Our "used car saleman" is a pretty good football coach

I'm as excited as this guy was at the beginning of a potentially glorious summer. Just hope it ends better than his summer did.

“I was stripped at the waist eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery!”

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Ever since Franklin's first press conference, all I've heard from Pitt fans is "he's a used car salesman." Don't know if he can sell cars, but I do know he's a darn good football coach. Also a coach that isn't a raving lunatic on the sidelines every time things don't go his way, like Pat Nardouchey.
Dantonio - .564 win % in first 3 years at MSU. Lost all three bowl games. Had a good 4th year and lost the bowl game in that year.

Saban - .531 win % in first 4 years at MSU. Lost first three bowl games and none in the fourth year.

Frankllin already way ahead...with a team that sustained one of the two worst, and unjustified, sanctions ever handed down in Division I football. Nuff said for all those hack media pukes, including that loser Francesa, and trolls.
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He's done alright this year, but let's not get too excited. We still have to finish out the season. We have one good win this year and the offense still did not look great in it. Purdue is hardly a measuring stick. I expect us to win out. However, I'm not about to start beating my chest just yet.

Wow, I'm shocked, this troll, eeerrrrrr.......I mean poster, is usually so positive with his comments. :eek:

I especially like the "I expect us to win out."......gee, I guess somebody's "expectations" have radically changed, LMFAO!
I don't think he is getting that much of an advantage by not telling us about injuries

I don't know about Urban Meyer, but I was pretty shocked when Bell and Cabinda played pretty much the entire game against OSU and contributed so significantly, given the way Franklin made it sound like they would be limited. If OSU was planning to exploit weak, inexperienced, or dinged up linebackers, they had to throw that strategy out the window. So Franklin's smoke screen worked. Regardless, even if it doesn't give us an advantage, it certainly doesn't hurt us.

Would like to know everyone's injury status? Sure, but I would sacrifice that knowledge for an advantage over our opponent, however small it may be.
The day he was hired, Franklin said something to the effect of he might not be the smartest coach or the best coach but he will never be outworked by anybody. And that's proved to be true.

The guy sleeps 3 hours a night and works incredibly hard, and his staff works hard, and the players work hard. And from hard work, success inevitably follows.

He's getting better with experience. He's better now than he was a year ago, and he'll be a better coach next year. But I don't think the work ethic will change.

The improvement curve of the team this season has been remarkable. Maybe similar to Paterno's first or second season when Joe promoted a bunch of talented underclassmen and they gelled into a great team.

There's no question there are bumps ahead. Franklin and the team now suddenly face such increased expectations and he is going to have to convince the players to not believe the positive press any more than they should believe the negative press.

They are a good football team now but they should not let up in any way because there is room for them to get a whole lot better.
He's done alright this year, but let's not get too excited. We still have to finish out the season. We have one good win this year and the offense still did not look great in it. Purdue is hardly a measuring stick. I expect us to win out. However, I'm not about to start beating my chest just yet.

How can you not be sold on Franklin yet but still expect to win out? Oxymoron without the oxy. a paying customer of PSU football, I would like to know!

You are not "a paying customer of PSU football," you are a paying customer of a media website that covers PSU football. Those are two very different things. Franklin doesn't owe any of us any info.
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You are not "a paying customer of PSU football," you are a paying customer of a media website that covers PSU football. Those are two very different things. Franklin doesn't owe any of us any info.
Indeed. Oy vey.
Wow, I'm shocked, this troll, eeerrrrrr.......I mean poster, is usually so positive with his comments. :eek:

I especially like the "I expect us to win out."......gee, I guess somebody's "expectations" have radically changed, LMFAO!
I'm no troll. I'm admittedly not a believer in Franklin. I hope like hell I'm wrong, but I'm not sold yet.
I'm no troll. I'm admittedly not a believer in Franklin. I hope like hell I'm wrong, but I'm not sold yet.
Winning out isn't a great accomplishment. MSU just isn't the team it was. Iowa is a decent team. The rest is nothing special. I loved beating OSU. I thought the defense looked great. I love the potential of our offense. Lots of talent in this group. They just need to be consistent for me to be sold. I'm also willing to admit, I'm old school and hate the style of offense we play. I'm sure that has a lot to do with my negativity. Give me a physical team vs this hurry up spread offense anyday
The best thing about Franklin, is he has gotten better at what he has needed to get better at, as he has gone along. He made the right changes in staff, he delegated the authority, he has become better at motivation, and he has kept his roster peaking in improvement and enthusiasm.

There are still areas that need to be upgraded, but he is doing the things he has needed to do.
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Winning out isn't a great accomplishment. MSU just isn't the team it was. Iowa is a decent team. The rest is nothing special. I loved beating OSU. I thought the defense looked great. I love the potential of our offense. Lots of talent in this group. They just need to be consistent for me to be sold. I'm also willing to admit, I'm old school and hate the style of offense we play. I'm sure that has a lot to do with my negativity. Give me a physical team vs this hurry up spread offense anyday

So in the top 10 you have what, one "physical" team and that's Wiscy,and they have two losses. The rest of college football's best run a spread type offense. But let's stick with old school stuff.
But still needs to go to "when to call timeouts 101" He got lucky against Ohio State and it actually worked in our favor and helped us win by getting that late first half TD. But almost every other time that he has called timeouts without knowing whether we have a good chance of stopping the other team, it has cost us. I love Franklin. Love how he is for the student athletes and it is fantastic that he sat Sickles against Ohio State for missing class. That is what PSU is all about. But two things drive me crazy, his calling timeouts when they don't make sense, and his not telling us about injuries. I don't think he is getting that much of an advantage by not telling us about injuries, but as a paying customer of PSU football, I would like to know! Maybe we could set up a secret server where us insiders could get this information?

Is that your Stone House on the NE corner of 29 and 234?
You are not "a paying customer of PSU football," you are a paying customer of a media website that covers PSU football. Those are two very different things. Franklin doesn't owe any of us any info.
I beg to differ. I give a lot of money to the University. I buy tickets, I buy parking, I chairbacks, I buy overpriced concessions, .....I am a paying customer of PSU football!
So in the top 10 you have what, one "physical" team and that's Wiscy,and they have two losses. The rest of college football's best run a spread type offense. But let's stick with old school stuff.
No doubt, coaches are smarter than me. They know if you get athletes in space and get rid of the ball quick, you can win without having a great OL. I understand the concept, I just don't enjoy watching it.
The best thing about Franklin, is he has gotten better at what he has needed to get better at, as he has gone along. He made the right changes in staff, he delegated the authority, he has become better at motivation, and he has kept his roster peaking in improvement and enthusiasm.

There are still areas that need to be upgraded, but he is doing the things he has needed to do.

This is where 21 is correct. 21 was expecting 3-4 wins after the Mich loss. I could see that as well. The staff changed both guards, Lb's got healthy, Trace started running. I am sure there was many other changes that I did not notice.

PS : I get you 21, you are not negative, you just read that way.
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You must be the most "consistently pleased" man on the World :)

Basically he has taken the stance...PSU hasn't won a title yet so he isn't sold on Franklin. It's cute and he'll be the loudest guy out there if PSU does hit a hiccup along the way. Now winning out isn't even impressive it that happens. I love those that oppose Franklin and how quickly they move their lines back. Not only is he doing good in his 3rd year, he did it with some real patch work play at LB and is allowing a ton of young guys to shirt and get bigger which is BUILDING a much stronger program. Menet, Simmons, Joseph, Alex G, Ellison, Fries, and Shelton were not rushed on to the field. They are getting a full year to get stronger and adjust and that is a good thing. I'll take where PSU is right now over where I thought they would be. Anyone saying he and his staff haven't done a good job this year is FOS....period.
He's done alright this year, but let's not get too excited. We still have to finish out the season. We have one good win this year and the offense still did not look great in it. Purdue is hardly a measuring stick. I expect us to win out. However, I'm not about to start beating my chest just yet.

All you're doing is moving the goal posts. You poo poo the offense in the OSU game. But that was against the #2 team in the country. Just how good SHOULD an offense from a 4-2 20 point home underdog look against the #2 team in the country? And then you rather flippantly say you expect us to win out. Really? If you're expecting us to win out, then that means you must think we're pretty good or you're just setting up Franklin to be able to pound your chest about being right about him if we slip up. Given your posting track record my money is on the latter.
All you're doing is moving the goal posts. You poo poo the offense in the OSU game. But that was against the #2 team in the country. Just how good SHOULD an offense from a 4-2 20 point home underdog look against the #2 team in the country? And then you rather flippantly say you expect us to win out. Really? If you're expecting us to win out, then that means you must think we're pretty good or you're just setting up Franklin to be able to pound your chest about being right about him if we slip up. Given your posting track record my money is on the latter.
The offense is improving, but it hasn't been consistent all year.
The offense is improving, but it hasn't been consistent all year.

Laughable nonsense - nobody's offense is "consistent all year" using your inane standards (i.e., scoring every time u touch the ball). daO$U statistically has one of the best offenses in the conference and nation yet according to your definition they aren't any good because they aren't "consistent"....LMFAO!
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I'm no troll. I'm admittedly not a believer in Franklin. I hope like hell I'm wrong, but I'm not sold yet.

Anyone that isn't sold on Franklin, I would say, what do you want? And what do you think you are going to get?

The guy has dealt with crap and is still competitive, is a good recruiter, his kids like playing for him. has acted professionally, has gotten better, and has been hard on kids when needed. I was thinking 7-5 at best this year which he still may beat.

Some of you are unbelievable. Saban isn't walking through those doors anytime soon.
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Once again, the best coaching jobs in America are not necessarily being done by those who have teams in the top ten. It is conceivable that a staff is doing wonders with no talent, holding a team together and winning 2,3,4 games.
Linking coaching genius and winning is simply put an oversimplification.
After the first quarter and a half, I wondered if JS could survive the year. Judging on the time of the season and ease with which Pitt gashed the D.....I could not see a future.
To rally that team and respond the way they did, spoke volumes for the character of the players and the coaches. "If you can keep your head....when those around you...." As if that was not enough adversity to overcome, half of the defense and almost every LB on the depth chart suffered injury.
James Franklin and his staff deserve an incredible amount of credit to overcome this, keep the team focused and actually beat #2 OSU. So others may withhold judgement to see how the team finishes, I have observed all I need to. This is a young team, now populated with the players that JF has recruited. PSU Football is suddenly in the college football "discussion." Those who are "withholding" judgement of JF to see how "we" finish would complain if 5 $100 dollar bills fell from the sky (claiming there should be more). I am long retired from coaching and a fan like the rest. As such I would be thrilled to have this team "win out." Don't forget how young this team is and how fickle the game itself can be. PSU if very fortunate to have James Franklin, regardless of how the season finishes.
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Winning out isn't a great accomplishment. MSU just isn't the team it was. Iowa is a decent team. The rest is nothing special. I loved beating OSU. I thought the defense looked great. I love the potential of our offense. Lots of talent in this group. They just need to be consistent for me to be sold. I'm also willing to admit, I'm old school and hate the style of offense we play. I'm sure that has a lot to do with my negativity. Give me a physical team vs this hurry up spread offense anyday

Winning out is indeed a pretty good accomplishment. At this point we are still overcoming ourselves, not just the other team. But if it makes you feel better to be a contrarian, have at it.
Winning out is indeed a pretty good accomplishment. At this point we are still overcoming ourselves, not just the other team. But if it makes you feel better to be a contrarian, have at it.

According to the just released CFB Playoff Rankings, PSU "winning out" would likely place them solidly in the Top 10 prior to their bowl with a very outside shot of making the 4-Team Invitational....yea, I guess the troll's supposed "expectations" of how PSU would do this year under Franklin have "changed" from earlier in the year, LMFAO!
Remember when Franklin was 1st hired all the self righteous fools were saying he was the wrong hire for Penn State, not for any football reasons, but because of the Vandy rape incident and our own scandal. They thought it looked bad with no concern for the facts. Hmm, sounds familiar.
Winning out is indeed a pretty good accomplishment. At this point we are still overcoming ourselves, not just the other team. But if it makes you feel better to be a contrarian, have at it.

This is what this guy does, constantly move the goal posts. That way, he can always be right, or at least not wrong. He's really a joke.

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