Just wandering what u think is head scratching. Their weights were searched in depth but am sure some are still very wrong because not everyone competes in the off season. I admit, I did make up Stein at 145 and Wagner at 139 but that was just to get the best FCA kids in a preseason ranking. Without that adjustment, I would have had to leave one of Wagner Stein or Hontz out. Leaving Shane Wagner out is tough enough lol. Also, 107 is definitely a trap shoot in a preseason ranking. I admit several times below in the comments this detail. Much much much more familiar with the Eastern side of 107 and 114 so some Western Young stud newcomers are probably missing but I also make this clear in the comments. The McCort kids are ranked exactly were I was told to rank them. The Iowa recruit was left off the preseason ranking cuz I don't think he is healthy presently.
I respect your time and effort with them. This is just my opinion based off the fact I follow high school wrestling in PA like it's my religion. Here are my thoughts respectively.
You have CJ Caines ranked 14th..kids like Perkins, Ellerbee, and few others infront of him. Did you not see Caines at Super 32?. Perkins isn't even top 30..Ellerbee barely wrestles at all.
You have Mario Hutcherson #2 in AAA. Everyone in America knows Hutcherson is #1 freshman coming in AAA. It's not even close lol. Wenrich is a stud and is clear #2. Obviously if you look at national rankings it shows why.
Kael Davis and Coleton Klipa at 4 and 5??? How is that even possible lol. They are nowhere near should be ranked infront of Hoare, Mickens, Bencho, or Scherchtley. Davis nor Klipa has ever done anything significant nationally and hasn't done much in the state consistently.
Keegan Bassett has about 5 head to head wins over Dinges. Dinges beat him 1 time last year in state finals. Dinges is a stud, but he has taken some bad losses over the last year and Keegan has been consistent and really only losing to Karenbauer.
How in the hell is Borrero, Herring, and Orlandi infront of Sam Almedina? Yes Orlandi won pjw states last year and so did Almedina..plus Almedina won Tulsa and about 3 other state titles over the years. Orlandi won the weakest pjw bracket and never wrestles any national events.
Nathan Guilbon infront of Deklan Barr and Dan Dennis? No way that gets justified. I'm not even sure Gulibon qualified for jr high states. Barr and Dennis are studs..ranked nationally. Guilbon should be 60-70 range.
Respectively I know you said you did not look at national rankings by flo or matscouts. If you did, it would have made your rankings a lot easier. Even looking at PA Power rankings could have helped.