Since the mods split up my posts about PA states into multiple threads, here are the other brackets:
I've finished AA, need a break before looking at AAA.
In the meantime ...
Predictions that are 100% guaranteed to be wrong, or your money back!
As always: One post per weight. I will predict each weight as far down as I feel like it. I will not drill into consi brackets, so if my 3rd and 4th guys meet in the consi quarters, oh well. And I’ll probably lose focus before finishing all 26 brackets.
AA 107 seeds:
1 – Braiden Lotier, Bishop McDevitt SO, SE-1, 45-4, SQ
2 – Chase Karenbauer, Grove City FR, NW-1, 44-0
3 – Nathan Schuman, Honesdale FR, NE-1, 44-4
4 – Keegan Bassett, Bishop McCort FR, SW-1, 42-5
Others (top): none, yet everyone -- it's 107!
Others (bottom): Dakota Santamaria, Tussey Mountain JR, SW-2, 38-2, S8
Karenbauer is the favorite, and would’ve been the top seed except he’s a freshman and therefore got no “prestige points” for last year’s PIAA placement.
1 – Karenbauer
2 – Bassett
3 – Lotier