Love the recent rivalry with Ohio State, but do get the feeling they are riding on our coattails a bit, especially with all the talk on Friday about the two best teams in college wrestling. I guess it depends on the timeframe. Certainly Ohio State was 2nd best last year, and since their national championship in 2015, you can claim that they have been solidly #2, but the gap between #2 and the rest of the pack (Iowa, Okie State, etc.) seemed to be smaller than the gap between #1 and #2.
And if you go back longer, 8-10 years, the argument for #2 is much cloudier. I’m interested in what Ohio State does this year and next year. I think #2 is totally up for grabs this year, and while we are focused on Penn State post Nickal and Nolf, Ohio State loses three of there top 4 this year, and I don’t see a Kyle Snyder/Myles Martin type in their line-up. I know they have recruited top-level talent, but it will be very young next year.