Go figure - what a disgraceful lot these b1g turd BOT-bot hugging and defending trolls are. Here is the rule:
Penn State Vs. Ohio State: When A Replay Review Isn’t A Replay Review
Note what Hull does - he runs forward INTO the "Neutral Zone" (e.g., the LOS), plants his left foot and jumps in the GAP between tO$U's C and LG. After he jumps by planting and jumping off his left foot IN THE NEUTRAL ZONE and is in the air heading for the gap between tO$U's C and LG, tO$U's LG pushes into the right side of Hull's extended body causing his trajectory to be shifted in midair. Hull clearly did not violate the provisions of the rule above - any of them if it is read objectively rather than with a bias to attempt to justify an absurd call created from whole clothe by b1g turd officials (e.g., what Hull did happens every time a "place kick" - e.g., FG or EP - is attempted) - note what the main provision says, Hull did not violate it given that his jump was made in the neutral zone and was not assisted by any other player. Not only that but provisions 2 and 3 both clearly state that what Hull did IS NOT A PENALTY. The only way a party could post that rule after watching the video and claim it "clearly demonstrates that Hull violated the rule" is if they are a ragging LIAR and defender of the indefensible, the b1g turd's clearly bull$hit call on this play, because if the b1g turd officials really thought what Hull did was a penalty they would have thrown a FLAG ON EVERY SINGLE FG OR EXTRA POINT ATTEMPT IN THE GAME (because a player legally does what Hull did on that play on every single Place Kick Attempt!), but they didn't - they only threw it on conversion where they knew tO$U would be getting the ball back on the next possession due to OT rules and the BS call would set tO$U up at the 12 yard line in the second OT rather than the 25.
Article 11
b. No defensive player who runs forward from beyond the neutral zone and leaps from beyond the neutral zone in an obvious attempt to block a field goal or try may land on any player(s).
Here is the video - see link below:Article 11
b. No defensive player who runs forward from beyond the neutral zone and leaps from beyond the neutral zone in an obvious attempt to block a field goal or try may land on any player(s).
- It is not a foul if the player was aligned in a stationary position within one yard of the line of scrimmage when the ball was snapped.
- It is not a foul if the player leaps from in or behind the neutral zone.
- It is not a foul if an offensive player initiates contact against the player who leaps.
Penn State Vs. Ohio State: When A Replay Review Isn’t A Replay Review
Note what Hull does - he runs forward INTO the "Neutral Zone" (e.g., the LOS), plants his left foot and jumps in the GAP between tO$U's C and LG. After he jumps by planting and jumping off his left foot IN THE NEUTRAL ZONE and is in the air heading for the gap between tO$U's C and LG, tO$U's LG pushes into the right side of Hull's extended body causing his trajectory to be shifted in midair. Hull clearly did not violate the provisions of the rule above - any of them if it is read objectively rather than with a bias to attempt to justify an absurd call created from whole clothe by b1g turd officials (e.g., what Hull did happens every time a "place kick" - e.g., FG or EP - is attempted) - note what the main provision says, Hull did not violate it given that his jump was made in the neutral zone and was not assisted by any other player. Not only that but provisions 2 and 3 both clearly state that what Hull did IS NOT A PENALTY. The only way a party could post that rule after watching the video and claim it "clearly demonstrates that Hull violated the rule" is if they are a ragging LIAR and defender of the indefensible, the b1g turd's clearly bull$hit call on this play, because if the b1g turd officials really thought what Hull did was a penalty they would have thrown a FLAG ON EVERY SINGLE FG OR EXTRA POINT ATTEMPT IN THE GAME (because a player legally does what Hull did on that play on every single Place Kick Attempt!), but they didn't - they only threw it on conversion where they knew tO$U would be getting the ball back on the next possession due to OT rules and the BS call would set tO$U up at the 12 yard line in the second OT rather than the 25.