Police: LSU player kills man trying to rob him, teammate

Holy hell people. Talk about jumping to conclusions on this. Why would anyone assume a PS3 is hot? Why would you assume the LSU players may have hot merchandise? Why didn't they meet more in public? Maybe get out of your bubble and learn what their normal world is like. The whole concealed vs open literally makes no sense. Those two folks will continue walking down the street after saying hi to each other like normal gun owners do everyday. The chance of one of those two getting shot? Yeah, like about one in never. You sure can tell the anti gun vs. common sense folks here. Like someone famous once said, you bring a knife, I'll bring a gun. Hmmmm. I wonder who said that?
Holy hell people. Talk about jumping to conclusions on this. Why would anyone assume a PS3 is hot? Why would you assume the LSU players may have hot merchandise? Why didn't they meet more in public? Maybe get out of your bubble and learn what their normal world is like. The whole concealed vs open literally makes no sense. Those two folks will continue walking down the street after saying hi to each other like normal gun owners do everyday. The chance of one of those two getting shot? Yeah, like about one in never. You sure can tell the anti gun vs. common sense folks here. Like someone famous once said, you bring a knife, I'll bring a gun. Hmmmm. I wonder who said that?

Anti-gun vs Common Sense? LOL. Biased revealed - you should have kept quiet given this compromises your ability to be impartial as a MOD.
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Holy hell people. Talk about jumping to conclusions on this. Why would anyone assume a PS3 is hot? Why would you assume the LSU players may have hot merchandise? Why didn't they meet more in public? Maybe get out of your bubble and learn what their normal world is like. The whole concealed vs open literally makes no sense. Those two folks will continue walking down the street after saying hi to each other like normal gun owners do everyday. The chance of one of those two getting shot? Yeah, like about one in never. You sure can tell the anti gun vs. common sense folks here. Like someone famous once said, you bring a knife, I'll bring a gun. Hmmmm. I wonder who said that?

I never assumed it was hot. Nor did the police. The police said the investigation is continuing. Well, they are not going to charge the dead guy, are they? So what WOULD they still be investigating? WTF is left for them to investigate once they have said it is self defense? Ownership of the gun and ownership of the PS3. What else do you have, since you have such a deep understanding of how it is in a sketchy neighborhood in Baton Rouge? Why did they let him in the car?
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I asked a police officer in NJ the following question. If someone broke into my home do I have the right to use deadly force. He said, you do not have the right to use deadly force, so the answer is no. The law states that you must exercise every avenue to get out of the house and retreat before using any force. He went on to say, if you shoot and kill the intruder and we determine that you could have left the premises you will be arrested and will most likely be facing a Manslaughter charge. However, if it can be proven that you were cornered and afraid for your life you have a right to use deadly force under the Castle Doctrine.
And thus why I would never live in NJ. This is like going back to the 1700's. Sure British soldiers, come on in and take anything you want. I'll just leave what I've worked for my whole life. F that. While you're at it, there's my wife, have her too. What utter nonsense not defending one's own property and family. Well, we really didn't think you were in harms way and we're the government.
And thus why I would never live in NJ. This is like going back to the 1700's. Sure British soldiers, come on in and take anything you want. I'll just leave what I've worked for my whole life. F that. While you're at it, there's my wife, have her too. What utter nonsense not defending one's own property and family. Well, we really didn't think you were in harms way and we're the government.
One of the mods is a freedom fighter! Who knew? LOL.
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I never assumed it was hot. Nor did the police. The police said the investigation is continuing. Well, they are not going to charge the dead guy, are they? So what WOULD they still be investigating? WTF is left for them to investigate once they have said it is self defense? Ownership of the gun and ownership of the PS3. What else do you have, since you have such a deep understanding of how it is in a sketchy neighborhood in Baton Rouge? Why did they let him in the car?
I didn't assume anything here. That's the point. You asked the what if on the merchandise. I didn't assume a sketchy neighborhood or hot merchandise. The question was why didn't they meet out in public. Well, what is your public vs theirs?
I never assumed it was hot. Nor did the police. The police said the investigation is continuing. Well, they are not going to charge the dead guy, are they? So what WOULD they still be investigating? WTF is left for them to investigate once they have said it is self defense? Ownership of the gun and ownership of the PS3. What else do you have, since you have such a deep understanding of how it is in a sketchy neighborhood in Baton Rouge? Why did they let him in the car?

Your fighting the ‘common sense’ crowd dontcha know? Everyone lives like this.
One of the mods is a freedom fighter! Who knew? LOL.
And when you have nothing but your agenda, you mock. I expected more. See I didn't assume hot, bad neighborhoods, or anything regarding the SEC. I also didn't mock anyone. So try again.
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And when you have nothing but your agenda, you mock. I expected more. See I didn't assume hot, bad neighborhoods, or anything regarding the SEC. I also didn't mock anyone. So try again.

Agenda? This from the person who thinks ‘anti-gun’ and ‘common sense’ are conflicting ideologies. Please stop.
And when you have nothing but your agenda, you mock. I expected more. See I didn't assume hot, bad neighborhoods, or anything regarding the SEC. I also didn't mock anyone. So try again.
LOL. You only wrote off an entire state based on a 3d hand version of a cops analysis of the law.
And when you have nothing but your agenda, you mock. I expected more. See I didn't assume hot, bad neighborhoods, or anything regarding the SEC. I also didn't mock anyone. So try again.
BTW, I probably own more guns than you. But I am not a member of the National Russian association, so I guess that makes me biased.
Anti-gun vs Common Sense? LOL. Biased revealed - you should have kept quiet given this compromises your ability to be impartial as a MOD.
Being a mod has nothing to do with this but nice try. I don't know why some keep using that. Mods have every right to post their opinions. We actually pay for the site as well. So back to the agenda, it's pretty clear. This is about the law. This is about waiting for facts and not assuming regarding ownership of property, or the neighborhood. What's normal for some isn't normal for others. Damn near every friend I have out West carries for legitimate reasons due to their lifestyle. Around where I live in NC, lots do as well. Never an issue. Personally, I rarely carry and I work on guns daily in my shop. I'm also not a fan of CC inside public places. So what's that make me? A radical gun owner does it? I think not. The inner city is a different world where many of these kids live and grew up. It is their way of life. The fact is, you pull a gun on someone that's on you not someone defending themselves. And where many of these kids grew up, you pull a gun, you know what's coming back. That's the sad reality of their world. All the laws in the world haven't changed any of that.
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Being a mod has nothing to do with this but nice try. I don't know why some keep using that. Mods have every right to post their opinions. We actually pay for the site as well. So back to the agenda, it's pretty clear. This is about the law. This is about waiting for facts and not assuming regarding ownership of property, or the neighborhood. What's normal for some isn't normal for others. Damn near every friend I have out West carries for legitimate reasons due to their lifestyle. Around where I live in NC, lots do as well. Never an issue. Personally, I rarely carry and I work on guns daily in my shop. I'm also not a fan of CC inside public places. So what's that make me? A radical gun owner does it? I think not. The inner city is a different world where many of these kids live and grew up. It is their way of life. The fact is, you pull a gun on someone that's on you not someone defending themselves. And where many of these kids grew up, you pull a gun, you know what's coming back. That's the sad reality of their world. All the laws in the world haven't changed any of that.
So, were they in the inner city? You seemed to be rather contemptuous of my notion that it was kind of a sketchy area.
BTW, I probably own more guns than you. But I am not a member of the National Russian association, so I guess that makes me biased.
See, that's why I don't take you seriously. Yeah, the Russians own the NRA. Good grief.
Being a mod has nothing to do with this but nice try. I don't know why some keep using that. Mods have every right to post their opinions. We actually pay for the site as well. So back to the agenda, it's pretty clear. This is about the law. This is about waiting for facts and not assuming regarding ownership of property, or the neighborhood. What's normal for some isn't normal for others. Damn near every friend I have out West carries for legitimate reasons due to their lifestyle. Around where I live in NC, lots do as well. Never an issue. Personally, I rarely carry and I work on guns daily in my shop. I'm also not a fan of CC inside public places. So what's that make me? A radical gun owner does it? I think not. The inner city is a different world where many of these kids live and grew up. It is their way of life. The fact is, you pull a gun on someone that's on you not someone defending themselves. And where many of these kids grew up, you pull a gun, you know what's coming back. That's the sad reality of their world. All the laws in the world haven't changed any of that.

Waiting for facts? Good idea. Let’s do that. Or is it too late since we’ve crowned them heroes?
So, were they in the inner city? You seemed to be rather contemptuous of my notion that it was kind of a sketchy area.
Wasn't you. It was stated a more public area. I simply said what's public to one isn't public to another. Sketchy to one is normal life for another. I live in the country. It's beautiful to me. To others I live in podunk land. I've lived in big cities, I'll pass.
Being a mod has nothing to do with this but nice try. I don't know why some keep using that. Mods have every right to post their opinions. We actually pay for the site as well. So back to the agenda, it's pretty clear. This is about the law. This is about waiting for facts and not assuming regarding ownership of property, or the neighborhood. What's normal for some isn't normal for others. Damn near every friend I have out West carries for legitimate reasons due to their lifestyle. Around where I live in NC, lots do as well. Never an issue. Personally, I rarely carry and I work on guns daily in my shop. I'm also not a fan of CC inside public places. So what's that make me? A radical gun owner does it? I think not. The inner city is a different world where many of these kids live and grew up. It is their way of life. The fact is, you pull a gun on someone that's on you not someone defending themselves. And where many of these kids grew up, you pull a gun, you know what's coming back. That's the sad reality of their world. All the laws in the world haven't changed any of that.
There's a lot of stuff you have assumed as well. Who are the witnesses who have told the story about what happened there? Oh yeah, the survivors. Have the police traced the ownership of the gun used by the "robber." OK, who owns it? Where did the PS3 come from? Do you know? Why would you assume you know?
Waiting for facts? Good idea. Let’s do that. Or is it too late since we’ve crowned them heroes?
Hmmmm. Like that little strategy of yours. We've crowned them heroes? Who said that and who is We've? Not me, but again, nice try.
There's a lot of stuff you have assumed as well. Who are the witnesses who have told the story about what happened there? Oh yeah, the survivors. Have the police traced the ownership of the gun used by the "robber." OK, who owns it? Where did the PS3 come from? Do you know? Why would you assume you know?

Common sense bruh...

To sum this up:

"I wasn't there and I don't know what happened, but I have made up my mind, and if you disagree, you're wrong- and probably a bad person, too."
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There's a lot of stuff you have assumed as well. Who are the witnesses who have told the story about what happened there? Oh yeah, the survivors. Have the police traced the ownership of the gun used by the "robber." OK, who owns it? Where did the PS3 come from? Do you know? Why would you assume you know?
Show me where I've assumed any of what you said? I never said anything about the police statements or an ongoing investigation. I didn't say anything about where it came from. I asked why do people assume it could be hot? I didn't say a word about ownership of the gun on either side or where they came from.
Hmmmm. Like that little strategy of yours. We've crowned them heroes? Who said that and who is We've? Not me, but again, nice try.

I can’t read the thread for you. As for strategy, I like yours - classic confuse/misdirect is always a winner here.
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Show me where I've assumed any of what you said? I never said anything about the police statements or an ongoing investigation. I didn't say anything about where it came from. I asked why do people assume it could be hot? I didn't say a word about ownership of the gun on either side or where they came from.

Because it COULD BE hot. Jesus.
Show me where I've assumed any of what you said? I never said anything about the police statements or an ongoing investigation. I didn't say anything about where it came from. I asked why do people assume it could be hot? I didn't say a word about ownership of the gun on either side or where they came from.
So, until we understand what the answers are to those questions, we cannot know what the cops have found as they continue their investigation.
Because it COULD BE hot. Jesus.

Funny that assuming the item is or could be stolen is unimaginable, but assuming the person they invited into their car (super normal by the way) is a calculating thug whose only purpose in being there was to rob them is above reproach. Especially since, you know, scholarship athletes would never exaggerate the truth and local police have no agendas or bias. Look - this could have went down exactly like they said; it’ll be hard to prove otherwise. But, if you’re not asking any questions about super obvious plot holes, you clearly have an agenda.
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This is too funny. I haven't assumed a damn thing. I never said anything regarding the police, not once. Never said a word about any investigation. I actually asked why people assumed anything in this situation regarding ownership of the PS3 and environment. The police will investigate and the prosecution will decide to press charges or not.
Show me where I've assumed any of what you said? I never said anything about the police statements or an ongoing investigation. I didn't say anything about where it came from. I asked why do people assume it could be hot? I didn't say a word about ownership of the gun on either side or where they came from.
You have assumed the players are telling the truth. You have therefore assumed the dead guy was robbing them. You have assumed the dead guy brought a gun to the scene, and tried to rob them. You are assuming the PS3 is not hot, though even the police have not said that.
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This is too funny. I haven't assumed a damn thing. I never said anything regarding the police, not once. Never said a word about any investigation. I actually asked why people assumed anything in this situation regarding ownership of the PS3 and environment. The police will investigate and the prosecution will decide to press charges or not.
All I have said is they need to check it out, and we cannot assume they are heroes, yet several people here have called them heroes. You say we are assuming things, but we are reading a story that says the investigation continues, so we are NOT concluding that they are heroes./
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This is too funny. I haven't assumed a damn thing. I never said anything regarding the police, not once. Never said a word about any investigation. I actually asked why people assumed anything in this situation regarding ownership of the PS3 and environment. The police will investigate and the prosecution will decide to press charges or not.

You also said anti-gun is the opposite of common sense. Just own it.
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You also said anti-gun is the opposite of common sense. Just own it.
Own that? On what planet and what utopia does that exist? Yeah, lay down your weapons has always brought peace and prosperity, just ask the Tibetans. Lmao. Tell that to the folks that live out and can't depend on police. Got it.
Own that? On what planet and what utopia does that exist? Yeah, lay down your weapons has always brought peace and prosperity, just ask the Tibetans. Lmao. Tell that to the folks that live out and can't depend on police. Got it.
Lots of very sensible people are anti-your view of the value of guns.
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You also said anti-gun is the opposite of common sense. Just own it.
That's also not what I said, but again nice try. Do you always twist peoples words? I said you can tell who is anti gun vs common sense. No, not the same. I'm anti gun in a number instances. Public places or say people with mental issues. I'm also for full background checks and always have been. See, crazy person here.
Own that? On what planet and what utopia does that exist? Yeah, lay down your weapons has always brought peace and prosperity, just ask the Tibetans. Lmao. Tell that to the folks that live out and can't depend on police. Got it.

No one said lay down your weapons. Nice try though (am I doing it right?).