125: Suriano vs. Tim Lambert (#3 vs. #5, from InterMat)
Per. 1:
Lots of tie-ups to start. Nothing thru 1 min. Lambert shoots, Suriano sprawls, nothing. Nothing thru 1:30. Suriano shoots and Lambert sprawls, nothing. Suriano tried a single but blocked. Collar ties. Scoreless
Per 2:
Lambert defers, and Suriano takes bottom. Nick is out quickly, 1-0. Suriano drives in on a double for the TD, 3-0. Lambert tries to peel out, and they go OOB with 1:30 left. Lambert up, gets broken down to knees, up again, and is out, 3-1. 29 sec of RT for Suriano. Stalemate with 28 sec left. End
Per 3:
Lambert takes bottom. Caution on Suriano. Lambert tries to stand, and gets out, 3-2. RT at 40 sec. Tie ups, underhooks, etc. 1 min left. Suriano in on a head inside single, Lambert fighting, and it's finally stopped for potentially dangerous. Stall warning on Suriano with 10 sec left.
3-2 win for Suriano
PSU 3, Nebraska 0