Remember what you were doing when Jason Nolf shocked IMAR?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
I'm thinking Nolf Imar I was on this same weekend last year. I remember the day very well. Central PA had just been buried with snow the Friday before the match. I have an annual trip on this weekend, and I was outside unburying my car the Saturday of the match - with hopes that I could get a flight out on Sunday morning.

I was finishing up the shoveling when I received a very frantic text from a friend, asking if I was watching the PSU Illinois match. I responded that I was recording it, and would be going in shortly to watch. He responded, 'Dude, stop what you're doing right now, and go in and turn it on.'. I hustled in to turn it on. When Nolf got the fall, I was so excited I almost hit my head on the ceiling. Good times!! :). Hoping this weekend has no snow, and more great PSU wrestling memories.

Just in case anyone was wondering.... No I don't have a snow blower. No, my flight didn't make it out on Sunday. But wow, what a memorable weekend.
Watching the match on TV, I was sitting on the edge of my couch, probably looking a lot like this...


Then like this...

Then this...

And this...

Then suddenly, this...

Some of this...

And this...

Definitely a bunch of this...

And at last, like this...


And this...

Heck, I was so excited I had to strip down and jump into the pond out back to cool off...

Still pumped, I decided to have my own press conference to unload the rest of my feelings...

And then celebrated with some cold ones for a few hours and into the night...

And that was pretty much my day! Don't ask why I had to change outfits so much....
I was on a bus ride home from a tournament. Specifically told the wrestlers on the bus that I didn't want any spoilers. One jerk screams from the back of the bus, "CD, did you hear Nolf pinned IMAR?" And I still haven't forgiven him, to this day.
Thanks for ruining my morning.
I was on a bus ride home from a tournament. Specifically told the wrestlers on the bus that I didn't want any spoilers. One jerk screams from the back of the bus, "CD, did you hear Nolf pinned IMAR?" And I still haven't forgiven him, to this day.
Thanks for ruining my morning.
I wouldn't either.

Man foul of the highest order.
I'm thinking Nolf Imar I was on this same weekend last year. I remember the day very well. Central PA had just been buried with snow the Friday before the match. I have an annual trip on this weekend, and I was outside unburying my car the Saturday of the match - with hopes that I could get a flight out on Sunday morning.

BTW, pretty good memory on the timeframe. The PSU - Illini match took place on Jan. 23 (a Saturday), was broadcast on BTN, and started at 4 pm EST.
Watched the match at home.

Before the match started I was excited - thought it was going to be a good one, that Jason might be able to win if he wrestled his match and not IMar's. Then he comes out in the first period and he gets the first takedown. Great start - tacks on some riding time, then IMar gets out and responds. He gets out and it's tied. After the first it was "OK he is in the match"

The second he steps up the pace. Picks up the escape then the extra point. Thinking now that it's going to be tight but his tempo is right, he can REALLY win this one. So now I'm into it. I think I'm standing and pacing at this point. Lots of pushing on the screen.

IMar tries to duck and Nolf stuffs it. They center. IMar leaves the ankle open to a reshot and Nolf grabs it, there's like 20 seconds left. I'm thinking, awesome, get a TD, widen the gap going into the third. That could "seal" it the way they were wrestling. He steps over and gets the cradle and I jump. That's two and backs. All of a sudden his arm is trapped. That's four points. Jason's got it now.

Then there's some rocking, and it a split second IMar looks settled and the ref taps the mat. I think I ran into the kitchen screaming. Hands were glued to my head for a couple of minutes and my mouth just open in shock.

Amazing match.
Sitting on my couch, totally snowed in, nursing a back injury after trying to shovel 3+ ft of snow just off a stress fracture in my foot. Still managed to jump up and yell loud enough to scare the crap out of my almost 2 year-old when the ref slapped the mat.

"Daddy happy?"
Yes kiddo, Daddy very happy
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This kid Nolf is good! We need to pull his shirt. The team is going to need his points in March. And I can already hear the namby pambies whining, "the shirt's already pulled over; it can''t pull over any further..." Bullsh*t! I say if it worked once, keep doing it until it stops working. PULL NOLF'S SHIRT NOW! :)
Charlize Theron and I (I call her Char usually) we're having a late lunch. She started playing footsie with me under the table and I told her to cool it until we got home - she gets that way after a few Kir Royales.

Anyway, our driver picks us up outside and breaks the news on Nolf's pin. I contentedly smile while Char says - "Wow, Nolf kicks so much ass"

"That he does, Charlize, that he does."

Anyway - I caught Jim and Tim's call of it later that night after I ravished her.
Charlize Theron and I (I call her Char usually) we're having a late lunch. ...
I had just finished a job, and was putting the files, or "Ark", away for safekeeping when the cell phone rang and someone asked me to look into finding a cup or mug for him. I think he called it a "grail". Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nolf pin IMar. Just another ho hum day, I guess.
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... "CD, did you hear Nolf pinned IMAR?" ...
It would have been so much better if the person had yelled, "did you hear IMAR pinned Nolf?" Then you'd've gotten the surprise of your life when you watched the recording.

Also, you are CropDuster CD in real life, too? What are you, in the witness protection program? :)
Was watching it on BTN. Jumped so high in the air I almost hit the ceiling. Had taped it too so went back and watched the match about 100 times. One of the happiest moments in PSU wrestling history!
For sure. And even the intentional word swap was a nice touch for us to enjoy. Have a great weekend! Au Reservoir!
Cept it wasn't an intentional word swap, nor was it a spell-check modification, just a failure in my upbringing and education. Seriously, you shouldn't be learning things like this at middle age on a forum about wrestling...but here I am! :) But look at the bright side. If I ever give anyone shit (no pun intended) on here, you have all the firepower needed to knock me out.
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Well let's just say that I had to replace a few ceiling tiles the next day. Fat white guys can jump given the right incentive.
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... do you think 21GUN(S) "doctor" is just sketching ponies?
Whoa! There is probably a pop culture reference in there that's going over my head.

I'm feeling the anticipation on this list now. Everyone's all hanging out here, with no wrestling to watch or listen to yet. Just making small talk.
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Whoa! There is probably a pop culture reference in there that's going over my head.

I'm feeling the anticipation on this list now. Everyone's all hanging out here, with no wrestling to watch or listen to yet. Just making small talk.

I heard he got a letter from the IRS and the agent quit 2 days later