They're going to find him guilty of EWOC because they're going to incorrectly interpret the law.
They got C/S to plea to EWOC even though the law didn't apply to them. With that, they can define Spanier being part of the law too since he "employs" C/S. Actually a brilliant move by the state.
It'll also be an amazingly easy appeal.
The basic misinformation concerning what a jury is required to do and not do. This continues to upset me greatly!!
IT IS NOT....."they're going to
incorrectly interpret the law..." It is
their job (and their ONLY JOB) to decide
if the LAW applies to the situation. HUGH Difference. Interpreting the Law is the Judge's responsibility - NOT the Jury's. They have NOT been schooled in its details, reasons or historical applications. This is why our legal system is being eroded by the continuous "Boiling of the Legal Frog" by distortions of core legal reasons and practices. The Jury is the last line of defense in the chain which has been designed to insure our courts obtain Justice.
What we see here and what is all too common, legal decisions are now just a case of "who can deceive the Jury the most effectively with the confusions of the law". We have lost the core principal of real justice ---- that those representing each side can only target ways of how the case can be presented so that the laws involved are known to the jury and (most importantly) the
conditions surrounding the Law in each case point out WHY a Guilty or Innocent verdict.!!!
The complexity of the law is being used here to ONLY DECEIVE the jury. The
DECEPTION OF WORDING ALONE used in the description of the laws is the ONLY THING THAT PA has going for it -
What else is new!!!.
The State has only one "a-b-c" plan....(a) focuses on theatrics - (b) Create "Reality TV" interviews of "victims" - (c) Link a 6+ year old PR campaign that creates a groundless "Penn State Criminality"
EMOTIONAL (not Legal) response.
The State knows that this is wrong -
This is IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH THEIR SWORN DUTIES..... They act only to elicit, not Justice, but POLITICALLY MOTIVATED injustice!!!!