Football Penn State cruises the country roads to a 34-12 win over West Virginia

WVU doesn't trust Greene to go through progressions
Not sure why that wasn't a flag but not complaining
We get a first glimpse of Beau Oribula on penn State's first third down of the day. He pitches it to Singleton and Penn State gets the first down.
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Holy shlit! 2 turnovers on 2 plays
1st game nerves 😬
Not a great start here for the Penn State offensive line. Nick Dawkins has been struggling with some snaps and struggling to open some holes.
Didn't like that 3rd and 6 call. Damn, it would have worked out if PSU could have downed that inside the 5.
Carter got blocked/pushed into the punter. Correct no call.

The always wrong poser-troll douche is saying it was "marginal" [insert eyeroll]. How can anyone watch the close-up replay and claim it was "marginal" as to wether Carter was pushed from behind directly into kicker???
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So far, the Who sum up my thoughts on O:

We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again, no, no
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
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The first game for most teams always tends to be a bit messy. It is what it is. Hopefully, they can pull through.
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Franklin's teams are never ready/psyched to play at opening kickoff, not just the opener.
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