Official PSU - Maryland Game Thread

Another joke call by the Big Losers on Thorpe... They clearly see it as their obligation to stop PSU since MD's defense is completely futile....
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All those black tee shirts can be nicely converted into blindfolds for the firing squad the MD team will be requesting after the game to be put out of their misery.
Common Fair, respect for the and I both had turtles growing up. Of course we kept our turtles in cages to protect them...PSU is currently caging the Md turtles .....sorry Fair, help me out here. What the heck an I trying to say? You stay sober, I'll continue enjoying Friday night. :p
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Let's get every single first stringer out of the game. Terps are toast. Shorter and Sullivan - Brown both dinged. Can't believe we had a Porter Jr sighting in the first half. No more injuries please.
are these announcers seriously suggesting that psu is trying to pick fights in the stadium?? they are really grasping for anything negative to smear us.
Trying to take over their student section isn’t exactly an act of goodwill.

P.S. - I loved it
Can't tell if Clifford is underthrowing the deep ball intentionally or not.

Seemed to drop it right in there in his few attempts last year.
Once Clifford lines out the deep ball, what it could be. Seems he hesitates twofold: either delivers the throw half a second late or doesn't launch it.

Interesting thing I've noticed: Clifford looks to have audible ability tonight. Anybody seeing more of, what appears to be, him changing some plays without the look to the sideline by the whole team?
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I seldom if ever mind the announcers.....but even Maryland’s home announcers couldn’t be more biased towards the Terps. One of the most childish and inept announcing of ANY football game I’ve ever heard in my life.


As bad as the announcing, the zebras AND the replay both are awful too.....even by Big 10(14) “standards”.
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Let's get every single first stringer out of the game. Terps are toast. Shorter and Sullivan - Brown both dinged. Can't believe we had a Porter Jr sighting in the first half. No more injuries please.
I agree, after this TD put in the 2nd string and save the starters.
Question, I seem to be unaware of a bit of history regarding Franklin and Maryland. Commentator mentioned in passing that things didn’t end well for Franklin at Maryland... anyone know to what he was referring?

From today's WAPO - MD's AD at the time, Debbie Yow, brought Franklin back to MD with the intention of making him head coach when Fridge retired. She even had a million dollar contract drawn up that would be paid to him if he wasn't named HC by 2012. The trouble began when Yow left MD for another job and her replacement, Kevin Anderson, told Franklin it wasn't a guarantee he'd replace Fridge. Franklin thus left to become HC at Vandy and the rest is history.

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