Didja see the funky play that Pitt lost on? The Pitt defender forced a the Stanford player to fumble at the 3 yard line and the ball flew in the air and another Stanford guy caught it in the endzone. Yes, maybe Pitt would have lost anyway but that's not the point.
The point is, I think the rule should be, if you fumble and your team recovers it further down the field, the ball should come back to the point of the fumble. A team should never be rewarded for fumbling. But that's just my opinion and I'd be curious to see what others say.
The point is, I think the rule should be, if you fumble and your team recovers it further down the field, the ball should come back to the point of the fumble. A team should never be rewarded for fumbling. But that's just my opinion and I'd be curious to see what others say.