Where is Tommy Stevens?Freirmuth gets a TD and not another target the entire night?
Knight wants white safeties back there too!!!! With proper haircuts!!!
14 in, no sight of #2???
That kiss...
you're good ... your post was close to a flag, but the refs let it go. My post about the flags was to @Locolion for his post about the gorgeous Illini cheerleaders.
much appreciated. and as noted by the poster that did a play-by-play of the kiss, the big, dumb off got in the way of the camera
Starting at dawn... could be a LONG day!
that penalty by the Illini safety was even dumber than Cam Brown's penalty
you're good ... your post was close to a flag, but the refs let it go. My post about the flags was to @Locolion for his post about the gorgeous Illini cheerleaders.
TD, Slade, after a nice pass by Clifford to Hippenhammer.
With the PAT, it's 56 - 24, PSU, with 4:24 left in the game
The hit turned him sideways...he continued into the qb purposelyIt looked like Cam Brown was blocked into the QB. Watch the replay, Brown is hit as he is running past OL and the hit makes him go sideways and carries him into QB (Brown isn't even looking at QB when he contacts QB as he was turned sideways by block).