

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
As I was watching the CWS a strange and bewildering sensation overcame me and I am puzzled as to what to make of it.

I found myself enjoying Michigan winning. Anybody else find themselves rooting for Michigan to win the CWS and maybe feeling slightly dirty for doing so?
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As I was watching the CWS a strange and bewildering sensation overcame me and I am puzzled as to what to make of it.

I found myself enjoying Michigan winning. Anybody else find themselves rooting for Michigan to win the CWS and maybe feeling slightly dirty for doing so?
Only slightly dirty?
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As I was watching the CWS a strange and bewildering sensation overcame me and I am puzzled as to what to make of it.

I found myself enjoying Michigan winning. Anybody else find themselves rooting for Michigan to win the CWS and maybe feeling slightly dirty for doing so?
Putting aside that Michigan can't actually "win" the Chicago White Sox, you should maybe consider repenting.
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I have! On both of those accounts (rooting for them and feeling slightly dirty).

One device I've found that helps in the latter department is the old adage the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Conference allegiances can be annoying at times, but for college baseball I'm all in on my yankee northerner bit, and Michigan >>>>> the Ess Eee See
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Always want the B1G to win out of conference, all sports. Having a strong conference for athletics is important, big picture, in so many ways, some tangible, some not. Yes, I'm rooting Michigan.
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Franklin is at the game tonight with the vandy coaches families