Official Penn State vs Michigan game thread!

Wow. Everybody here wanting us to run. I say throw all over their smug @$$es. No let up. Clifford looking great tonight. OL blocking has been strong.

His third excellent pass.
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Are we having fun yet ??????????????????

This is just BS on the refs. FIXED
Relax. The committee will take into account that this game was fixed. Then when you guys drop 60 on the Buckeyes, and completely turn the tables on Wisky, you'll be in the playoffs. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Relax. Trust IN Don Brown, Don Brown, Don Brown!!!!!
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Wow. Everybody here wanting us to run. I say throw all over their smug @$$es. No let up. Clifford looking great tonight. OL blocking has been strong.

His third excellent pass.
I want some running control clock little let JB and RS get sommpin rest D little too
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Relax. The committee will take into account that this game was fixed. Then when you guys drop 60 on the Buckeyes, and completely turn the tables on Wisky, you'll be in the playoffs. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Relax. Trust IN Don Brown, Don Brown, Don Brown!!!!!
Lol This is a great post!
Is Herbie trying to balance his pre-game comments by seemingly rooting for scUM or is he a deep-down PSU hater who shows his true feelings under duress?
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Kirk has literally praised us all game long. Who cares that he says Don Brown's name? Don Brown is coaching in this one. He's not pro anyone. You guys are just pissed he's not openly rooting for us. Turn on your radio.
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Loving these early deep balls from Clifford that I’ve been wanting to see all season.

I’m still nervous that the blitzes don’t seem to be getting there.