Boy! You make the "newer generation of fans" sound like a bunch of soft, flabby, fragile, frail, spoiled, and pampered wimps.
Seems to me all those "newer generation of fans" sitting in the Student Section every week on those "18' metal bleachers" singing "Sweet Caroline" and "Livin On a Prayer" are enjoying themselves just fine. They seem to be having just as much fun, if not more, than we did. And that's rooting for a team that isn't in the same Universe to being as good as the teams we got to root for.
I have no problem improving the concessions and the restrooms if you want to. I never eat anything inside the Stadium anyway. Just buy those overpriced $4 dollar bottles of water.
As far as the restrooms go, they aren't the worst ones I've ever been in in a football stadium. I don't think I've ever gone into one of the restrooms at the Beav and thought to myself "Gee, I wish this was a nicer restroom."
If it rains outside, and the floors are wet because thousands of people have been walking on it with wet shoes or boots, I just chalk that up as a result of nature. As another poster insinuated, in the 250 or more games I've been to there, I don't think I have ever seen water backed up from a drain in a bathroom. Not saying it never happened, but I've never seen it.
Improving the restrooms and concessions......? No problem if you want to. We might actually make more money if the concessions are improved. But don't EVER reduce the seating capacity or make the configuration less intimidating!!!! That's why people like me shell out the money for season tickets every year. To be part of the biggest, baddest, and loudest House of Horrors for opposing teams on the Planet!!!!