing likewise. Doesn't seem like it.

Without the long throws and completions downfield against Ohio State we don't win the game...

Blacknail, Goodwin and Thompkins are weapons downfield we have to use in order to be successful. We cannot grind it out against most teams.
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Also, we got called for a personal file hitting a kid while he was throwing the ball away while stepping OOB. Kid was making a play so he's open to the hit, IMHO. That was a bad call on a key 3rd and ten in the second quarter. No biggie, it turns out. But it was a bad call.
Pet peeve of mine. The hit was made before the whistle; it shouldn't matter if his foot touched out-of-bounds or not. The players don't determine whether a player is in bounds or out - the officials do. If a player can admninister a hit before a ref blows a whistle, that's on the ref, not the player. If the ref thinks the hit was late, he should have blown his whistle sooner!
I agree with BDGAN.

Long passes to wide receivers are not normally covered by linebackers. They can still focus on blitzing and the run defense. On the other hand, short and intermediate passes to the center of the field can consume anyone in the back seven. The run-support guys then have to deal with both run and pass.

"Stretching the field" with long bombs might help the completion percentage of shorter pass routes. But with so many incomplete deep balls, IMHO it's been a net loss overall for the offense. It's about balance.

I think most teams have been playing our receivers with single man-to-man coverage and 0-1 safeties helping deep. Long passes then don't really loosen the defense against the run.

Barkley has been beating defenses with his extraordinary talent. McSorley keeping the ball on occasion helps. It's as simple as that. A long completion once in a while isn't taking eyes off Barkley.

Quite obviously, long completions lead to scores, but how many drives get killed by throwing away so many downs? Does it lead to more scoring? If so then most teams would be doing likewise. Doesn't seem like it.

The issue is the safeties. "stacking the box" is where the Safeties crowd up to the LOS playing the run at risk of the pass. A 15 yard pass doesn't allow the QB to throw it up over the S. While the S may be five yards back, it is still tough to get it over his head and drop it in 15 yards downfield. As a result, to loosen the S up, the ball needs to be a ball dropped in over the S head. And this defense, BTW, makes the CB be one-on-one with little to no help "over the top" from the S. That's why this is working so well for PSU this year.
Pet peeve of mine. The hit was made before the whistle; it shouldn't matter if his foot touched out-of-bounds or not. The players don't determine whether a player is in bounds or out - the officials do. If a player can admninister a hit before a ref blows a whistle, that's on the ref, not the player. If the ref thinks the hit was late, he should have blown his whistle sooner!

That's a great point, 'pecker. How is a defender supposed to know? Blow the whistle, and the play dead, keeping the defender from having to make that decision.

In this particular case, the ref should have blown before the player threw the ball, awarding the defense a sack.
Always enjoy your posts, Obliviax. I agree with you about TM and the read option. As I watched the game I was wondering if Franklin and Moorehead were intentionally not letting him run with it. As you said several times it was obvious he should have kept it but didn't. Maybe he is hurting a little. Gotta be a reason for it. BTW, you kinda give your age away when you mention the fearsome foursome. LOL !!!!! They're ancient history. Like me.

I honestly think they have a "switch" they turn on and off with McSorely. Think of it as the nitrous button on a race car. In order to save it (the nitrous, or TM's health), they only turn it on when they feel they need it.

As long as they feel they're generally in control with the offense, they'll leave the read-option TM-run option turned off. They need a little boost -- They'll switch it on for a series or two.

Just my opinion/guess though.
I honestly think they have a "switch" they turn on and off with McSorely. Think of it as the nitrous button on a race car. In order to save it (the nitrous, or TM's health), they only turn it on when they feel they need it.

As long as they feel they're generally in control with the offense, they'll leave the read-option TM-run option turned off. They need a little boost -- They'll switch it on for a series or two.

Just my opinion/guess though.

I thought the same thing. There was no need to use it against Purdue. Sure if they would have kept the game close in the 3rd (where PSU would have felt out of control) they would have used it more.

This also leads me to believe that there is a pretty big difference between trace and TS. If they were as confident as some on this board are with TS, I would be led to believe they wouldn't ever turn off the qb keep
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Great second half yesterday. Honestly, I was never concerned in the first half as we kept shooting ourselves in the foot and Purdue was struggling to hold their advantage. A quick turnover and Purdue's fragile psyche comes apart.

  • Seemed to me the refs called a favorable game for Purdue. They are not a good football team but we let them get into it. They like the new coach, they are nuts if they go hire anyone on the open market instead of hiring him going forward.
  • For example, the long TD pass Purdue hit mid-third quarter the WR pushed off to get separation. The goof balls in the booth never mentioned it. Nor did the refs. Whatever.
  • Also, we got called for a personal file hitting a kid while he was throwing the ball away while stepping OOB. Kid was making a play so he's open to the hit, IMHO. That was a bad call on a key 3rd and ten in the second quarter. No biggie, it turns out. But it was a bad call.
  • Got a kick out of the "quite a drop off after Cabinda" comment. Probably true, against PItt and UM, but not so much any more.
  • Love the way the staff is using the defensive personnel. DL looks fresh all game. Nice to see we perform well in the second half (Pitt, Minny, tOSU, Purdue). I'd like to see better starts but we've owned the second half every game except UM.
  • Not sure what was up with Trace. He managed a good game but he looked like he regressed at running the read option. Seemed he missed several "keeps" on read-options that were open for him. are we calling no option options again? Also, his short and mid range passing was not as accurate as usual. Still, he managed a very good game with no turnovers. The offense, as it has all season, executed. Sometimes they get beat but there are few mental errors and missed assignments. Only once all season did I see a personnel screw up.
  • Gesicki wasn't 100%, we will need him to be for Iowa and that is a key. We are very thin at TE, probably (now) our thinnest position given the time the LB and DL have had to mature.
  • We have to be the best team in the nation at winning 50/50 balls. Is it our large WR's? Does TM has some kind of secret 50/50 ball weapon? Is it a great chemistry between TM and our WR's? Is it some kind of combination? IDK, but it is working like nothing I've ever seen. And, he is getting the time.
  • I thought the line did OK, but Purdue's line isn't going to make anyone forget the fearsome foursome. Good pass blocking, and sometimes running. But there was a lot of penetration that blew up zone-reads.
  • Barkley? What can you say. Kid is a stone cold beast. IMHO, the best RB PSU has ever had. Kid is big, fast, strong, has good hands and can block. He's got great vision and an incredible cut. He is very fast as you can see kids take bad angles when he attacks the edge. He seems to be deceptively fast, like Pryor from tOSU was. He seems to glide, with minimum effort. Not sure I liked him jogging into the end zone but he seems like a great kid so won't pick on it.
  • Tommy looked good at QB. Obviously, there is no QB controversy as TM is the solid starter. But if something should happen, I am comfortable with TS in there. I liked how he lowered his shoulder in the red zone. I don't think the Purdue defender was expecting to get pancaked by our QB. TS looks like a big kid that can run pretty well. Have to realize it was against a tired and demoralized Defense, but he did as well as you could expect.
  • BTW, anyone see the dildo thrown on the field today in the Buffalo Bills game?
  • Overall, I really like our offense. I said we'd score over 50 this season and I was right! We've got a all timer in Barkley. We've also got several good playmakers in TM, Gesicki, and three or four WR's. Teams are always going to have to stack the box because of the zone-read and Barkley....but we've got so many weapons and attack the entire field (vertically and horizontally). I'd hate to have to game plan against us right now. I guess you have to attack Paris Palmer and our Center.
  • I am thrilled with the coaching staff. Morehead looks so much more comfortable on the sideline now. He looks in control and like he belongs. I don't see our D coaches jumping around like idiots and flaming. they look like pros keeping your kids into the game and keeping their head's together. CJF needs to tone down some of his personal feelings. Is that just me?
  • Lots of conversation about Bates leading the way for Barkley on his long run. Kid looks like a great athlete.
  • Still getting a kick out of, not only, the national press dissing this team, but the local press as well. Almost none of them predicted a comfortable PSU win. Jonesy predicted a two point, close game, win. Although he did give the team and CJF some props, in kind of a back handed way stating he thought he was going to be writing about a coaching change soon...what?!. The only way you make that change is if the coach has lost control and the program is spiraling. Even a six or seven win season wouldn't have been enough to fire CJF this season.
Iowa and the rest of the schedule
  • while we can win every game, we can also lose 3 of 4. Rutgers is the only game that I'd be shocked to lose (still, it is in NJ and an 8pm game). However, Iowa, Indy and Sparty are all good teams.
  • Iowa is a stout team with a power offense and good defense. With Cabinda and Bell, I like our chances and would put us at 60% chance of winning. I feel like Iowa is Pitt, warmed over in so many ways (power offense, uniforms, passing game, defense). With our new confidence, home game and healthier defense, I am optimistic.
  • Indy is a good team and we need to be on our game to beat them. Honestly, as good as Iowa IMHO.
  • Sparty played hard against UM. Yet, they still lost. Will they take it as a moral victory or continue to fade? Hard to know. But they've got good athletes. PSU is gelling and Sparty is "un-gelling". But with them now 2-6, a decent bowl is out of the question. That PSU game may be the seniors last game so anything can happen.
  • So I am expecting 3-1 or 2-2. That would make us a 9 or 8 win team. By any measure, a successful year given expectations coming into the year. And, a ten win regular season is still within possibilities. That would also put us in a good bowl game. This is great experience for our team.

Definitely not TM's best game in regards to running the RO......gave ball to Barkley several times in situations where DE crashed down and outside was open (i.e., should have kept it) and one time failed to execute his fake properly on the "jet sweep" (he ended up running with Barkley which would attract defenders rather than faking like he still had the ball and running off tackle to try and take defenders away from Barkley). In any event, it didn't hurt us and we still won the game which is a "double bonus" as it creates film that the staff can go over with TM and further improve his play (i.e., we learn the most from mistakes if properly analyzed and adjustments made......).
The issue is the safeties. "stacking the box" is where the Safeties crowd up to the LOS playing the run at risk of the pass. A 15 yard pass doesn't allow the QB to throw it up over the S. While the S may be five yards back, it is still tough to get it over his head and drop it in 15 yards downfield. As a result, to loosen the S up, the ball needs to be a ball dropped in over the S head. And this defense, BTW, makes the CB be one-on-one with little to no help "over the top" from the S. That's why this is working so well for PSU this year.

I get the safety thing. I'm just hard pressed to believe that lots of incompletions and thwarted drives with an occasional jump ball catch is changing safety behavior. Maybe despite the bombs it's good defense to use the safeties in run support against a team with Barkley. The best defense is to attack our weakness -- the middle OL -- with stunts and linebacker blitzing. Safeties need to help on the edge.

It isn't like we're beating the defense and Trace is dropping it in perfectly on the bombs. I'd like to see the evidence of an impact from those throws on safeties.

I'm more confident with bombs when Godwin is on the end of it. He has both toughness and hands. Otherwise we have to be a bit lucky.
I get the safety thing. I'm just hard pressed to believe that lots of incompletions and thwarted drives with an occasional jump ball catch is changing safety behavior. Maybe despite the bombs it's good defense to use the safeties in run support against a team with Barkley. The best defense is to attack our weakness -- the middle OL -- with stunts and linebacker blitzing. Safeties need to help on the edge.

It isn't like we're beating the defense and Trace is dropping it in perfectly on the bombs. I'd like to see the evidence of an impact from those throws on safeties.

I'm more confident with bombs when Godwin is on the end of it. He has both toughness and hands. Otherwise we have to be a bit lucky.

Well, we scored 60 on Purdue so that would suggest that defenses, downstream, had better adjust. So that means their S better give help to their corners. (S are typically facing the QB more where CB's face away from the QB, defending 50/50 balls together). In so doing, those S will leave the defense open to more SB and TM runs. That is the value of Moorehead's offense.
Great second half yesterday. Honestly, I was never concerned in the first half as we kept shooting ourselves in the foot and Purdue was struggling to hold their advantage. A quick turnover and Purdue's fragile psyche comes apart.

  • Not sure what was up with Trace. He managed a good game but he looked like he regressed at running the read option. Seemed he missed several "keeps" on read-options that were open for him. are we calling no option options again? Also, his short and mid range passing was not as accurate as usual. Still, he managed a very good game with no turnovers.

I said the same thing during the game.
I get the safety thing. I'm just hard pressed to believe that lots of incompletions and thwarted drives with an occasional jump ball catch is changing safety behavior. Maybe despite the bombs it's good defense to use the safeties in run support against a team with Barkley. The best defense is to attack our weakness -- the middle OL -- with stunts and linebacker blitzing. Safeties need to help on the edge.

It isn't like we're beating the defense and Trace is dropping it in perfectly on the bombs. I'd like to see the evidence of an impact from those throws on safeties.

I'm more confident with bombs when Godwin is on the end of it. He has both toughness and hands. Otherwise we have to be a bit lucky.

You burn a team deep a couple of times (especially on drives that result in TDs), they will begin to drop their Safeties in "two deep" formation to provide deep help on either half of the field. Typically it is difficult to run between tackles as you are outnumbered 7-5 or 7-6 depending on whether you run single-back with a traditional TE or single-back 4 wide......
Time of possession matters zero to this offense. They said this even since preseason.

You have so many deep throws since receivers are getting one on one coverage deep. If you have that you take it all day. I understand some of you are upset about TM's completion percentage (though not sure why since we're still scoring points) but to be honest it doesn't exactly matter. If it works even 1 out of every 3 times you do it it's worth it to get 40-50 yards at a time