Nothing will stop the bleeding in the short term. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 50% hit to equities. Unlike prior collapses (1929, 1987, 2008), the rebound will be quicker. The virus is a singular issue unlike the complex web of financial issues in prior crashes (especially 2008). Once we get past the peak and are given the "all clear" signal by health authorities to begin resuming normal activities, the public will respond quickly and it will start with the small business - people will immediately begin going back out to bars, restaurants, etc. Sports and recreational activities will resume quite quickly. Major league baseball will probably benefit from an immediate jump in attendance (although they certainly will have a shortened season).
People will start traveling, airlines will add flights, hotels will be opening their doors. We may be just at the beginning of the disruption now, but this will pass in a few months and we will get back to normal rather quickly. Whether that is in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or a year ... I don't know.