Ohio State too Hyped?

I think there is definitely truth to this. The one thing that you notice about our entire team is that the moment, whatever it might be, never seems too big for them. Facing a prohibitive favorite like Gabe Dean as a RS So, or going up against a perceived future 4 Timer in Imar as a RS FR would be too daunting for 99.9% of athletes. That said time and again kids up and down our lineup rise to the occasion. Sure they're all great talents, but its pretty obvious to anyone outside of HR that there is a little more going on here than just talent.
Our kids are not afraid to lose its that simple if they lose they learn from it .other teams seem to be afraid to lose. Okie state is a great example of this.
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I noticed also that after the match Nick was bouncing around like he was ready for 7 more minutes, while McKenna barely dragged his butt back to the center.
We made it to our seats at about 7:45pm. First thing we noticed was McKenna was on the mat warming up. He was really getting in an intense warmup, all the way up till his match. Seemed annoyed at one point when the brick the psu guys were playing around with got in his way. But he warmed up the entire time. Now, being as old as me and my buddy are, our comments were of course that we wouldn’t be able to move for a week if we warmed up like that. I know through my years of coaching that every kid warms up differently, and they are very much routine guys. But it if were me, and I was concerned about a kid’s weight cut for the match, I may have suggested for him to scale back the warmup. That said, we couldn’t believe how loud the psu fans were. It was our first time in that facility. Yes, there were some obstructed view seats, but we thought it was a good place to watch a match.
I try my best to avoid those types of arguments. Over on HR not so much.

To be honest, I live vicariously through Lemonpie while I'm here. Sometimes I feel bad that he's alone in taking the beatings for saying the things that I actually agree with him on.

Actually, no.. I dont feel bad about it at all..

LP enjoys the beatings.

We made it to our seats at about 7:45pm. First thing we noticed was McKenna was on the mat warming up. He was really getting in an intense warmup, all the way up till his match. Seemed annoyed at one point when the brick the psu guys were playing around with got in his way. But he warmed up the entire time. Now, being as old as me and my buddy are, our comments were of course that we wouldn’t be able to move for a week if we warmed up like that. I know through my years of coaching that every kid warms up differently, and they are very much routine guys. But it if were me, and I was concerned about a kid’s weight cut for the match, I may have suggested for him to scale back the warmup. That said, we couldn’t believe how loud the psu fans were. It was our first time in that facility. Yes, there were some obstructed view seats, but we thought it was a good place to watch a match.

McKenna had it down to tOSU or PSU and went with... oh another what could have been. Nick would have red shirted last year, and JM would likely be a 149 this year (granted the inn is full). He wouldn't be gassing, he'd be on his way to his second team championship, and I believe in our room, no telling what he might have done last year or this year. I think Ryan's promises that he was the last missing piece necessary to bring PSU down are sounding a little hollow right now, and to top off that smelly cake he gave up a Stanford degree in the process. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water...
McKenna had it down to tOSU or PSU and went with... oh another what could have been. Nick would have red shirted last year, and JM would likely be a 149 this year (granted the inn is full). He wouldn't be gassing, he'd be on his way to his second team championship, and I believe in our room, no telling what he might have done last year or this year. I think Ryan's promises that he was the last missing piece necessary to bring PSU down are sounding a little hollow right now, and to top off that smelly cake he gave up a Stanford degree in the process. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water...

Who needs a Stanford degree + their amazing networking-for-life when you have swipe card for unlimited tans, classy robes & positive infinity ??
McKenna had it down to tOSU or PSU and went with... oh another what could have been. Nick would have red shirted last year, and JM would likely be a 149 this year (granted the inn is full). He wouldn't be gassing, he'd be on his way to his second team championship, and I believe in our room, no telling what he might have done last year or this year. I think Ryan's promises that he was the last missing piece necessary to bring PSU down are sounding a little hollow right now, and to top off that smelly cake he gave up a Stanford degree in the process. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water...
Lots of people at the time said McKenna was down to OSU and Lehigh. PSU was officially in the mix but not really at the end.
Are you guys sure that McKenna doesn't already have a Stanford degree? Just asking.....Not that your point is inaccurate.
Yeah, if he got a degree at Stanford (or any decent University for that matter) in just 2 years that would be beyond impressive. :cool:

Yeah, my bad, I was thinking that he was a 5th year senior who had likely gotten his degree before leaving. You're both correct and I don't discount that his choice to attend tOSU over PSU probably wasn't the best choice if individual or team titles were his goal, but sometimes we fail to see any perspective other than PSU's and there are a myriad of reasons why someone might choose to attend a school other than PSU (which obviously everyone here recognizes).
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