OT: Aren't we supposed to be airing grievances ...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
... on this glorious Festivus day?

I'll start. Can posters please learn the difference between then and than?

Now, please post pictures of your Festivus poles
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when did delivery trucks and landscapers earn the right to just pull up on any street and block traffic while they do their business?
this is a great one, throw in construction workers, not road workers but construction workers who routinely block a lane of traffic and glare/yell at me when I can't read their minds as to what the hell they're trying to do
People who don't turn on their car lights after dark drive me nuts. Since it was daylight until 8pm not long ago people still stupidly drive without lights after dark. I flash my headlights whenever I encounter a car without lights on after dark. I wonder how many people have been killed due to this boneheaded behavior.
... on this glorious Festivus day?

I'll start. Can posters please learn the difference between then and than?

Now, please post pictures of your Festivus poles
You should have never started this thread. I’m usually a pretty happy guy, now I’m going to wander around all day being pissed at everything I see.
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The mall walk...come on people, I have sh!t to do, hurry up! I don’t have all day to slow walk behind you while you look around like you’re in a museum.
Does Tom acknowledge this as the OFFICIAL. o_O airing of grievances thread?
... on this glorious Festivus day?

I'll start. Can posters please learn the difference between then and than?

Now, please post pictures of your Festivus poles
Have you read the board lately? An awful lot of grievances being aired.

I'm surprised nobody has posted a stripper pole yet.
Since when is it okay for lansdscaping companies to start cutting my neighbors grass at 7:00 AM!! ON A FARGIN SUNDAY!!!!!

Also turn you high beams off if you can see taillights in front of you!!1

Lastly, why are there so many people everywhere, I hate people, don't they know they when I come along they just need to move out of the way!!!
General lack of supermarket parking lot lack of etiquette really upsets me for some reason.
The swinging, the swaying and especially the bounce made it damn near impossible to walk. And they knew exactly what they were doing to every guy they encountered.
They have been the downfall of numerous superficial males!
Sometimes the lights that you think are on high beams aren't in fact high beams. New lights can be pretty damn bright.
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Every once in a while, while you are at a red light, look up from your phone to see if the little colors have changed. If it’s green, then proceed to drive. And if it’s green for two seconds, you haven’t moved and I beep at you as a gentle reminder it’s your turn to move, don’t flip me off.
... on this glorious Festivus day?

I'll start. Can posters please learn the difference between then and than?

Now, please post pictures of your Festivus poles
Digging the old console TV in that picture. Brings back childhood memories.
Most Express lanes are 12-15 items. I understand your "grievence" because people often have 20 or more items in the express line.
I agree. Our local store is "20 items-more or less". There are times when I break that rule, but I'm reasonable about it. And I won't go there if that line appears to have a regular flow of people while I'm shopping.

Nothing worse than having a few items and getting behind a cart full person in the express lane.
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Threads started and then only nfm on the post. Or vague or misleading subject lines . Take 30 seconds, it just means more here.

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BTW, FESTIVUS episode on at 7 tonight on TBS
Frank invented a holiday . He’s so prolific .
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I read this and it made me mad today:


Family dispute: Brainard Road

A woman, 18, reported at 12:39 p.m. Dec. 20 that her brother had farted on her toothbrush. Officers learned the woman was not at the home and had called from a different in city in an effort to irritate her brother. She was advised not to contact police for frivolous issues.
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