Olympic qualifier in Mongolia

Frank up 2-0 after one. Got a TD and was given exposure. It was challenged by viet and they won.
cox up in 4 matches on Mat C for those live streaming.

for those waiting up to watch frank check back in 30 minutes for mat assign and probably 45-60 min for match.
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Next opponent Gor (Turkey) won 11-0.

If a number of things work out, he could get David Habat in the semis.
cox up in 4 matches on Mat C for those live streaming.

for those waiting up to watch frank check back in 30 minutes for mat assign and probably 45-60 min for match.
Thanks dunke...Tough one coming up....Fingers crossed...
Frank's next opponent Gor from Turkey (#3 world rank at 70 kg.) Optimistic Frank can win. Cutting the 10 pounds or so to drop to 65 kg. might lower Gor gas tank. Let's go Tank!
Cox 11-0, 2:59. Beastly. Quicker on his knees than the Armenian was on his feet.
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J'Den looked great there. Just imagine when he starts training freestyle exclusively.
For everyone asking about mat assignments: it's in the Results tab of the same site as the streaming videos.
Frank 2-1 at halftime. Gave up 1 after being put on the shot clock, then scored on a HC.
Mass confusion on the challenge. Looks like it was denied, Frank down 6-2.
Gor took zero shots, relied on a push out, they called a bullshit 30 second clock on Tank,
and then the bullshit 3 point move, followed by a bullshit no call on a push out just before
Tanks takedown at the end.

total hose job.
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